use strict; use warnings; use inc::Module::Install 0.91; use Module::Install::AuthorRequires; use Module::Install::AuthorTests; name 'Catalyst-Devel'; all_from 'lib/Catalyst/'; requires 'Moose'; requires 'MooseX::Emulate::Class::Accessor::Fast'; requires 'File::ShareDir'; requires 'namespace::clean'; requires 'namespace::autoclean'; requires 'Catalyst' => '5.90001'; requires 'Catalyst::Action::RenderView' => '0.10'; requires 'Catalyst::Plugin::Static::Simple' => '0.28'; requires 'Catalyst::Plugin::ConfigLoader' => '0.30'; requires 'Config::General' => '2.42'; # as of 1.07, we use .conf and not .yaml requires 'File::ChangeNotify' => '0.07'; requires 'File::Copy::Recursive'; requires 'Path::Class' => '0.09'; requires 'Template' => '2.14'; requires 'MooseX::Daemonize'; # Optional in scripts requires 'Starman'; # Optional in scripts # The Catalyst applications this module distribution have a Makefile.PL using # Module::Install as well as the Module::Install::Catalyst extension included in # this distribution. Therefore we really *depend* on Module::Install to be # installed, even though we also use it to build this distribution and include # it in its inc/ directory for releases. requires 'Module::Install' => '0.91'; author_requires 'IPC::Run3'; author_requires 'Module::Info'; author_requires 'File::Find::Rule'; test_requires 'Test::More' => '0.94'; test_requires 'Test::Fatal' => '0.003'; install_share 'share'; author_tests 't/author'; if ( $^O eq 'MSWin32' ) { # Proc::Background needs this on Win32 but doesn't actually # require it, if it's missing it just dies in the Makefile.PL. requires 'Win32::Process' => '0.04'; requires 'Proc::Background'; } if (!$ENV{CATALYST_DEVEL_NO_510_CHECK}) { use Symbol 'gensym'; use IPC::Open3; use File::Spec; open NULL, '>', File::Spec->devnull; my $err = gensym; my $pid = open3(gensym, '&>NULL', $err, "$^X -It/lib -MUnknownError -e 1"); my $unknown_error = 0; while (<$err>) { $unknown_error = 1 if /^Unknown error/; } waitpid $pid, 0; if ($unknown_error) { warn <= 5.009_005 && can_use('Class::C3') && !can_use('Class::C3', 0.20)) { requires 'Class::C3' => '0.20'; } auto_install; WriteAll; if ($Module::Install::AUTHOR) { Meta->{values}{resources} = [ [ 'MailingList' => '' ], [ 'IRC' => 'irc://' ], [ 'license', => '' ], [ 'homepage', => ''], [ 'repository', => 'git://' ], ]; Meta->{values}{requires} = [ grep { $_->[0] ne 'Class::C3' } @{ Meta->{values}{requires} } ]; Meta->write; }