2009-09-17 matthewt quote - disease vector
2009-09-17 matthewt quote - ZWD
2009-09-15 matthewt quote edit - by originator request
2009-09-15 matthewt quote - shovel
2009-09-14 matthewt quote - professional arse finder
2009-09-14 matthewt quote - java
2009-09-11 matthewt quote - bloom
2009-09-11 matthewt quote - mysql
2009-09-09 matthewt quote - condoms
2009-09-07 matthewt quote - being mean to buu
2009-09-04 matthewt quote - PHP
2009-09-03 matthewt quote - care bear stare
2009-08-31 matthewt quote - wrong
2009-08-28 matthewt quote - porn server
2009-08-27 matthewt quote - snakes and breadsticks
2009-08-26 matthewt quote - one less now
2009-08-25 matthewt quote - squid
2009-08-24 matthewt quote - university
2009-08-21 matthewt recycle bin
2009-08-20 matthewt quote - attenborough joins
2009-08-18 matthewt quote - ernci
2009-08-18 matthewt quote - pedestrian slur
2009-08-18 matthewt quote - don't ask
2009-08-17 matthewt quote - network mommy
2009-08-17 matthewt quote - frew and win32
2009-08-16 matthewt quotefile: spray
2009-08-16 matthewt moar quotes
2009-07-06 matthewt quotefile
2007-11-09 matthewt new quote
2007-10-13 matthewt MOAR quotes
2007-10-13 matthewt more quotes
2007-05-31 matthewt quotefile update
2007-05-03 matthewt more quotes
2007-03-23 matthewt more quotes
2007-01-15 matthewt bumper sticker
2007-01-15 matthewt bad monkeys
2007-01-11 matthewt just to annoy xantus
2006-10-09 matthewt import from old scsys main