use strict; use warnings; use 5.006; my %META = ( name => 'Catalyst-Manual', license => 'perl_5', author => [ 'Catalyst Contributors, see', 'Kieren Diment ', ], dynamic_config => 0, resources => { repository => { url => '', web => '', type => 'git', }, bugtracker => { mailto => '', web => '', }, x_IRC => 'irc://', x_MailingList => '', }, # perl -MData::Dumper -e'$Data::Dumper::Indent = $Data::Dumper::Terse = $Data::Dumper::Trailingcomma = 1; print Dumper([map /^\s*\d+\s+(.*)/, `git shortlog -e -s -n`]);' x_contributors => [ 'Kennedy Clark ', 'Tomas Doran ', 'Kieren Diment ', 'Karen Etheridge ', 'Graham Knop ', 'Jonathan Rockway ', 'Jesse Sheidlower ', 'Brian Cassidy ', 'Caleb Cushing ', 'Dan Dascalescu ', 'Rafael Kitover ', 'Jason Felds ', 'Frederik Schwarzer ', 'Jonathan Yu ', 'Breno G. de Oliveira ', 'Lars Dɪᴇᴄᴋᴏᴡ 迪拉斯 ', 'Matt S Trout ', 'Florian Ragwitz ', 'Jess Robinson ', 'Matthew Horsfall ', 'Andrew Rodland ', 'Artem Konev ', 'Eden Cardim ', 'Justin Hunter ', 'Ricardo Signes ', 'Robert \'phaylon\' Sedlacek ', 'Shlomi Fish ', 'antgel ', 'Alexander Hartmaier ', 'Andreas Marienborg ', 'Dagfinn Ilmari Mannsåker ', 'Gerda Shank ', 'Ian Wells ', 'Jay Hannah ', 'Jay Kuri ', 'Mark A. Stratman ', 'Mateu X. Hunter ', 'Nick Tonkin <>', 'Peter Karman ', 'Wes Sheldahl ', 'Alastair McGowan-Douglas ', 'Andy Grundman ', 'Ash Berlin ', 'David Schmidt ', 'David Steinbrunner ', 'Dominic Humphries ', 'Edwin de Graaf ', 'Eisenberger Tamás ', 'Eric A. Zarko ', 'Iñigo Tejedor Arrondo ', 'Jonathan "Duke" Leto ', 'Jonathan Otsuka ', 'Kartik Thakore ', 'Kostya Ten ', 'Lilly An ', 'Marcus Ramberg ', 'Matthias Dietrich ', 'Paul Waring ', 'Ronald J Kimball ', 'Tom Feist ', 'Ton Voon ', 'Zsolt Zemancsik ', 'kmx ', ], prereqs => { configure => { requires => { 'ExtUtils::MakeMaker' => '0', }, }, runtime => { requires => { perl => '5.006', }, }, test => { requires => { 'Test::More' => '0.88', }, }, develop => { requires => { 'Pod::Simple' => '3.11', # L support 'Test::Pod' => '1.14', 'Test::Pod::Coverage' => '1.04', }, }, }, ); my %MM_ARGS = (); ## BOILERPLATE ############################################################### require ExtUtils::MakeMaker; (do './maint/Makefile.PL.include' or die $@) unless -f 'META.yml'; # have to do this since old EUMM dev releases miss the eval $VERSION line my $eumm_version = eval $ExtUtils::MakeMaker::VERSION; my $mymeta = $eumm_version >= 6.57_02; my $mymeta_broken = $mymeta && $eumm_version < 6.57_07; ($MM_ARGS{NAME} = $META{name}) =~ s/-/::/g; ($MM_ARGS{VERSION_FROM} = "lib/$MM_ARGS{NAME}.pm") =~ s{::}{/}g; $META{license} = [ $META{license} ] if $META{license} && !ref $META{license}; $MM_ARGS{LICENSE} = $META{license}[0] if $META{license} && $eumm_version >= 6.30; $MM_ARGS{NO_MYMETA} = 1 if $mymeta_broken; $MM_ARGS{META_ADD} = { 'meta-spec' => { version => 2 }, %META } unless -f 'META.yml'; $MM_ARGS{PL_FILES} ||= {}; $MM_ARGS{NORECURS} = 1 if not exists $MM_ARGS{NORECURS}; for (qw(configure build test runtime)) { my $key = $_ eq 'runtime' ? 'PREREQ_PM' : uc $_.'_REQUIRES'; my $r = $MM_ARGS{$key} = { %{$META{prereqs}{$_}{requires} || {}}, %{delete $MM_ARGS{$key} || {}}, }; defined $r->{$_} or delete $r->{$_} for keys %$r; } $MM_ARGS{MIN_PERL_VERSION} = delete $MM_ARGS{PREREQ_PM}{perl} || 0; delete $MM_ARGS{MIN_PERL_VERSION} if $eumm_version < 6.47_01; $MM_ARGS{BUILD_REQUIRES} = {%{$MM_ARGS{BUILD_REQUIRES}}, %{delete $MM_ARGS{TEST_REQUIRES}}} if $eumm_version < 6.63_03; $MM_ARGS{PREREQ_PM} = {%{$MM_ARGS{PREREQ_PM}}, %{delete $MM_ARGS{BUILD_REQUIRES}}} if $eumm_version < 6.55_01; delete $MM_ARGS{CONFIGURE_REQUIRES} if $eumm_version < 6.51_03; ExtUtils::MakeMaker::WriteMakefile(%MM_ARGS); ## END BOILERPLATE ###########################################################