added checking of result when building demos
[urisagit/Stem.git] / lib / Stem /
2009-09-22 Uri Guttman cleaned up some debug prints
2009-09-15 Uri Guttman merged and cleaned up event tests
2009-09-15 Uri Guttman merging
2009-09-11 Uri Guttman added check for connected when triggered method is...
2009-09-10 Uri Guttman fixed perl event loop
2009-09-09 Uri Guttman Merge commit 'origin/master'
2009-09-09 Uri Guttman fixed gitignore
2009-09-08 Steve Scaffidi how did I miss this file? see next commit...
2009-08-26 Steve Scaffidi patch for symbol table/package lookup bug
2009-08-05 Uri Guttman added check for connected when triggered method is...
2009-06-27 Steve Scaffidi FINALLY fixed class-loading symbol-table lookup bug\!
2009-06-26 Steve Scaffidi fixed so it plays nice with
2009-06-25 Steve Scaffidi initial commit for config loading bugfix and test
2008-12-05 Uri Guttman init commit