NAME Catalyst::Plugin::Email - (DEPRECATED) Send emails with Catalyst SYNOPSIS # please use Email::MIME::Kit or Catalyst::View::Email::Template instead use Catalyst 'Email'; __PACKAGE__->config->{email} = [qw/SMTP]; $c->email( header => [ From => '', To => '', Subject => 'Hello!' ], body => 'Hello sri' ); DESCRIPTION Send emails with Catalyst and Email::Send and Email::MIME::Creator. USING WITH A VIEW A common practice is to handle emails using the same template language used for HTML pages. This can be accomplished by pairing this plugin with Catalyst::Plugin::SubRequest. Here is a short example of rendering an email from a Template Toolkit source file. The call to $c->subreq makes an internal call to the render_email method just like an external call from a browser. The request will pass through the end method to be processed by your View class. sub send_email : Local { my ( $self, $c ) = @_; $c->email( header => [ To => 'me@localhost', Subject => 'A TT Email', ], body => $c->subreq( '/render_email' ), ); # redirect or display a message } sub render_email : Local { my ( $self, $c ) = @_; $c->stash( names => [ qw/andyg sri mst/ ], template => '', ); } And the template: [%- FOREACH name IN names -%] Hi, [% name %]! [%- END -%] -- Regards, Us Output: Hi, andyg! Hi, sri! Hi, mst! -- Regards, Us METHODS email SEE ALSO Catalyst, Catalyst::Plugin::SubRequest, Email::Send, Email::MIME::Creator AUTHOR Sebastian Riedel, "" COPYRIGHT This program is free software, you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.