documenting Container. removed pod for private methods
[catagits/Catalyst-Runtime.git] / lib / Catalyst / IOC /
2011-07-29 André Walker documenting Container. removed pod for private methods
2011-07-29 André Walker small fixes in POD
2011-07-29 André Walker undef for accept_context_args is better than []
2011-07-29 André Walker Removed references to BlockInjection, and created valid...
2011-07-29 André Walker removed code from WithCOMPONENT
2011-07-29 André Walker Fixed WithAcceptContext to use params correctly
2011-07-29 André Walker created ::Service::WithCOMPONENT, wih code from Constru...
2011-07-29 André Walker no need for BlockInjection (now components are Construc...
2011-07-28 André Walker attempt at locate_components backcompat
2011-07-28 André Walker fixing pod again
2011-07-28 André Walker fixing pod
2011-07-28 André Walker fixed ConstructorInjection
2011-07-28 André Walker created ConstructorInjection (NOT working)
2011-07-28 André Walker setup_components back to method
2011-07-28 André Walker setup_components became a service
2011-07-28 André Walker required container name, small other fixes
2011-07-28 André Walker renaming build_name_service to build_application_name_s...
2011-07-28 André Walker locate_components as a service
2011-07-28 André Walker name -> application_name in POD
2011-07-28 André Walker renamed 'name' container attribute to 'application_name'
2011-07-28 André Walker warn only once
2011-07-28 André Walker Singleton lifecycles
2011-07-27 André Walker moved setup_components to Container
2011-07-27 André Walker moved locate_components
2011-07-26 André Walker moved expand_component_module
2011-07-25 André Walker merge gsoc_breadboard_moved_setup_component
2011-07-25 André Walker broke expand_modules, setup_component became a method
2011-07-23 André Walker Description & Synopsis sketch
2011-07-23 André Walker ditto
2011-07-23 André Walker POD and FIXME's
2011-07-23 André Walker moved setup_component practically unchanged to the...
2011-07-23 André Walker moved temporarily _get_component_type_name to Container
2011-07-23 André Walker moving block from ->component to container
2011-07-23 André Walker moved code block from ->components to the container
2011-07-21 André Walker FIXME, and POD
2011-07-21 André Walker getting structure from Container
2011-07-21 André Walker making $c->comp(qr/::M::/) work
2011-07-21 André Walker fixing components to work the way it did
2011-07-21 André Walker moving _find_component to the container as find_component
2011-07-16 André Walker default_(view|model) can come from config files
2011-07-11 André Walker created default_component writer
2011-07-11 André Walker make_single_default sub
2011-07-11 André Walker fixing pod
2011-07-11 André Walker default_view / default_model
2011-07-11 André Walker forgot name in the default_model service
2011-07-11 André Walker forgot to load default_view and default_model services
2011-07-11 André Walker simplified
2011-07-08 André Walker created get_component_from_sub_container
2011-07-08 André Walker removed regexp fallback
2011-07-07 André Walker changing get_component and get_component_args
2011-07-07 André Walker created disable_regex_fallback attr
2011-07-07 André Walker attributes can all be readonly
2011-07-07 André Walker moving classes/roles to Catalyst::IOC::* namespace