new contrib
[catagits/gitosis-admin.git] / gitosis.conf
2013-12-06 Graham Knop add Catalyst-View-JSON repo
2013-09-09 Graham Knop adding Catalyst-Plugin-Static-Simple
2013-04-26 Arthur Axel 'fREW... add Catalyst-Plugin-RequireSSL repo
2013-04-22 Arthur Axel 'fREW... add HTTP-Body repo
2013-04-13 Tomas Doran For frew
2013-03-29 Matt S Trout add epitaph to gitosis admins
2013-03-15 Graham Knop add Catalyst-View-Email repo
2013-03-15 Matt S Trout add haarg to gitosis admins
2013-03-15 Matt S Trout add jnap at gitosis admin
2012-10-16 Matt S Trout Catalyst-Authentication-Credential-OpenID
2012-09-10 Matt S Trout add gbjk and edenc to gitosis admins
2012-05-12 Tomas Doran TWMC
2012-05-12 Matt S Trout add ash to gitosis admins
2012-05-12 Matt S Trout add TWMC
2012-03-29 Arthur Axel 'fREW... add Catalyst-Plugin-Session repo
2012-02-16 Kieren Diment add code for the catalyst monthly
2012-01-23 Matt S Trout add skaufman and a new repo
2012-01-10 Matt S Trout add repo for Web::Session
2011-12-26 Tomas Doran Add CatalystX-UriFor-Curried to general list
2011-12-26 Tomas Doran CatalystX-UriFor-Curried
2011-09-22 Tomas Doran Forgot to add permissions, as usual
2011-09-22 Tomas Doran Repos for CatalystX-HelpText
2011-09-16 Tomas Doran Add permission
2011-09-16 Tomas Doran Test-WWW-Selenium-Catalyst
2011-09-01 Arthur Axel 'fREW... add Catalyst-Plugin-Authentication repo
2011-08-31 Arthur Axel 'fREW... Add HTTP-Request-AsCGI repo
2011-08-31 Arthur Axel 'fREW... add Catalyst-Plugin-Session-State-Cookie repo
2011-08-24 Arthur Axel 'fREW... add Task-Catalyst repo
2011-08-24 Arthur Axel 'fREW... add Catalyst-Authentication-Credential-OAuth repo
2011-08-23 Arthur Axel 'fREW... add Catalyst-Authentication-Credential-FBConnect repo
2011-08-23 Arthur Axel 'fREW... add Catalyst-Authentication-Store-DBIx-Class repo
2011-08-23 Arthur Axel 'fREW... add Catalyst-Plugin-Cache repo
2011-08-08 Tomas Doran Add CatalystX-Script-Server-Starman
2011-08-01 Tomas Doran Remember the acls
2011-08-01 Tomas Doran Add FCGI::ProcManager
2011-07-16 Arthur Axel 'fREW... add Catalyst-View-TT repo
2011-05-26 Florian Ragwitz Add caelum to gitosis-admin
2011-05-26 Matt S Trout gitosis.conf cleanup
2011-05-24 Arthur Axel 'fREW... add Catalyst-Authentication-Credential-HTTP repo
2011-05-24 Arthur Axel 'fREW... add Catalyst-Authentication-Credential-HTTP-Proxy repo
2011-05-24 Arthur Axel 'fREW... add Catalyst-Authentication-Store-Htpasswd repo
2011-05-24 Arthur Axel 'fREW... add Catalyst-Plugin-ConfigLoader repo
2011-05-24 Arthur Axel 'fREW... add Catalyst-Plugin-Scheduler to git
2011-05-13 Arthur Axel 'fREW... add c-m-d-s
2011-02-17 Florian Ragwitz kd should be handing out commit bits
2011-02-17 Florian Ragwitz Give access to -Runtime and -Devel to catalyst-dev
2011-02-16 Arthur Axel 'fREW... woo, Catalyst-Runtime in git!
2011-02-16 Arthur Axel 'fREW... add Catalyst-Manual
2011-02-09 Florian Ragwitz frew is converting svn stuff to git
2011-02-07 Matt S Trout add dhoss to gitosis admins
2011-02-04 Matt S Trout add XML-Feed repo
2011-02-03 Matt S Trout add hobbs to gitosis-admin committers
2011-01-20 Matt S Trout add CatalystX-Routes repo
2010-10-15 Florian Ragwitz arcanez wants this
2010-10-14 Matt S Trout add Reaction repo
2010-10-11 Matt S Trout add BackPAN-Web repo
2010-10-05 Tomas Doran (t0m) Add CXD
2010-08-19 Florian Ragwitz dip wants to work on Gitalist
2010-08-01 Tomas Doran (t0m) Add Catalyst-Controller-WrapCGI
2010-07-14 Florian Ragwitz chansen is FCGI's unicode consultant
2010-06-06 Florian Ragwitz It's EOL, not NoTabs
2010-06-05 Chris Nehren oh, and you need to add the repo to the group, dumbass
2010-06-05 Chris Nehren add Catalyst-Plugin-FormValidator-Simple for dhoss
2010-04-20 Tomas Doran (t0m) Add ranguard
2010-04-15 Tomas Doran (t0m) Add ajgb, add his module
2010-04-15 Tomas Doran (t0m) Add bricas to Gitalist
2010-04-09 Tomas Doran (t0m) Duplicate, dimwit
2010-04-09 Tomas Doran (t0m) Fix name
2010-04-09 Tomas Doran Add various modules
2010-02-24 Matt S Trout create Catalyst-Plugin-ConfigLoader-Environment repo
2010-02-19 Matt S Trout add seven to gitalist committers
2010-02-16 Tomas Doran (t0m Add abrazza to gitalist
2010-02-16 Florian Ragwitz Add a description for Catalyst-Controller-MovableType.
2010-02-15 Tomas Doran (t0m Add ACL, duh
2010-02-15 Tomas Doran (t0m Add View-Component-SubInclude
2010-02-15 Matt S Trout Catalyst-Controller-MovableType repo and access for...
2010-02-09 Matt S Trout add apeiron to gitosis-admin
2010-02-03 Tomas Doran (t0m Add DBIC-API and nperez
2010-01-19 Tomas Doran (t0m Just shove all my shit into general catalyst-dev maint
2010-01-18 Matt S Trout add App::IdiotBox repo
2010-01-17 Tomas Doran (t0m) Move to the general cat dev group
2010-01-17 Tomas Doran (t0m Add dhoss. Also hard tabs EWWWWWW
2010-01-06 Florian Ragwitz Whops. We already had a -dev group.
2010-01-06 Florian Ragwitz Make Catalyst-Devel writable for all committers.
2009-12-19 Tomas Doran (t0m) Oops
2009-12-17 Tomas Doran (t0m) Add ilmari
2009-12-07 Matt S Trout create repo
2009-11-27 Matt S Trout add HTML-Zoom repo def
2009-11-26 Matt S Trout add frew for Web::Simple access
2009-11-20 Aristotle Pagaltzis comment out not-yet-pushed repos
2009-11-02 Florian Ragwitz Add aristotle to gitosis-admin so he can actually creat...
2009-10-23 Matt S Trout add Web-Simple repo
2009-10-18 Matt S Trout add copyrite repo
2009-09-17 Tomas Doran (t0m) Add dorward
2009-08-25 Tomas Doran (t0m) Gitalist
2009-08-10 Tomas Doran (t0m) Add jester
2009-08-05 Matt S Trout add catbook-code repo
2009-08-01 t0m Update name
2009-07-31 Florian Ragwitz Add Catalyst-TraitFor-Controller-FormValidator.
2009-07-25 Florian Ragwitz Add Catalyst-Authentication-Realm-Adaptor.