=head1 NAME Catalyst::Manual::Cookbook - Cooking with Catalyst =head1 DESCRIPTION Yummy code like your mum used to bake! =head1 RECIPES =head1 Basics These recipes cover some basic stuff that is worth knowing for Catalyst developers. =head2 Delivering a Custom Error Page By default, Catalyst will display its own error page whenever it encounters an error in your application. When running under C<-Debug> mode, the error page is a useful screen including the error message and L output of the relevant parts of the C<$c> context object. When not in C<-Debug>, users see a simple "Please come back later" screen. To use a custom error page, use a special C method to short-circuit the error processing. The following is an example; you might want to adjust it further depending on the needs of your application (for example, any calls to C will probably need to go into this C method; see L). sub end : Private { my ( $self, $c ) = @_; if ( scalar @{ $c->error } ) { $c->stash->{errors} = $c->error; for my $error ( @{ $c->error } ) { $c->log->error($error); } $c->stash->{template} = 'errors.tt'; $c->forward('MyApp::View::TT'); $c->clear_errors; } return 1 if $c->response->status =~ /^3\d\d$/; return 1 if $c->response->body; unless ( $c->response->content_type ) { $c->response->content_type('text/html; charset=utf-8'); } $c->forward('MyApp::View::TT'); } You can manually set errors in your code to trigger this page by calling $c->error( 'You broke me!' ); =head2 Disable statistics Just add this line to your application class if you don't want those nifty statistics in your debug messages. sub Catalyst::Log::info { } =head2 Enable debug status in the environment Normally you enable the debugging info by adding the C<-Debug> flag to your C statement . However, you can also enable it using environment variable, so you can (for example) get debug info without modifying your application scripts. Just set C or CMYAPPE_DEBUG> to a true value. =head2 Sessions When you have your users identified, you will want to somehow remember that fact, to save them from having to identify themselves for every single page. One way to do this is to send the username and password parameters in every single page, but that's ugly, and won't work for static pages. Sessions are a method of saving data related to some transaction, and giving the whole collection a single ID. This ID is then given to the user to return to us on every page they visit while logged in. The usual way to do this is using a browser cookie. Catalyst uses two types of plugins to represent sessions: =head3 State A State module is used to keep track of the state of the session between the users browser, and your application. A common example is the Cookie state module, which sends the browser a cookie containing the session ID. It will use default value for the cookie name and domain, so will "just work" when used. =head3 Store A Store module is used to hold all the data relating to your session, for example the users ID, or the items for their shopping cart. You can store data in memory (FastMmap), in a file (File) or in a database (DBI). =head3 Authentication magic If you have included the session modules in your application, the Authentication modules will automagically use your session to save and retrieve the user data for you. =head3 Using a session Once the session modules are loaded, the session is available as C<< $c->session >>, and can be writen to and read from as a simple hash reference. =head3 EXAMPLE package MyApp; use Moose; use namespace::autoclean; use Catalyst qw/ Session Session::Store::FastMmap Session::State::Cookie /; extends 'Catalyst'; __PACKAGE__->setup; package MyApp::Controller::Foo; use Moose; use namespace::autoclean; BEGIN { extends 'Catalyst::Controller' }; ## Write data into the session sub add_item : Local { my ( $self, $c ) = @_; my $item_id = $c->req->params->{item}; push @{ $c->session->{items} }, $item_id; } ## A page later we retrieve the data from the session: sub get_items : Local { my ( $self, $c ) = @_; $c->stash->{items_to_display} = $c->session->{items}; } =head3 More information L L L L L L =head2 Configure your application You configure your application with the C method in your application class. This can be hard-coded, or brought in from a separate configuration file. =head3 Using Config::General L is a method for creating flexible and readable configuration files. It's a great way to keep your Catalyst application configuration in one easy-to-understand location. Now create C in your application home: name MyApp # session; perldoc Catalyst::Plugin::Session::FastMmap expires 3600 rewrite 0 storage /tmp/myapp.session # emails; perldoc Catalyst::Plugin::Email # this passes options as an array :( Mail SMTP Mail localhost This is equivalent to: # configure base package __PACKAGE__->config( name => MyApp ); # configure authentication __PACKAGE__->config->{authentication} = { user_class => 'MyApp::Model::MyDB::Customer', ... }; # configure sessions __PACKAGE__->config->{session} = { expires => 3600, ... }; # configure email sending __PACKAGE__->config->{email} = [qw/SMTP localhost/]; See also L. =head1 Skipping your VCS's directories Catalyst uses Module::Pluggable to load Models, Views, and Controllers. Module::Pluggable will scan through all directories and load modules it finds. Sometimes you might want to skip some of these directories, for example when your version control system makes a subdirectory with meta-information in every version-controlled directory. While Catalyst skips subversion and CVS directories already, there are other source control systems. Here is the configuration you need to add their directories to the list to skip. You can make Catalyst skip these directories using the Catalyst config: # Configure the application __PACKAGE__->config( name => 'MyApp', setup_components => { except => qr/SCCS/ }, ); See the Module::Pluggable manual page for more information on B and other options. =head1 Users and Access Control Most multiuser, and some single-user web applications require that users identify themselves, and the application is often required to define those roles. The recipes below describe some ways of doing this. =head2 Authentication (logging in) This is extensively covered in other documentation; see in particular L and the Authentication chapter of the Tutorial at L. =head2 Pass-through login (and other actions) An easy way of having assorted actions that occur during the processing of a request that are orthogonal to its actual purpose - logins, silent commands etc. Provide actions for these, but when they're required for something else fill e.g. a form variable __login and have a sub begin like so: sub begin : Private { my ($self, $c) = @_; foreach my $action (qw/login docommand foo bar whatever/) { if ($c->req->params->{"__${action}"}) { $c->forward($action); } } } =head2 Authentication/Authorization This is done in several steps: =over 4 =item Verification Getting the user to identify themselves, by giving you some piece of information known only to you and the user. Then you can assume that the user is who they say they are. This is called B. =item Authorization Making sure the user only accesses functions you want them to access. This is done by checking the verified user's data against your internal list of groups, or allowed persons for the current page. =back =head3 Modules The Catalyst Authentication system is made up of many interacting modules, to give you the most flexibility possible. =head4 Credential verifiers A Credential module tables the user input, and passes it to a Store, or some other system, for verification. Typically, a user object is created by either this module or the Store and made accessible by a C<< $c->user >> call. Examples: Password - Simple username/password checking. HTTPD - Checks using basic HTTP auth. TypeKey - Check using the typekey system. =head3 Storage backends A Storage backend contains the actual data representing the users. It is queried by the credential verifiers. Updating the store is not done within this system; you will need to do it yourself. Examples: DBIC - Storage using a database via DBIx::Class. Minimal - Storage using a simple hash (for testing). =head3 User objects A User object is created by either the storage backend or the credential verifier, and is filled with the retrieved user information. Examples: Hash - A simple hash of keys and values. =head3 ACL authorization ACL stands for Access Control List. The ACL plugin allows you to regulate access on a path-by-path basis, by listing which users, or roles, have access to which paths. =head3 Roles authorization Authorization by roles is for assigning users to groups, which can then be assigned to ACLs, or just checked when needed. =head3 Logging in When you have chosen your modules, all you need to do is call the C<< $c->authenticate >> method. If called with no parameters, it will try to find suitable parameters, such as B and B, or you can pass it these values. =head3 Checking roles Role checking is done by using the C<< $c->check_user_roles >> method. This will check using the currently logged-in user (via C<< $c->user >>). You pass it the name of a role to check, and it returns true if the user is a member. =head3 EXAMPLE package MyApp; use Moose; use namespace::autoclean; extends qw/Catalyst/; use Catalyst qw/ Authentication Authorization::Roles /; __PACKAGE__->config( authentication => { default_realm => 'test', realms => { test => { credential => { class => 'Password', password_field => 'password', password_type => 'self_check', }, store => { class => 'Htpasswd', file => 'htpasswd', }, }, }, }, ); package MyApp::Controller::Root; use Moose; use namespace::autoclean; BEGIN { extends 'Catalyst::Controller' } __PACKAGE__->config(namespace => ''); sub login : Local { my ($self, $c) = @_; if ( my $user = $c->req->params->{user} and my $password = $c->req->param->{password} ) { if ( $c->authenticate( username => $user, password => $password ) ) { $c->res->body( "hello " . $c->user->name ); } else { # login incorrect } } else { # invalid form input } } sub restricted : Local { my ( $self, $c ) = @_; $c->detach("unauthorized") unless $c->check_user_roles( "admin" ); # do something restricted here } =head3 Using authentication in a testing environment Ideally, to write tests for authentication/authorization code one would first set up a test database with known data, then use L to simulate a user logging in. Unfortunately this can be rather awkward, which is why it's a good thing that the authentication framework is so flexible. Instead of using a test database, one can simply change the authentication store to something a bit easier to deal with in a testing environment. Additionally, this has the advantage of not modifying one's database, which can be problematic if one forgets to use the testing instead of production database. Alternatively, if you want to authenticate real users, but not have to worry about their passwords, you can use L to force all users to authenticate with a global password. =head3 More information L has a longer explanation. =head2 Authorization =head3 Introduction Authorization is the step that comes after authentication. Authentication establishes that the user agent is really representing the user we think it's representing, and then authorization determines what this user is allowed to do. =head3 Role Based Access Control Under role based access control each user is allowed to perform any number of roles. For example, at a zoo no one but specially trained personnel can enter the moose cage (Mynd you, møøse bites kan be pretty nasti!). For example: package Zoo::Controller::MooseCage; sub feed_moose : Local { my ( $self, $c ) = @_; $c->model( "Moose" )->eat( $c->req->params->{food} ); } With this action, anyone can just come into the moose cage and feed the moose, which is a very dangerous thing. We need to restrict this action, so that only a qualified moose feeder can perform that action. The Authorization::Roles plugin lets us perform role based access control checks. Let's load it: use parent qw/Catalyst/; use Catalyst qw/ Authentication Authorization::Roles /; And now our action should look like this: sub feed_moose : Local { my ( $self, $c ) = @_; if ( $c->check_roles( "moose_feeder" ) ) { $c->model( "Moose" )->eat( $c->req->params->{food} ); } else { $c->stash->{error} = "unauthorized"; } } This checks C<< $c->user >>, and only if the user has B the roles in the list, a true value is returned. C has a sister method, C, which throws an exception if any roles are missing. Some roles that might actually make sense in, say, a forum application: =over 4 =item * administrator =item * moderator =back each with a distinct task (system administration versus content administration). =head3 Access Control Lists Checking for roles all the time can be tedious and error prone. The Authorization::ACL plugin lets us declare where we'd like checks to be done automatically for us. For example, we may want to completely block out anyone who isn't a C from the entire C controller: Zoo->deny_access_unless( "/moose_cage", [qw/moose_feeder/] ); The role list behaves in the same way as C. However, the ACL plugin isn't limited to just interacting with the Roles plugin. We can use a code reference instead. For example, to allow either moose trainers or moose feeders into the moose cage, we can create a more complex check: Zoo->deny_access_unless( "/moose_cage", sub { my $c = shift; $c->check_roles( "moose_trainer" ) || $c->check_roles( "moose_feeder" ); }); The more specific a role, the earlier it will be checked. Let's say moose feeders are now restricted to only the C action, while moose trainers get access everywhere: Zoo->deny_access_unless( "/moose_cage", [qw/moose_trainer/] ); Zoo->allow_access_if( "/moose_cage/feed_moose", [qw/moose_feeder/]); When the C action is accessed the second check will be made. If the user is a C, then access will be immediately granted. Otherwise, the next rule in line will be tested - the one checking for a C. If this rule is not satisfied, access will be immediately denied. Rules applied to the same path will be checked in the order they were added. Lastly, handling access denial events is done by creating an C private action: sub access_denied : Private { my ( $self, $c, $action ) = @_; } This action works much like auto, in that it is inherited across namespaces (not like object oriented code). This means that the C action which is B to the action which was blocked will be triggered. If this action does not exist, an error will be thrown, which you can clean up in your C private action instead. Also, it's important to note that if you restrict access to "/" then C, C, etc. will also be restricted. MyApp->acl_allow_root_internals; will create rules that permit access to C, C, and C in the root of your app (but not in any other controller). =head1 Models Models are where application data belongs. Catalyst is exteremely flexible with the kind of models that it can use. The recipes here are just the start. =head2 Using existing DBIC (etc.) classes with Catalyst Many people have existing Model classes that they would like to use with Catalyst (or, conversely, they want to write Catalyst models that can be used outside of Catalyst, e.g. in a cron job). It's trivial to write a simple component in Catalyst that slurps in an outside Model: package MyApp::Model::DB; use base qw/Catalyst::Model::DBIC::Schema/; __PACKAGE__->config( schema_class => 'Some::DBIC::Schema', connect_info => ['dbi:SQLite:foo.db', '', '', {AutoCommit=>1}], ); 1; and that's it! Now C is part of your Cat app as C. =head2 DBIx::Class as a Catalyst Model See L. =head2 Create accessors to preload static data once per server instance When you have data that you want to load just once from the model at startup, instead of for each request, use mk_group_accessors to create accessors and tie them to resultsets in your package that inherits from DBIx::Class::Schema: package My::Schema; use base qw/DBIx::Class::Schema/; __PACKAGE__->register_class('RESULTSOURCEMONIKER', 'My::Schema::RESULTSOURCE'); __PACKAGE__->mk_group_accessors('simple' => qw(ACCESSORNAME1 ACCESSORNAME2 ACCESSORNAMEn)); sub connection { my ($self, @rest) = @_; $self->next::method(@rest); # $self is now a live My::Schema object, complete with DB connection $self->ACCESSORNAME1([ $self->resultset('RESULTSOURCEMONIKER')->all ]); $self->ACCESSORNAME2([ $self->resultset('RESULTSOURCEMONIKER')->search({ COLUMN => { '<' => '30' } })->all ]); $self->ACCESSORNAMEn([ $self->resultset('RESULTSOURCEMONIKER')->find(1) ]); } 1; and now in the controller, you can now access any of these without a per-request fetch: $c->stash->{something} = $c->model('My::Schema')->schema->ACCESSORNAME; =head2 XMLRPC Unlike SOAP, XMLRPC is a very simple (and elegant) web-services protocol, exchanging small XML messages like these: Request: POST /api HTTP/1.1 TE: deflate,gzip;q=0.3 Connection: TE, close Accept: text/xml Accept: multipart/* Host: User-Agent: SOAP::Lite/Perl/0.60 Content-Length: 192 Content-Type: text/xml add 1 2 Response: Connection: close Date: Tue, 20 Dec 2005 07:45:55 GMT Content-Length: 133 Content-Type: text/xml Status: 200 X-Catalyst: 5.70 3 Now follow these few steps to implement the application: 1. Install Catalyst (5.61 or later), Catalyst::Plugin::XMLRPC (0.06 or later) and SOAP::Lite (for XMLRPCsh.pl). 2. Create an application framework: % catalyst.pl MyApp ... % cd MyApp 3. Add the XMLRPC plugin to MyApp.pm use Catalyst qw/-Debug Static::Simple XMLRPC/; 4. Add an API controller % ./script/myapp_create.pl controller API 5. Add a XMLRPC redispatch method and an add method with Remote attribute to lib/MyApp/Controller/API.pm sub default :Path { my ( $self, $c ) = @_; $c->xmlrpc; } sub add : Remote { my ( $self, $c, $a, $b ) = @_; return $a + $b; } The default action is the entry point for each XMLRPC request. It will redispatch every request to methods with Remote attribute in the same class. The C method is not a traditional action; it has no private or public path. Only the XMLRPC dispatcher knows it exists. 6. That's it! You have built your first web service. Let's test it with XMLRPCsh.pl (part of SOAP::Lite): % ./script/myapp_server.pl ... % XMLRPCsh.pl Usage: method[(parameters)] > add( 1, 2 ) --- XMLRPC RESULT --- '3' =head3 Tip Your return data type is usually auto-detected, but you can easily enforce a specific one. sub add : Remote { my ( $self, $c, $a, $b ) = @_; return RPC::XML::int->new( $a + $b ); } =head1 Views Views pertain to the display of your application. As with models, Catalyst is uncommonly flexible. The recipes below are just a start. =head2 Catalyst::View::TT One of the first things you probably want to do when starting a new Catalyst application is set up your View. Catalyst doesn't care how you display your data; you can choose to generate HTML, PDF files, or plain text if you wanted. Most Catalyst applications use a template system to generate their HTML, and though there are several template systems available, L