2014-02-28 Jason Mills define plan for new test
2014-02-28 Jason Mills fixes https://rt.cpan.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=93432
2014-02-28 Jason Mills add bug fix todos to Changes v0.05_r1
2014-02-28 Jason Mills Version 0.05 change entry v0.04
2014-02-28 Jason Mills add .idea directory
2014-02-28 Jason Mills dzil builds dists now
2014-02-28 Jason Mills ignore idea project files
2014-02-28 Jason Mills dist.ini should be pretty robust at this point
2014-02-28 Jason Mills move author tests to where they belong
2014-02-28 Jason Mills comment VERSION number in favor of Dist::Zilla management
2014-02-28 Jason Mills update prereqs
2014-02-28 Jason Mills don't need MANIFEST.SKIP anymore either
2014-02-28 Jason Mills initial dist.ini rewrite
2014-02-28 Jason Mills move the file for conversation
2009-01-28 Jason M. Mills Added dist readme and some blib skipping, pause indexer...
2009-01-27 Jason M. Mills added blib to skip
2009-01-27 Jason M. Mills Removed self package dependency and updated next::metho...
2008-11-12 Jason M. Mills clean up some files that got into the repo that should...
2008-11-12 Jason M. Mills version 0.03 - fixed error verbage as per mst req ...
2008-11-12 Unknown new directories