2009-12-08 Tomas Doran More Makefile.PL
2009-12-08 Tomas Doran Change to done_testing
2009-12-08 Tomas Doran Add .gitignore
2009-12-08 Tomas Doran Add Makefile.PL
2009-12-06 Matt S Trout correctly remove %INC entries
2009-12-06 Matt S Trout first sketch of Devel::Declare code
2009-12-05 Matt S Trout add Sub::Name, clean up indentation
2009-12-05 Matt S Trout metaclass dumping
2009-12-05 Matt S Trout verify with Data::Dump::Streamer
2009-12-05 Matt S Trout factor out compiler code
2009-12-05 Matt S Trout this, sort of, works
2009-12-04 Matt S Trout slightly more convenience
2009-12-04 Matt S Trout first pass at testing
2009-12-03 Matt S Trout create custom error thrower to avoid closing over meta...
2009-07-01 Matt S Trout expand comment
2009-06-22 Matt S Trout serialising roughly the right things in roughly the...
2009-06-21 Matt S Trout demonstrate eval tracking
2009-06-20 Matt S Trout break out into multifarious manifoldly marvel...
2009-06-20 Matt S Trout beneficent winds and enmarvelorated satiation, success...
2009-06-20 Matt S Trout redistributing modifications to alternative method...
2009-06-20 Matt S Trout lewd warnication brings proof positive of lost weakness...
2009-06-20 Matt S Trout eliminate pile of unnecessary insanitary long podified...
2009-06-20 Matt S Trout tentative endeavour at recusive comprehension during...
2009-06-20 Matt S Trout role seperation for nomenclature elucidation
2009-06-20 Matt S Trout variabubble tracerification