From: kthakore Date: Fri, 20 Aug 2010 14:28:24 +0000 (+0000) Subject: Update X-Git-Url:;h=6b580206fb43261fb235c1071cee5fea29fdac79;p=sdlgit%2FSDL-Site.git Update --- diff --git a/pages/blog-0000.html-inc b/pages/blog-0000.html-inc index 409866d..ffb9963 100644 --- a/pages/blog-0000.html-inc +++ b/pages/blog-0000.html-inc @@ -1,2 +1,2 @@


Perl+SDL 3D Rendering
Saturday, 31 July 2010
Tags: [Perl] [SDL] [Showcase]
Recently we have done a lot of work on the next release of SDL Perl. But it all pays off when I see users do cool things as one of the users has done below. Talon^++! This project is a great example for people wanting to learn 3D from scratch.
This was a project to test how well Perl+SDL performs and does not use OpenGL at all. This is all perl and SDL, with the help of libsdl_gfx for SDL::GFX::Primitives. Texture mapping doesn't use SDL::GFX::Primitives because textured_polygon just takes a surface, tiles it, and clips out the polygon, which doesn't look 3D at all.

SDL 2.503 Released!
Thursday, 22 July 2010
Tags: [Perl] [Releases] [SDL]
SDL 2.503 has been released on to CPAN. The changes are mostly in the new features added to SDLx::* layer. However as our continuing attempt to improve cross platform support we have some low level fixes.
Most interstingly we have begun work on SDLx::Sprite::Animated. Although, volatile, this addition will be highly anticipated. We look forward for more work on it soon. Additionally are the changes in SDLx::Surface. SDLx::Surface is an attempt to provide gfx, pixels, video and low level surface functions in a combined and simpler interface.
Since SDLx::Sprite and SDLx::App depends on SDLx::Surface, new features will be propagated and the magic amplified! These are exciting times for SDL in Perl. So come join us for great justice on #sdl or .

Huge World Maps in less then 100 lines
Friday, 16 July 2010
Tags: [Example] [Perl] [SDL] [Syntax]

Hello folks,
Recently we have been working on making the Perl syntax sugar for SDL in the form of SDLx. So far we have got the SDLx::Surface and SDLx::Sprite (garu++) done. So the first thing we did was throw together a quick Zelda map walker. As you can see above.  The code is at . The SDL code that this depends on will be SDL 2.503 soonish . We are in the process of cleaning up some more SDLx and Alien::SDL bugs. After that SDLx::App will be overhauled to make this sort of thing even easier. Finally living up to our goal of  'Simple Games Easy. Complex Games Possible.' 
UPDATE: with some help, and newcomer jtpalmer's help we have added Link

--caio yapgh


The Build Process of SDL Perl
Wednesday, 07 July 2010
Tags: [Building] [Perl] [SDL]
A while ago I had a long chat with mst on why SDL uses Module::Build rather then Make. I told him it is a simple matter of code inertia. The existing Module::Build system has worked well for us so far. Never the less, he convinced me that switching to Make will improve debugging the Build system. But to be able to switch we will need to completely replace the Build system. I am not prepared to do that so I will just present the requirements so mst or someone else can at least attempt to switch.
The Build Process

SDL RC 2.5 decides to play with PDL
Tuesday, 29 June 2010
Tags: [PDL] [Perl] [SDL]
PDL provides great number crunching capabilities to Perl and SDL provides game-developer quality real-time bitmapping and sound.
You can use PDL and SDL together to create real-time,
responsive animations and simulations.

Providing direct memory access to SDL_Surface's pixels
Wednesday, 23 June 2010
Tags: [Pack] [Perl] [SDL] [Surface] [XS]
In an attempt to make pixel access easier on SDL_Surface pixels. I have started work on SDLx::Surface . So far I have only start on the 32 bpp surfaces.
The general idea is to make Pointer Values (PV) of each pixel in the surface and place them into a 2D matrix. First I make pointer values like this:
SV * get_pixel32 ( SDL_Surface * surface , int x , int y )
[more] Packaging SDL Scripts Alpha
Friday, 14 May 2010
Tags: [Packaging] [Perl] [SDL]
After a lot of patches and head scratching I have an alpha version of . The purpose of is to allow SDL perl developers to package their game for end users.
Here is the packaged up:


Getting people to use SDL Perl: Docs, API, and Distribution
Friday, 07 May 2010
Tags: [API] [Design] [Docs] [Perl] [SDL]
The road so far
Things have been busy but fruitful. Our two core modules are getting to be a bit more stable. Alien::SDL 1.405 is behaving well. This foundational stability will start to show results in SDL too I believe. Most excitingly the main developer of frozen-bubble is reviewing our Games::FrozenBubble port to CPAN. All good and well, but to keep this project going we need to improve.
Getting people to use SDL Perl
After a long chat with a new SDL user on #sdl today, I realize we still have some way to go. Currently it seems we are lacking in a few areas. We can definitely use some feedback and help in these areas.

We have more docs now on but they suck
What type of tutorials do you think will be good for beginners?
A project start to finish?
Individual tutorials for various topics?
What needs to go in SDL::CookBook?

API sweetness
SDL Perl depends on distinct C libraries
This makes naming conventions, data formats different the SDL:: namespaces
How do people design this stuff?
We are hackers and we just go do stuff but I think this needs some prior thought
Any takers?

If SDL scripts can be packaged up simply for game developers to distribute their games it will be a big plus
One way is a Wx::Perl::Packer clone
Another is a CPAN/Steam clone that game devs can upload games too and people can point and click download games? 
If anyone wants to help in these areas please talk to us on 


Games::FrozenBubble: It is a start!
Monday, 12 April 2010
Tags: [Frozen Bubble] [Perl] [SDL]
We released a playable (client) frozen bubble on CPAN . There is more work to be done but it is a great start! It currently works on Windows and Linux.


Release SDL 2.4: Frozen-Bubble begins to go to CPAN
Tuesday, 06 April 2010
Tags: [Frozen Bubble] [Perl] [SDL]

SDL 2.4 is released!
After 8 months of work this picture begins to sum it up:

A summer of possibilities (SDL_perl and GSOC 2010 )
Tuesday, 30 March 2010
Tags: [GSOC] [Perl] [SDL]
GSOC 2010
As many of the readers must know The Perl Foundation has been accepted for the GSOC 2010 program. There are several SDL_perl mentors involved in it too. Right now we are accepting student applications.
Process to Apply

SDL Perl Showcase
Friday, 12 March 2010
Tags: [EyeCandy] [Perl] [SDL Perl] [Showcase]

SDL_Mixer and Effects


Eye Candy
Wednesday, 24 February 2010
Tags: [SDL Perl EyeCandy]

With each imperfect hit

New build system! Needs testing!
Thursday, 18 February 2010
Tags: [Building] [Releases] [SDL]


Quick Game for Toronto Perl Mongers
Thursday, 11 February 2010
Tags: [Game] [SDL] [TPM]

Beep ... Boop


SDL_perl 2.3_5 is out!
Monday, 01 February 2010
Tags: [Releases] [SDL]
We keep on rolling,
waiting on the world to turn.

Threaded XS callback finally gets solved.
Wednesday, 06 January 2010
Tags: [Perl] [SDL] [Updates] [XS]

Dragged down from the lofty isles,
into the guts and gore of the monster,

SDL Alpha 2: A sneak preview
Sunday, 06 December 2009
Tags: [Perl] [Releases] [SDL]
Pretty or Ugly,
Code is Code
New or Old,

Developer Release of SDL 2.3_1
Monday, 30 November 2009
Tags: [Perl] [Releases] [SDL]

The city of Rome was built,
with the first brick.

SDL Perl Documentation: Reviewers need
Thursday, 26 November 2009
Tags: [Docs] [Perl] [SDL]

The written word,

Migrating Sol's Tutorial of SDL to SDL_Perl
Sunday, 15 November 2009
Tags: [Example] [Perl] [SDL]
If I have seen further it is only by standing on the shoulders of giants. --Newton


Once in a while .... (set_event_filter)
Friday, 13 November 2009
Tags: [Perl] [SDL] [XS]

Once in a while
Things just work!

Hello Mouse? An Example of the New Event Code
Wednesday, 11 November 2009
Tags: [Perl] [SDL] [Sneak Preview]
Any code that is not marketed is dead code


Development Update
Monday, 09 November 2009
Tags: [Perl] [SDL] [Updates]
Short and Sweet

Had an exam on the weekend so I am a bit late. Here is the progress so far.

Development Update
Monday, 02 November 2009
Tags: [Perl] [SDL] [Updates]

A stoic stone will sit idle,
but will some effort,

Introducing SDLx::Controller::Object, with our good friend Mario!
Friday, 20 August 2010
Tags: [Demo] [Perl] [Physics] [SDL]
Hi Folks
This past week I have been working on making interfacing physics with SDL rendering a lot easier. The idea was to provide the user a callback to describe the acceleration of their object in the X, Y axis and Rotation. Using this idea I have completed a preliminary work for SDLx::Controller::Object. The demo below shows an example that was made with it. The SDLx* code is available at and demo code is available at .
Mario Demo using SDL Perl from SDLPerl on Vimeo .

SDL 2.511 + Using SDL for quick visualizations
Monday, 09 August 2010
Tags: [Perl] [SDL]
SDL Perl 2.511 is showing great promises. The initial tests show a great deal of stability.
 Moreover we are seeing more varied users of SDL Perl.
John.O Writes:

This is for a tool that we'll be providing our dealers... it measures cellular modem signal strengths out in the middle of nowhere, so dealers can evaluate if our products will work in customers' fields. And of course, I'm using Perl/SDL for the graphics... C gets on my nerves.
Our company is .
John O.


Perl+SDL 3D Rendering
Saturday, 31 July 2010
Tags: [Perl] [SDL] [Showcase]
Recently we have done a lot of work on the next release of SDL Perl. But it all pays off when I see users do cool things as one of the users has done below. Talon^++! This project is a great example for people wanting to learn 3D from scratch.
This was a project to test how well Perl+SDL performs and does not use OpenGL at all. This is all perl and SDL, with the help of libsdl_gfx for SDL::GFX::Primitives. Texture mapping doesn't use SDL::GFX::Primitives because textured_polygon just takes a surface, tiles it, and clips out the polygon, which doesn't look 3D at all.

SDL 2.503 Released!
Thursday, 22 July 2010
Tags: [Perl] [Releases] [SDL]
SDL 2.503 has been released on to CPAN. The changes are mostly in the new features added to SDLx::* layer. However as our continuing attempt to improve cross platform support we have some low level fixes.
Most interstingly we have begun work on SDLx::Sprite::Animated. Although, volatile, this addition will be highly anticipated. We look forward for more work on it soon. Additionally are the changes in SDLx::Surface. SDLx::Surface is an attempt to provide gfx, pixels, video and low level surface functions in a combined and simpler interface.
Since SDLx::Sprite and SDLx::App depends on SDLx::Surface, new features will be propagated and the magic amplified! These are exciting times for SDL in Perl. So come join us for great justice on #sdl or .

Huge World Maps in less then 100 lines
Friday, 16 July 2010
Tags: [Example] [Perl] [SDL] [Syntax]

Hello folks,
Recently we have been working on making the Perl syntax sugar for SDL in the form of SDLx. So far we have got the SDLx::Surface and SDLx::Sprite (garu++) done. So the first thing we did was throw together a quick Zelda map walker. As you can see above.  The code is at . The SDL code that this depends on will be SDL 2.503 soonish . We are in the process of cleaning up some more SDLx and Alien::SDL bugs. After that SDLx::App will be overhauled to make this sort of thing even easier. Finally living up to our goal of  'Simple Games Easy. Complex Games Possible.' 
UPDATE: with some help, and newcomer jtpalmer's help we have added Link

--caio yapgh


The Build Process of SDL Perl
Wednesday, 07 July 2010
Tags: [Building] [Perl] [SDL]
A while ago I had a long chat with mst on why SDL uses Module::Build rather then Make. I told him it is a simple matter of code inertia. The existing Module::Build system has worked well for us so far. Never the less, he convinced me that switching to Make will improve debugging the Build system. But to be able to switch we will need to completely replace the Build system. I am not prepared to do that so I will just present the requirements so mst or someone else can at least attempt to switch.
The Build Process

SDL RC 2.5 decides to play with PDL
Tuesday, 29 June 2010
Tags: [PDL] [Perl] [SDL]
PDL provides great number crunching capabilities to Perl and SDL provides game-developer quality real-time bitmapping and sound.
You can use PDL and SDL together to create real-time,
responsive animations and simulations.

Providing direct memory access to SDL_Surface's pixels
Wednesday, 23 June 2010
Tags: [Pack] [Perl] [SDL] [Surface] [XS]
In an attempt to make pixel access easier on SDL_Surface pixels. I have started work on SDLx::Surface . So far I have only start on the 32 bpp surfaces.
The general idea is to make Pointer Values (PV) of each pixel in the surface and place them into a 2D matrix. First I make pointer values like this:
SV * get_pixel32 ( SDL_Surface * surface , int x , int y )
[more] Packaging SDL Scripts Alpha
Friday, 14 May 2010
Tags: [Packaging] [Perl] [SDL]
After a lot of patches and head scratching I have an alpha version of . The purpose of is to allow SDL perl developers to package their game for end users.
Here is the packaged up:


Getting people to use SDL Perl: Docs, API, and Distribution
Friday, 07 May 2010
Tags: [API] [Design] [Docs] [Perl] [SDL]
The road so far
Things have been busy but fruitful. Our two core modules are getting to be a bit more stable. Alien::SDL 1.405 is behaving well. This foundational stability will start to show results in SDL too I believe. Most excitingly the main developer of frozen-bubble is reviewing our Games::FrozenBubble port to CPAN. All good and well, but to keep this project going we need to improve.
Getting people to use SDL Perl
After a long chat with a new SDL user on #sdl today, I realize we still have some way to go. Currently it seems we are lacking in a few areas. We can definitely use some feedback and help in these areas.

We have more docs now on but they suck
What type of tutorials do you think will be good for beginners?
A project start to finish?
Individual tutorials for various topics?
What needs to go in SDL::CookBook?

API sweetness
SDL Perl depends on distinct C libraries
This makes naming conventions, data formats different the SDL:: namespaces
How do people design this stuff?
We are hackers and we just go do stuff but I think this needs some prior thought
Any takers?

If SDL scripts can be packaged up simply for game developers to distribute their games it will be a big plus
One way is a Wx::Perl::Packer clone
Another is a CPAN/Steam clone that game devs can upload games too and people can point and click download games? 
If anyone wants to help in these areas please talk to us on 


Games::FrozenBubble: It is a start!
Monday, 12 April 2010
Tags: [Frozen Bubble] [Perl] [SDL]
We released a playable (client) frozen bubble on CPAN . There is more work to be done but it is a great start! It currently works on Windows and Linux.


Release SDL 2.4: Frozen-Bubble begins to go to CPAN
Tuesday, 06 April 2010
Tags: [Frozen Bubble] [Perl] [SDL]

SDL 2.4 is released!
After 8 months of work this picture begins to sum it up:

A summer of possibilities (SDL_perl and GSOC 2010 )
Tuesday, 30 March 2010
Tags: [GSOC] [Perl] [SDL]
GSOC 2010
As many of the readers must know The Perl Foundation has been accepted for the GSOC 2010 program. There are several SDL_perl mentors involved in it too. Right now we are accepting student applications.
Process to Apply

SDL Perl Showcase
Friday, 12 March 2010
Tags: [EyeCandy] [Perl] [SDL Perl] [Showcase]

SDL_Mixer and Effects


Eye Candy
Wednesday, 24 February 2010
Tags: [SDL Perl EyeCandy]

With each imperfect hit

New build system! Needs testing!
Thursday, 18 February 2010
Tags: [Building] [Releases] [SDL]


Quick Game for Toronto Perl Mongers
Thursday, 11 February 2010
Tags: [Game] [SDL] [TPM]

Beep ... Boop


SDL_perl 2.3_5 is out!
Monday, 01 February 2010
Tags: [Releases] [SDL]
We keep on rolling,
waiting on the world to turn.

Threaded XS callback finally gets solved.
Wednesday, 06 January 2010
Tags: [Perl] [SDL] [Updates] [XS]

Dragged down from the lofty isles,
into the guts and gore of the monster,

SDL Alpha 2: A sneak preview
Sunday, 06 December 2009
Tags: [Perl] [Releases] [SDL]
Pretty or Ugly,
Code is Code
New or Old,

Developer Release of SDL 2.3_1
Monday, 30 November 2009
Tags: [Perl] [Releases] [SDL]

The city of Rome was built,
with the first brick.

SDL Perl Documentation: Reviewers need
Thursday, 26 November 2009
Tags: [Docs] [Perl] [SDL]

The written word,

Migrating Sol's Tutorial of SDL to SDL_Perl
Sunday, 15 November 2009
Tags: [Example] [Perl] [SDL]
If I have seen further it is only by standing on the shoulders of giants. --Newton


Once in a while .... (set_event_filter)
Friday, 13 November 2009
Tags: [Perl] [SDL] [XS]

Once in a while
Things just work!

Hello Mouse? An Example of the New Event Code
Wednesday, 11 November 2009
Tags: [Perl] [SDL] [Sneak Preview]
Any code that is not marketed is dead code


diff --git a/pages/blog-0001.html-inc b/pages/blog-0001.html-inc index 21af3c6..f5164b6 100644 --- a/pages/blog-0001.html-inc +++ b/pages/blog-0001.html-inc @@ -1,38 +1,12 @@

-Perl+SDL 3D Rendering +Introducing SDLx::Controller::Object, with our good friend Mario!

-Recently we have done a lot of work on the next release of SDL Perl. But it all pays off when I see users do cool things as one of the users has done below. Talon^++! This project is a great example for people wanting to learn 3D from scratch.
+ Hi Folks

+This past week I have been working on making interfacing physics with SDL rendering a lot easier. The idea was to provide the user a callback to describe the acceleration of their object in the X, Y axis and Rotation. Using this idea I have completed a preliminary work for SDLx::Controller::Object. The demo below shows an example that was made with it. The SDLx* code is available at and demo code is available at

This was a project to test how well Perl+SDL performs and does not use OpenGL at all. This is all perl and SDL, with the help of libsdl_gfx for SDL::GFX::Primitives. Texture mapping doesn't use SDL::GFX::Primitives because textured_polygon just takes a surface, tiles it, and clips out the polygon, which doesn't look 3D at all.
-Below are some screen shots of this little toy in action. If you'd like to try it yourself, you can download the entire project here. You can rotate the objects with the mouse, or keyboard arrows. Also press shift to toggle shading and space to switch objects.
-NOTE: the project is compressed in the .tgz format, if you are a windows user, you may need a tool like 7zip to extract the contents.
Standard Cube:


Standard Cube with Pseudo Shading:


Standard Diamond:


Standard Diamond with Pseudo Shading:


Textured Cube:


Perspectively Correct Textured Cube:


Perspectively Correct Textured Cube with shading:



\ No newline at end of file +
Mario Demo using SDL Perl from SDLPerl on Vimeo.


\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/pages/blog-0002.html-inc b/pages/blog-0002.html-inc index b877a58..33ffb48 100644 --- a/pages/blog-0002.html-inc +++ b/pages/blog-0002.html-inc @@ -1,13 +1,20 @@

-SDL 2.503 Released! +SDL 2.511 + Using SDL for quick visualizations


SDL 2.503 has been released on to CPAN. The changes are mostly in the new features added to SDLx::* layer. However as our continuing attempt to improve cross platform support we have some low level fixes.


Most interstingly we have begun work on SDLx::Sprite::Animated. Although, volatile, this addition will be highly anticipated. We look forward for more work on it soon. Additionally are the changes in SDLx::Surface. SDLx::Surface is an attempt to provide gfx, pixels, video and low level surface functions in a combined and simpler interface.


Since SDLx::Sprite and SDLx::App depends on SDLx::Surface, new features will be propagated and the magic amplified! These are exciting times for SDL in Perl. So come join us for great justice on #sdl or

-The detailed changelog are provided at CPAN.
-Kartik Thakore -


\ No newline at end of file +SDL Perl 2.511 is showing great promises. The initial tests show a great deal of stability.
+ Moreover we are seeing more varied users of SDL Perl.
+John.O Writes:

+This is for a tool that we'll be providing our dealers... it measures cellular modem signal strengths out in the middle of nowhere, so dealers can evaluate if our products will work in customers' fields. And of course, I'm using Perl/SDL for the graphics... C gets on my nerves.
+Our company is
+John O.


\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/pages/blog-0003.html-inc b/pages/blog-0003.html-inc index b1abc1d..21af3c6 100644 --- a/pages/blog-0003.html-inc +++ b/pages/blog-0003.html-inc @@ -1,23 +1,38 @@

-Huge World Maps in less then 100 lines +Perl+SDL 3D Rendering


-Hello folks,
+Recently we have done a lot of work on the next release of SDL Perl. But it all pays off when I see users do cool things as one of the users has done below. Talon^++! This project is a great example for people wanting to learn 3D from scratch.

-Recently we have been working on making the Perl syntax sugar for SDL in the form of SDLx. So far we have got the SDLx::Surface and SDLx::Sprite (garu++) done. So the first thing we did was throw together a quick Zelda map walker. As you can see above.  The code is at The SDL code that this depends on will be SDL 2.503 soonish . We are in the process of cleaning up some more SDLx and Alien::SDL bugs. After that SDLx::App will be overhauled to make this sort of thing even easier. Finally living up to our goal of  'Simple Games Easy. Complex Games Possible.' 

This was a project to test how well Perl+SDL performs and does not use OpenGL at all. This is all perl and SDL, with the help of libsdl_gfx for SDL::GFX::Primitives. Texture mapping doesn't use SDL::GFX::Primitives because textured_polygon just takes a surface, tiles it, and clips out the polygon, which doesn't look 3D at all.

-UPDATE: with some help, and newcomer jtpalmer's help we have added Link
+Below are some screen shots of this little toy in action. If you'd like to try it yourself, you can download the entire project here. You can rotate the objects with the mouse, or keyboard arrows. Also press shift to toggle shading and space to switch objects.


+NOTE: the project is compressed in the .tgz format, if you are a windows user, you may need a tool like 7zip to extract the contents.

Standard Cube:


Standard Cube with Pseudo Shading:




Standard Diamond:

---caio yapgh -


\ No newline at end of file +


Standard Diamond with Pseudo Shading:


Textured Cube:


Perspectively Correct Textured Cube:


Perspectively Correct Textured Cube with shading:



\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/pages/blog-0004.html-inc b/pages/blog-0004.html-inc index 4c366da..b877a58 100644 --- a/pages/blog-0004.html-inc +++ b/pages/blog-0004.html-inc @@ -1,26 +1,13 @@

-The Build Process of SDL Perl +SDL 2.503 Released!


A while ago I had a long chat with mst on why SDL uses Module::Build rather then Make. I told him it is a simple matter of code inertia. The existing Module::Build system has worked well for us so far. Never the less, he convinced me that switching to Make will improve debugging the Build system. But to be able to switch we will need to completely replace the Build system. I am not prepared to do that so I will just present the requirements so mst or someone else can at least attempt to switch.


The Build Process

- Alien::SDL

SDL Perl depends on a few C libraries for a complete install. This is handled by Alien::SDL. First we look for existing SDL libraries and dependencies by doing a File::Find for headers. If these headers are found we present and option for the user to use those. We then store these locations in Alien::SDL->config options 'cflags', 'prefix' and 'libs'. If we do not have libraries available even for a minimum SDL installed ( SDL.h is not found). We provide several platform specific options.


For windows we have a simpler process. We download prebuilt binaries ( and checksum ) based on the user's selection and just copy them in to the right location. Again the 'prefix', 'cflags', and 'libs' is saved in Alien::SDL->config.


For *nix/MacOSX we download sources and attempt to compile them. To be able to do this we download several other dependencies like libpng, jpeg and pango. You can see how we do this using hashes here. During the compile process we also apply patches as needed for the sources. Once this is done we can head to SDL Build.PL

- SDL Perl dependency resolution
-SDL's Build is responsible for linking the right libraries to the correct XS. If libraries are missing it will disable the component (not put it in SDL->config).

For example to build Image.xs we require libsdl, libsdl_image and lib[jpg|png|tiff]. So we would check for these headers in the prefix provided by Alien::SDL->config. If they are not provided we will disable the SDL::Image module.


More over the availability of each library is specified as a -DMACRO to the gcc compiler. This way we can prevent XS failures due to missing libraries using #DEFINES. Here the SDL_image macro is defined and used. The availability of the module is then available from SDL::Config->has()
- Conclusion

This is a high level overview of our Build process, because frankly I hate traumatizing my brain with this again. Credits have to go to FROGGS and kmx for helping with this Build scheme. Hopefully my post have helped people at the very least appreciate the problem scope of this Build system. That said I believe a fresh written build system, with these requirements in mind, will be more then welcome.



\ No newline at end of file +

SDL 2.503 has been released on to CPAN. The changes are mostly in the new features added to SDLx::* layer. However as our continuing attempt to improve cross platform support we have some low level fixes.


Most interstingly we have begun work on SDLx::Sprite::Animated. Although, volatile, this addition will be highly anticipated. We look forward for more work on it soon. Additionally are the changes in SDLx::Surface. SDLx::Surface is an attempt to provide gfx, pixels, video and low level surface functions in a combined and simpler interface.


Since SDLx::Sprite and SDLx::App depends on SDLx::Surface, new features will be propagated and the magic amplified! These are exciting times for SDL in Perl. So come join us for great justice on #sdl or

+The detailed changelog are provided at CPAN.
+Kartik Thakore


\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/pages/blog-0005.html-inc b/pages/blog-0005.html-inc index 706ea53..b1abc1d 100644 --- a/pages/blog-0005.html-inc +++ b/pages/blog-0005.html-inc @@ -1,77 +1,23 @@

-SDL RC 2.5 decides to play with PDL +Huge World Maps in less then 100 lines

-PDL provides great number crunching capabilities to Perl and SDL provides game-developer quality real-time bitmapping and sound.
-You can use PDL and SDL together to create real-time,
-responsive animations and simulations.
-In this section we will go through the pleasures and pitfalls of working with both powerhouse libraries.
-- David Mertnes

+Hello folks,

+Recently we have been working on making the Perl syntax sugar for SDL in the form of SDLx. So far we have got the SDLx::Surface and SDLx::Sprite (garu++) done. So the first thing we did was throw together a quick Zelda map walker. As you can see above.  The code is at The SDL code that this depends on will be SDL 2.503 soonish . We are in the process of cleaning up some more SDLx and Alien::SDL bugs. After that SDLx::App will be overhauled to make this sort of thing even easier. Finally living up to our goal of  'Simple Games Easy. Complex Games Possible.' 


Creating a SDL Surface piddle

-PDL's core type is a piddle.
-Once a piddle is provided to PDL it can go do a numerous amounts of things.
-Please see the example in 'examples/cookbook/' in github.


Creating a simple piddle

-First lets get the right modules.
+UPDATE: with some help, and newcomer jtpalmer's help we have added Link

  use PDL;
-  use SDL::Rect;
-  use SDL::Video;
-  use SDL::Surface;
-  use SDL::PixelFormat;

-Suppose you want a surface of size (200,400) and 32 bit (RGBA).

my ( $bytes_per_pixel, $width, $height ) = ( 4, 200, 400 );

-Define the $width, $height and $bytes_per_pixel. Your $bytes_per_pixel is the number of bits (in this case 32) divided by 8 bits per byte. Therefore for our 32 bpp we have 4 Bpp;

my $piddle  = zeros( byte, $bytes_per_pixel, $width, $height );

-Create a normal $piddle with zeros, byte format and the Bpp x width x height dimensions.

my $pointer = $piddle->get_dataref();

-Here is where we get the acutal data the piddle is pointing to. We will have SDL create a new surface from this function.
my $surface = SDL::Surface->new_from( $pointer, $width, $height, 32,
-        $width * $bytes_per_pixel );

-Using the same dimensions we create the surface using SDL::Surface->new_form(). The $width * $Bpp is the scanline (pitch) of the surface in bytes.
warn "Made surface of $width, $height and ". $surface->format->BytesPerPixel;
-   return ( $piddle, $surface );

-Finally make sure that the surface acutally has the correct dimensions we gave.
-NOTE: $surface->format->BytesPerPixel must return 1,2,3,4. !!
-Now you can blit and use the surface as needed; and do PDL operations as required.

Operating on the Surface safely

-To make sure SDL is in sync with the data. You must call SDL::Video::lock before doing PDL operations on the piddle.
-    $piddle ( :, 0 : rand(400), 0 : rand(200) ) .=   pdl( rand(225), rand(225), rand(255), 255 );

-After that you can unlock the surface to blit.


Errors due to BPP at blitting

-When blitting the new surface check for the return value to see if there has been a problem.
my $b = SDL::Video::blit_surface(
-        $surface,  SDL::Rect->new( 0, 0, $surface->w, $surface->h ),
-        $app, SDL::Rect->new(  ( $app->w - $surface->w ) / 2, ( $app->h - $surface->h ) / 2, $app->w, $app->h )
-       );
-    die "Could not blit: " . SDL::get_error() if ( $b == -1 );

-If the error message is 'Blit combination not supported' that means that the BPP is incorrect or incosistent with the dimensions. After that a simple update_rect will so your new surface on the screen. -


\ No newline at end of file +--caio yapgh


\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/pages/blog-0006.html-inc b/pages/blog-0006.html-inc index 2e202e7..4c366da 100644 --- a/pages/blog-0006.html-inc +++ b/pages/blog-0006.html-inc @@ -1,81 +1,26 @@

-Providing direct memory access to SDL_Surface's pixels +The Build Process of SDL Perl


In an attempt to make pixel access easier on SDL_Surface pixels. I have started work on SDLx::Surface. So far I have only start on the 32 bpp surfaces.


The general idea is to make Pointer Values (PV) of each pixel in the surface and place them into a 2D matrix. First I make pointer values like this:

SV * get_pixel32 (SDL_Surface *surface, int x, int y)
- //Convert the pixels to 32 bit 
- Uint32 *pixels = (Uint32 *)surface->pixels; 
- //Get the requested pixel  
- Uint32* u_ptr =  pixels + ( y * surface->w ) + x ; 
-        SV* sv = newSVpv("a",1); //Make a temp SV* value on the go
-        SvCUR_set(sv, sizeof(Uint32)); //Specify the new CUR length
- SvLEN_set(sv, sizeof(Uint32)); //Specify the LEN length
-        SvPV_set(sv,(char*)u_ptr); // set the actual pixel's pointer as the memory space to use
- return sv; //make a modifiable reference using u_ptr's place as the memory :)


Next I loop through all the pixels and put them in a 2D array format, shown below:

AV * construct_p_matrix ( SDL_Surface *surface )
-    AV * matrix = newAV();
-     int i, j;
-     for(  i =0 ; i < surface->w; i++)
-      {
-        AV * matrix_row = newAV();
-        for( j =0 ; j < surface->h; j++)
-        {
-           av_push(matrix_row, get_pixel32(surface, i,j) );
-        }
-        av_push(matrix, newRV_noinc((SV*) matrix_row) );
-      }
- return matrix;


You can see the complete here.


In Perl I can do a get access on this pixel using:


A while ago I had a long chat with mst on why SDL uses Module::Build rather then Make. I told him it is a simple matter of code inertia. The existing Module::Build system has worked well for us so far. Never the less, he convinced me that switching to Make will improve debugging the Build system. But to be able to switch we will need to completely replace the Build system. I am not prepared to do that so I will just present the requirements so mst or someone else can at least attempt to switch.

my $surf32_matrix = SDLx::Surface::pixel_array($screen_surface);
-   print unpack 'b*', $surf32_matrix->[0][0]; # pixel value at x = 0 and y =0
-# 11111111000000000000000000000000


The structure of the PV is using Devel::Peek is :

print Dump $surf32_matrix->[0][0];
-#SV = PV(0xed0dbc) at 0xeb5344
-#  REFCNT = 1
-#  FLAGS = (POK,pPOK)
-#  PV = 0x9e04ac "\0\0\377\0"
-#  CUR = 4
-#  LEN = 4


The problem is in setting the value of this pointer value. I have tried the following things with no success:

if ( SDL::Video::MUSTLOCK($screen_surface) ) {
-    return if ( SDL::Video::lock_surface($screen_surface) < 0 ); #required for pixel operations
-#USING pack
-my $green = pack 'b*', '11111111000000000000000000000000';
-substr( $surf32_matrix->[0][0], 0, 8 * 4, $green); #no change
-#substr( $surf32_matrix->[0][0], 0, 8 * 4, 0xFF000000); segfault
-substr( ${$surf32_matrix->[0][0]}, 0, 8 * 4, 0xFF000000); #no change
-#$surf32_matrix->[0][0] = $green; SEGFAULT's cannot write to memory
-${$surf32_matrix->[0][0]} = $green; #no change
-  if ( SDL::Video::MUSTLOCK($screen_surface) );


You can see an example here.


Any help will be greatly appreciated.



\ No newline at end of file +

The Build Process

+ Alien::SDL

SDL Perl depends on a few C libraries for a complete install. This is handled by Alien::SDL. First we look for existing SDL libraries and dependencies by doing a File::Find for headers. If these headers are found we present and option for the user to use those. We then store these locations in Alien::SDL->config options 'cflags', 'prefix' and 'libs'. If we do not have libraries available even for a minimum SDL installed ( SDL.h is not found). We provide several platform specific options.


For windows we have a simpler process. We download prebuilt binaries ( and checksum ) based on the user's selection and just copy them in to the right location. Again the 'prefix', 'cflags', and 'libs' is saved in Alien::SDL->config.


For *nix/MacOSX we download sources and attempt to compile them. To be able to do this we download several other dependencies like libpng, jpeg and pango. You can see how we do this using hashes here. During the compile process we also apply patches as needed for the sources. Once this is done we can head to SDL Build.PL

+ SDL Perl dependency resolution
+SDL's Build is responsible for linking the right libraries to the correct XS. If libraries are missing it will disable the component (not put it in SDL->config).

For example to build Image.xs we require libsdl, libsdl_image and lib[jpg|png|tiff]. So we would check for these headers in the prefix provided by Alien::SDL->config. If they are not provided we will disable the SDL::Image module.


More over the availability of each library is specified as a -DMACRO to the gcc compiler. This way we can prevent XS failures due to missing libraries using #DEFINES. Here the SDL_image macro is defined and used. The availability of the module is then available from SDL::Config->has()
+ Conclusion

This is a high level overview of our Build process, because frankly I hate traumatizing my brain with this again. Credits have to go to FROGGS and kmx for helping with this Build scheme. Hopefully my post have helped people at the very least appreciate the problem scope of this Build system. That said I believe a fresh written build system, with these requirements in mind, will be more then welcome.



\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/pages/blog-0007.html-inc b/pages/blog-0007.html-inc index 5cffcd0..706ea53 100644 --- a/pages/blog-0007.html-inc +++ b/pages/blog-0007.html-inc @@ -1,18 +1,77 @@ Packaging SDL Scripts Alpha +SDL RC 2.5 decides to play with PDL

-After a lot of patches and head scratching I have an alpha version of The purpose of is to allow SDL perl developers to package their game for end users.
-Here is the packaged up:
  1. win32/64
  2. -
  3. Linux 5.88
  4. -
  5. Linux 5.10
  6. -

-We are looking into testing this on a Mac Build server.
-Caio -


\ No newline at end of file +PDL provides great number crunching capabilities to Perl and SDL provides game-developer quality real-time bitmapping and sound.
+You can use PDL and SDL together to create real-time,
+responsive animations and simulations.
+In this section we will go through the pleasures and pitfalls of working with both powerhouse libraries.
-- David Mertnes

Creating a SDL Surface piddle

+PDL's core type is a piddle.
+Once a piddle is provided to PDL it can go do a numerous amounts of things.
+Please see the example in 'examples/cookbook/' in github.

Creating a simple piddle

+First lets get the right modules.
  use PDL;
+  use SDL::Rect;
+  use SDL::Video;
+  use SDL::Surface;
+  use SDL::PixelFormat;

+Suppose you want a surface of size (200,400) and 32 bit (RGBA).
my ( $bytes_per_pixel, $width, $height ) = ( 4, 200, 400 );

+Define the $width, $height and $bytes_per_pixel. Your $bytes_per_pixel is the number of bits (in this case 32) divided by 8 bits per byte. Therefore for our 32 bpp we have 4 Bpp;
my $piddle  = zeros( byte, $bytes_per_pixel, $width, $height );

+Create a normal $piddle with zeros, byte format and the Bpp x width x height dimensions.
my $pointer = $piddle->get_dataref();

+Here is where we get the acutal data the piddle is pointing to. We will have SDL create a new surface from this function.
my $surface = SDL::Surface->new_from( $pointer, $width, $height, 32,
+        $width * $bytes_per_pixel );

+Using the same dimensions we create the surface using SDL::Surface->new_form(). The $width * $Bpp is the scanline (pitch) of the surface in bytes.
warn "Made surface of $width, $height and ". $surface->format->BytesPerPixel;
+   return ( $piddle, $surface );

+Finally make sure that the surface acutally has the correct dimensions we gave.
+NOTE: $surface->format->BytesPerPixel must return 1,2,3,4. !!
+Now you can blit and use the surface as needed; and do PDL operations as required.

Operating on the Surface safely

+To make sure SDL is in sync with the data. You must call SDL::Video::lock before doing PDL operations on the piddle.
+    $piddle ( :, 0 : rand(400), 0 : rand(200) ) .=   pdl( rand(225), rand(225), rand(255), 255 );

+After that you can unlock the surface to blit.


Errors due to BPP at blitting

+When blitting the new surface check for the return value to see if there has been a problem.
my $b = SDL::Video::blit_surface(
+        $surface,  SDL::Rect->new( 0, 0, $surface->w, $surface->h ),
+        $app, SDL::Rect->new(  ( $app->w - $surface->w ) / 2, ( $app->h - $surface->h ) / 2, $app->w, $app->h )
+       );
+    die "Could not blit: " . SDL::get_error() if ( $b == -1 );

+If the error message is 'Blit combination not supported' that means that the BPP is incorrect or incosistent with the dimensions. After that a simple update_rect will so your new surface on the screen.


\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/pages/blog-0008.html-inc b/pages/blog-0008.html-inc index 2bd84fc..2e202e7 100644 --- a/pages/blog-0008.html-inc +++ b/pages/blog-0008.html-inc @@ -1,40 +1,81 @@

-Getting people to use SDL Perl: Docs, API, and Distribution +Providing direct memory access to SDL_Surface's pixels


The road so far

-Things have been busy but fruitful. Our two core modules are getting to be a bit more stable. Alien::SDL 1.405 is behaving well. This foundational stability will start to show results in SDL too I believe. Most excitingly the main developer of frozen-bubble is reviewing our Games::FrozenBubble port to CPAN. All good and well, but to keep this project going we need to improve.

Getting people to use SDL Perl

-After a long chat with a new SDL user on #sdl today, I realize we still have some way to go. Currently it seems we are lacking in a few areas. We can definitely use some feedback and help in these areas.
  • Tutorials/Documentation
  • +

    In an attempt to make pixel access easier on SDL_Surface pixels. I have started work on SDLx::Surface. So far I have only start on the 32 bpp surfaces.


    The general idea is to make Pointer Values (PV) of each pixel in the surface and place them into a 2D matrix. First I make pointer values like this:

    SV * get_pixel32 (SDL_Surface *surface, int x, int y)
    + //Convert the pixels to 32 bit 
    + Uint32 *pixels = (Uint32 *)surface->pixels; 
    + //Get the requested pixel  
    + Uint32* u_ptr =  pixels + ( y * surface->w ) + x ; 
    • We have more docs now on but they suck
    • -
    • What type of tutorials do you think will be good for beginners?
    • + SV* sv = newSVpv("a",1); //Make a temp SV* value on the go + SvCUR_set(sv, sizeof(Uint32)); //Specify the new CUR length + SvLEN_set(sv, sizeof(Uint32)); //Specify the LEN length + SvPV_set(sv,(char*)u_ptr); // set the actual pixel's pointer as the memory space to use -
      • A project start to finish?
      • -
      • Individual tutorials for various topics?
      • -
      • What needs to go in SDL::CookBook?
      • -
  • API sweetness
  • + return sv; //make a modifiable reference using u_ptr's place as the memory :) -
    • SDL Perl depends on distinct C libraries
    • +} +


    Next I loop through all the pixels and put them in a 2D array format, shown below:

    AV * construct_p_matrix ( SDL_Surface *surface )
    +    AV * matrix = newAV();
    +     int i, j;
    +     for(  i =0 ; i < surface->w; i++)
    +      {
    +        AV * matrix_row = newAV();
    +        for( j =0 ; j < surface->h; j++)
    +        {
    +           av_push(matrix_row, get_pixel32(surface, i,j) );
    +        }
    +        av_push(matrix, newRV_noinc((SV*) matrix_row) );
    +      }
    + return matrix;


    You can see the complete here.


    In Perl I can do a get access on this pixel using:

    my $surf32_matrix = SDLx::Surface::pixel_array($screen_surface);
    +   print unpack 'b*', $surf32_matrix->[0][0]; # pixel value at x = 0 and y =0
    +# 11111111000000000000000000000000


    The structure of the PV is using Devel::Peek is :

    print Dump $surf32_matrix->[0][0];
    +#SV = PV(0xed0dbc) at 0xeb5344
    +#  REFCNT = 1
    +#  FLAGS = (POK,pPOK)
    +#  PV = 0x9e04ac "\0\0\377\0"
    +#  CUR = 4
    +#  LEN = 4


    The problem is in setting the value of this pointer value. I have tried the following things with no success:

    if ( SDL::Video::MUSTLOCK($screen_surface) ) {
    +    return if ( SDL::Video::lock_surface($screen_surface) < 0 ); #required for pixel operations
    • This makes naming conventions, data formats different the SDL:: namespaces
    • -
    • How do people design this stuff?
    • +#USING pack -
      • We are hackers and we just go do stuff but I think this needs some prior thought
      • -
      • Any takers?
      • -
  • Distribution
  • +my $green = pack 'b*', '11111111000000000000000000000000'; +substr( $surf32_matrix->[0][0], 0, 8 * 4, $green); #no change +#substr( $surf32_matrix->[0][0], 0, 8 * 4, 0xFF000000); segfault +substr( ${$surf32_matrix->[0][0]}, 0, 8 * 4, 0xFF000000); #no change +#$surf32_matrix->[0][0] = $green; SEGFAULT's cannot write to memory +${$surf32_matrix->[0][0]} = $green; #no change -
    • If SDL scripts can be packaged up simply for game developers to distribute their games it will be a big plus
    • -
      • One way is a Wx::Perl::Packer clone
      • -
      • Another is a CPAN/Steam clone that game devs can upload games too and people can point and click download games? 
      • -
    If anyone wants to help in these areas please talk to us on 


    \ No newline at end of file +SDL::Video::unlock_surface($screen_surface) + if ( SDL::Video::MUSTLOCK($screen_surface) ); +

    You can see an example here.


    Any help will be greatly appreciated.



    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/pages/blog-0009.html-inc b/pages/blog-0009.html-inc index ef14036..5cffcd0 100644 --- a/pages/blog-0009.html-inc +++ b/pages/blog-0009.html-inc @@ -1,10 +1,18 @@

    -Games::FrozenBubble: It is a start! Packaging SDL Scripts Alpha

    -We released a playable (client) frozen bubble on CPAN. There is more work to be done but it is a great start! It currently works on Windows and Linux.
    +After a lot of patches and head scratching I have an alpha version of The purpose of is to allow SDL perl developers to package their game for end users.



    \ No newline at end of file +Here is the packaged up:
    1. win32/64
    2. +
    3. Linux 5.88
    4. +
    5. Linux 5.10
    6. +

    +We are looking into testing this on a Mac Build server.


    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/pages/blog-0010.html-inc b/pages/blog-0010.html-inc index 3bbdb8b..2bd84fc 100644 --- a/pages/blog-0010.html-inc +++ b/pages/blog-0010.html-inc @@ -1,15 +1,40 @@

    -Release SDL 2.4: Frozen-Bubble begins to go to CPAN +Getting people to use SDL Perl: Docs, API, and Distribution

    -SDL 2.4 is released!


    The road so far

    +Things have been busy but fruitful. Our two core modules are getting to be a bit more stable. Alien::SDL 1.405 is behaving well. This foundational stability will start to show results in SDL too I believe. Most excitingly the main developer of frozen-bubble is reviewing our Games::FrozenBubble port to CPAN. All good and well, but to keep this project going we need to improve.

    -After 8 months of work this picture begins to sum it up:

    Getting people to use SDL Perl

    +After a long chat with a new SDL user on #sdl today, I realize we still have some way to go. Currently it seems we are lacking in a few areas. We can definitely use some feedback and help in these areas.



    If you cannot wait then grab SDL 2.4 and Alien::SDL 1.2 (pick PANGO support) from CPAN and grab the toolchain branch from the repo. Disclaimer the branch will be volatile for a bit.

    ---yapgh -


    \ No newline at end of file +
    If anyone wants to help in these areas please talk to us on 


    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/pages/blog-0011.html-inc b/pages/blog-0011.html-inc index 6e3de57..ef14036 100644 --- a/pages/blog-0011.html-inc +++ b/pages/blog-0011.html-inc @@ -1,21 +1,10 @@

    -A summer of possibilities (SDL_perl and GSOC 2010 ) +Games::FrozenBubble: It is a start!


    GSOC 2010


    As many of the readers must know The Perl Foundation has been accepted for the GSOC 2010 program. There are several SDL_perl mentors involved in it too. Right now we are accepting student applications.

    +We released a playable (client) frozen bubble on CPAN. There is more work to be done but it is a great start! It currently works on Windows and Linux.

    -Process to Apply

    • Sign in as a student here
    • -
    • Submit a proposal before April 5th
    • -
    • Usually it helps to discuss the idea with us on irc (#sdl
    • -




    Here are some ideas for SDL perl but we happily accepted student ideas.
    - Make a student wiki page on this site of your ideas! We look forward to helping you guys with your ideas :)

    ---yapgh -


    \ No newline at end of file +


    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/pages/blog-0012.html-inc b/pages/blog-0012.html-inc index 8978342..3bbdb8b 100644 --- a/pages/blog-0012.html-inc +++ b/pages/blog-0012.html-inc @@ -1,36 +1,15 @@

    -SDL Perl Showcase +Release SDL 2.4: Frozen-Bubble begins to go to CPAN

    -SDL_Mixer and Effects

    +SDL 2.4 is released!


    -This demo shows the new work we have finished for SDL_Mixer support in SDL_perl . (FROGGS++)
    +After 8 months of work this picture begins to sum it up:

    •  Plays ogg files in local directory
    • -
    •  Uses threads and SDL_Mixer effects to extract realtime stereo stream data
    • -
    •  Visulizes stream data as an oscilloscope
    • -

    -Get it at:, you need some .ogg files to play in the same directory. Use the down key to go through them.
    -SDL_TTF support


    -This shows the current work on SDL_TTF support. UTF8 and Uncicode are supported.
    -See the t/ttf.t test in github SDL_perl.
    -Spinner (Destiny Swirl) Arcade Game


    And finally as a proof of concept we have been working a simple arcade game to test our bugs, and scope out our high level bindings. You can get it at the Spinner repo. This wiki page will help you set up for your platforms. 


    \ No newline at end of file +


    If you cannot wait then grab SDL 2.4 and Alien::SDL 1.2 (pick PANGO support) from CPAN and grab the toolchain branch from the repo. Disclaimer the branch will be volatile for a bit.



    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/pages/blog-0013.html-inc b/pages/blog-0013.html-inc index 7f9c593..6e3de57 100644 --- a/pages/blog-0013.html-inc +++ b/pages/blog-0013.html-inc @@ -1,25 +1,21 @@

    -Eye Candy +A summer of possibilities (SDL_perl and GSOC 2010 )

    -With each imperfect hit
    -a legendary blade forms


    GSOC 2010


    As many of the readers must know The Perl Foundation has been accepted for the GSOC 2010 program. There are several SDL_perl mentors involved in it too. Right now we are accepting student applications.

    +Process to Apply

    • Sign in as a student here
    • +
    • Submit a proposal before April 5th
    • +
    • Usually it helps to discuss the idea with us on irc (#sdl
    • +

    -In prep for the TPM meeting we have been working hard to release a new version of SDL Perl and Alien::SDL. After a lot of feed back from testers (Mike Stok, Stuart Watt, and Chas Owens), we where able to get a working version on 64bit and Mac. The releases will be out tomorrow but here
    -is some eye candy to tide you guys over.



    Here are some ideas for SDL perl but we happily accepted student ideas.
    + Make a student wiki page on this site of your ideas! We look forward to helping you guys with your ideas :)

    -This is finally working in MacOSX and 64 bit.

    -k23z_ mentioned I should get some more SDL_perl videos out to attract some devs. So here goes.
    -Walking Guy from SDLPerl on Vimeo. -


    \ No newline at end of file +--yapgh


    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/pages/blog-0014.html-inc b/pages/blog-0014.html-inc index 1945937..8978342 100644 --- a/pages/blog-0014.html-inc +++ b/pages/blog-0014.html-inc @@ -1,38 +1,36 @@

    -New build system! Needs testing! +SDL Perl Showcase

    Rome was not built,
    -in one day,
     feature creep,
    -existed back then too.

    kmx++ recently worked on a brand new Build system for Alien::SDL and SDL_perl. We have managed to test it in Windows and Linux environments. We would still appreciate testing on all environments. However none of us have a shiny Mac to try this on. So if you have a Mac please consider testing the following:

    • Download Alien::SDL 
    • - -
      • install it
      • -
      • select build by source
      • -
    • Download SDL::perl
    • - -
      • Extract it
      • -
      • perl Build.PL
      • -
      • perl Build
      • -
      • See if Bundling works ( Maybe Brian's article may help )
      • -
    Thank you very much!
    - After some  reports back we have found out that SDL_gfx needs 


    -We are working to get this done.


    \ No newline at end of file +
    +SDL_Mixer and Effects


    +This demo shows the new work we have finished for SDL_Mixer support in SDL_perl . (FROGGS++)
    +Get it at:, you need some .ogg files to play in the same directory. Use the down key to go through them.
    +SDL_TTF support


    +This shows the current work on SDL_TTF support. UTF8 and Uncicode are supported.
    +See the t/ttf.t test in github SDL_perl.
    +Spinner (Destiny Swirl) Arcade Game


    And finally as a proof of concept we have been working a simple arcade game to test our bugs, and scope out our high level bindings. You can get it at the Spinner repo. This wiki page will help you set up for your platforms. 


    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/pages/blog-0015.html-inc b/pages/blog-0015.html-inc index bdf8c94..7f9c593 100644 --- a/pages/blog-0015.html-inc +++ b/pages/blog-0015.html-inc @@ -1,31 +1,25 @@

    -Quick Game for Toronto Perl Mongers +Eye Candy

    Beep ... Boop

    +With each imperfect hit
    +a legendary blade forms

    -So I am preparing a presentation of the new SDL perl for February's Toronto Perl Mongers meeting. What better way to so off SDL perl then with a game?

    -I started hacking a small point an click game a few days back. I really didn't have a idea in mind, but I did have a goal. I wanted to make a game that shows the basics of a game in SDL. Drawing to screen, game loops, physics and so on. I think I have accomplished it so far.
    +In prep for the TPM meeting we have been working hard to release a new version of SDL Perl and Alien::SDL. After a lot of feed back from testers (Mike Stok, Stuart Watt, and Chas Owens), we where able to get a working version on 64bit and Mac. The releases will be out tomorrow but here
    +is some eye candy to tide you guys over.

    -Take a look at it here. Download that and call it[]. To win click the balls.

    -To play this game you need the following:
    +This is finally working in MacOSX and 64 bit.

    • Only for Linux) sudo apt-get install libsdl-dev libsdl_gfx-dev
    • -
    • cpan Alien::SDL
    • -
    • Click Download Source
    • -
    • Extract it
    • -
    • perl Build.PL; perl Build; perl Build install
    • -
    • perl
    • -

    -I will put up binaries soon-ish.

    -It is a playable (albeit hard) game right now. All 7 seven levels of it. The purpose of the game is simple click the balls to win. Sounds easy but it isn't. You also get a time in milliseconds after each level. Share your scores on here! I will leave it up to you guys to be honest.
    +k23z_ mentioned I should get some more SDL_perl videos out to attract some devs. So here goes.

    -I do have to tidy it up and right documentation for it. This way I will be able to present it clearly to my fellow mongers. I am also still looking for ideas to make this a more polished game. FROGGS recommend I make it a classic NES duck hunt game. I thought since I am using gravity I could do a UFO game out of it where you shoot the UFOs. I am open to your ideas. -


    \ No newline at end of file +Walking Guy from SDLPerl on Vimeo.


    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/pages/blog-0016.html-inc b/pages/blog-0016.html-inc index 1cfd8ae..1945937 100644 --- a/pages/blog-0016.html-inc +++ b/pages/blog-0016.html-inc @@ -1,14 +1,38 @@

    -SDL_perl 2.3_5 is out! +New build system! Needs testing!

    We keep on rolling,
    -waiting on the world to turn.


    -So a new alpha is out on CPAN, after a bit of a break. We are trying to pick up our speed again. Hopefully we can get back to the weekly updates. This week I am going to try to get Mixer and TTF bindings test, redesigned and doc'd. Hopefully soon we can start working on Frozen Bubble, as things are starting to come together. This alpha release has finally given us a good implementation of SDL Timers. Also Daniel Ruoso has also started a series blog posts of making games with SDL Perl. Hopefully this can get more people in SDL, cause we can sure use the help!
    Rome was not built,
    +in one day,
     feature creep,
    +existed back then too.

    kmx++ recently worked on a brand new Build system for Alien::SDL and SDL_perl. We have managed to test it in Windows and Linux environments. We would still appreciate testing on all environments. However none of us have a shiny Mac to try this on. So if you have a Mac please consider testing the following:

    • Download Alien::SDL 
    • + +
      • install it
      • +
      • select build by source
      • +
    • Download SDL::perl
    • + +
      • Extract it
      • +
      • perl Build.PL
      • +
      • perl Build
      • +
      • See if Bundling works ( Maybe Brian's article may help )
      • +
    Thank you very much!

    -More to come --yapgh -


    \ No newline at end of file +EDIT: 
    + After some  reports back we have found out that SDL_gfx needs 


    +We are working to get this done.


    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/pages/blog-0017.html-inc b/pages/blog-0017.html-inc index 64faf76..bdf8c94 100644 --- a/pages/blog-0017.html-inc +++ b/pages/blog-0017.html-inc @@ -1,23 +1,31 @@

    -Threaded XS callback finally gets solved. +Quick Game for Toronto Perl Mongers


    -Dragged down from the lofty isles,
    -into the guts and gore of the monster,
    -a welcoming cringe in the gut approaches.


    Beep ... Boop

    -So I was planning staying silent until an exam I had was done. But new developers on IRC (j_king, felix and ruoso) pull me back in. Which is a good thing ... I suppose ... because we finally have threaded callbacks for timer and audiospec to work. ruoso++ for this major contribution. If you remember this was the problem we were having.
    +So I am preparing a presentation of the new SDL perl for February's Toronto Perl Mongers meeting. What better way to so off SDL perl then with a game?

    -The new callbacks capability in audiospec allow you to procedurally generate sound now. If you would like a simple example take a look at t/core_audiospec.t. However a more fun example may be ruoso++'s tecla (a game for toddlers). Myself and Garu think it is a work of art but that is only because we are toddlers.
    +I started hacking a small point an click game a few days back. I really didn't have a idea in mind, but I did have a goal. I wanted to make a game that shows the basics of a game in SDL. Drawing to screen, game loops, physics and so on. I think I have accomplished it so far.

    -On a side note some tickets on RT have also received some love ( after 3 or 4 years ... but nonetheless). TonyC++ sorry for the long time in response.
    +Take a look at it here. Download that and call it[]. To win click the balls.

    -More information on the CHANGELOG.
    +To play this game you need the following:

    -Also a shout out to FROGGS for his new SON!!!. Congrats buddy! -


    \ No newline at end of file +
    +I will put up binaries soon-ish.
    +It is a playable (albeit hard) game right now. All 7 seven levels of it. The purpose of the game is simple click the balls to win. Sounds easy but it isn't. You also get a time in milliseconds after each level. Share your scores on here! I will leave it up to you guys to be honest.
    +I do have to tidy it up and right documentation for it. This way I will be able to present it clearly to my fellow mongers. I am also still looking for ideas to make this a more polished game. FROGGS recommend I make it a classic NES duck hunt game. I thought since I am using gravity I could do a UFO game out of it where you shoot the UFOs. I am open to your ideas.


    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/pages/blog-0018.html-inc b/pages/blog-0018.html-inc index 21daaf4..1cfd8ae 100644 --- a/pages/blog-0018.html-inc +++ b/pages/blog-0018.html-inc @@ -1,18 +1,14 @@

    -SDL Alpha 2: A sneak preview +SDL_perl 2.3_5 is out!

    Pretty or Ugly,
    Code is Code
    New or Old,
    Code is Code
    Fast or Slow
    Code is Code 
    We keep on rolling,
    +waiting on the world to turn.

    -So over the past week we have been working hard to release the next Alpha for SDL-2.3. In this release we have ported SDL_Image completely, fixed false negatives in our testing suite, improved conditional building. Also we have also started to migrate the very pretty SDL_GFX library. Here is the test for it, enjoy.
    +So a new alpha is out on CPAN, after a bit of a break. We are trying to pick up our speed again. Hopefully we can get back to the weekly updates. This week I am going to try to get Mixer and TTF bindings test, redesigned and doc'd. Hopefully soon we can start working on Frozen Bubble, as things are starting to come together. This alpha release has finally given us a good implementation of SDL Timers. Also Daniel Ruoso has also started a series blog posts of making games with SDL Perl. Hopefully this can get more people in SDL, cause we can sure use the help!




    \ No newline at end of file +More to come --yapgh +


    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/pages/blog-0019.html-inc b/pages/blog-0019.html-inc index c3b4a76..64faf76 100644 --- a/pages/blog-0019.html-inc +++ b/pages/blog-0019.html-inc @@ -1,22 +1,23 @@

    -Developer Release of SDL 2.3_1 +Threaded XS callback finally gets solved.

    -The city of Rome was built,
    -with the first brick.
    +Dragged down from the lofty isles,
    +into the guts and gore of the monster,
    +a welcoming cringe in the gut approaches.


    Alpha Release of new API

    After a considerable amount of hacking and rewriting we have release the first development release of SDL perl on CPAN.


    Overview of 2.3_1

    In this version our goal was to tackle the proper allocations and destruction of SDL resources. We have accomplished this for all SDL Core structures. Moreover we have also improved the test suite and documentation considerably. Please read the CHANGELOG for a more detailed look.
    +So I was planning staying silent until an exam I had was done. But new developers on IRC (j_king, felix and ruoso) pull me back in. Which is a good thing ... I suppose ... because we finally have threaded callbacks for timer and audiospec to work. ruoso++ for this major contribution. If you remember this was the problem we were having.

    +The new callbacks capability in audiospec allow you to procedurally generate sound now. If you would like a simple example take a look at t/core_audiospec.t. However a more fun example may be ruoso++'s tecla (a game for toddlers). Myself and Garu think it is a work of art but that is only because we are toddlers.


    Next steps

    • Complete bindings for Image, Mixer, ... so on
    • -
    • Come up with a method to provide threading in callbacks
    • -
    • Maintain and improve SDL Core as results for CPANTS come in
    • -

    ---yapgh -


    \ No newline at end of file +On a side note some tickets on RT have also received some love ( after 3 or 4 years ... but nonetheless). TonyC++ sorry for the long time in response.
    +More information on the CHANGELOG.
    +Also a shout out to FROGGS for his new SON!!!. Congrats buddy!


    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/pages/blog-0020.html-inc b/pages/blog-0020.html-inc index ab2aa11..21daaf4 100644 --- a/pages/blog-0020.html-inc +++ b/pages/blog-0020.html-inc @@ -1,17 +1,18 @@

    -SDL Perl Documentation: Reviewers need +SDL Alpha 2: A sneak preview


    -The written word,
    -the tests of Time,
    -the fires of Hades,
    -and wrath of Pluto.

    Pretty or Ugly,
    Code is Code
    New or Old,
    Code is Code
    Fast or Slow
    Code is Code 



    In an effort to learn from past versions of SDL Perl and improve. We have been writing lots of documentation for our users. Of course since this is the first time we have been providing documentation we need your help. Please review our docs, at and give us some feed back. Send us the feeback at or join us at #sdl

    ---yapgh -


    \ No newline at end of file +So over the past week we have been working hard to release the next Alpha for SDL-2.3. In this release we have ported SDL_Image completely, fixed false negatives in our testing suite, improved conditional building. Also we have also started to migrate the very pretty SDL_GFX library. Here is the test for it, enjoy.



    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/pages/blog-0021.html-inc b/pages/blog-0021.html-inc index 84a740f..c3b4a76 100644 --- a/pages/blog-0021.html-inc +++ b/pages/blog-0021.html-inc @@ -1,35 +1,22 @@

    -Migrating Sol's Tutorial of SDL to SDL_Perl +Developer Release of SDL 2.3_1

    If I have seen further it is only by standing on the shoulders of giants. --Newton

    +The city of Rome was built,
    +with the first brick.




    Sol's Tutorials


    When I was struggling with SDL C a while ago, someone recommended Sol's Tutorial to me. It had not only help me understand video in SDL, but I believe my code has improved using Sol's code style. I would like to pass these along to fellow SDL_Perl users too. So here is the Ch 02 code of Sol's Tutorial in SDL_Perl. It will be getting more and more Perly as our team hacks on it. There is more to come!


    To use this code you need the new Redesigned SDL_Perl Library


    Getting SDL Dependencies

    -Only If you are on Linux (debian/ubuntu) you need the following dependencies:
    $ sudo apt-get install libsdl-net1.2-dev libsdl-mixer1.2-dev libsmpeg-dev libsdl1.2-dev libsdl-image1.2-dev libsdl-ttf2.0-dev 

    -On Windows we recommend using Strawberry Perl. It comes with SDL-1.2.13 header files and libs included.
    -Both Windows and Linux needs to install Alien::SDL
    $ cpan Alien::SDL
    ** Add sudo to this for Linux

    Getting Bleeding SDL

    -The bleeding SDL is on github. Click download on this site .

    Alpha Release of new API

    After a considerable amount of hacking and rewriting we have release the first development release of SDL perl on CPAN.

    -Extract it and cd into the folder run
    $ cpan . 
    ** The dot is needed
    -** in Linux you may need to do sudo

    Overview of 2.3_1

    In this version our goal was to tackle the proper allocations and destruction of SDL resources. We have accomplished this for all SDL Core structures. Moreover we have also improved the test suite and documentation considerably. Please read the CHANGELOG for a more detailed look.

    -Then you can run this script by doing

    $ perl examples/sols/ 


    \ No newline at end of file +

    Next steps

    +--yapgh +


    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/pages/blog-0022.html-inc b/pages/blog-0022.html-inc index 0de3c83..ab2aa11 100644 --- a/pages/blog-0022.html-inc +++ b/pages/blog-0022.html-inc @@ -1,59 +1,17 @@

    -Once in a while .... (set_event_filter) +SDL Perl Documentation: Reviewers need


    -Once in a while
    -Things just work!

    +The written word,
    +the tests of Time,
    +the fires of Hades,
    +and wrath of Pluto.

    -So I have been hacking for a while on SDL::Events::set_event_filter. The code below is an example usage. The magic behind this is here
     1 #!/usr/bin/perl -w
    - 2 use strict;
    - 3 use warnings;
    - 4 use SDL v2.3; #Require the redesign branch
    - 5 use SDL::Video;
    - 6 use SDL::Event;
    - 7 use SDL::Events;
    - 8 
    - 9 SDL::init(SDL_INIT_VIDEO);
    -10 my $display = SDL::Video::set_video_mode(640,480,32, SDL_SWSURFACE );
    -11 my  $event = SDL::Event->new();
    -13 #This filters out all ActiveEvents
    -14 my $filter = sub { 
    -15      my ($e, $type) = ($_[0], $_[0]->type); 
    -16      if($type == SDL_ACTIVEEVENT){ return 0 } 
    -17      elsif($type == SDL_MOUSEBUTTONDOWN && $e->button_button == 1){ return 0 }
    -18      else { return 1; }
    -19       };
    -21 SDL::Events::set_event_filter($filter);
    -23 while(1)
    -24 {
    -26   SDL::Events::pump_events();
    -27   if(SDL::Events::poll_event($event))
    -28   {
    -30   if(  $event->type == SDL_ACTIVEEVENT)
    -31  {
    -32  print "Hello Mouse!!!\n" if ($event->active_gain && ($event->active_state == SDL_APPMOUSEFOCUS) );
    -33  print "Bye Mouse!!!\n" if (!$event->active_gain && ($event->active_state == SDL_APPMOUSEFOCUS) );
    -34         }
    -35   if( $event->type == SDL_MOUSEBUTTONDOWN)
    -36    {
    -37  my ($x, $y, $but ) = ($event->button_x, $event->button_y, $event->button_button);
    -38  warn "$but CLICK!!! at $x and $y \n";
    -39  }
    -41       last if($event->type == SDL_QUIT);
    -42   }
    -43 }
    -44 SDL::quit()
    Tinker with $filter and look at perldoc lib/SDL/pods/Event.pod. 
    Have fun,


    \ No newline at end of file +


    In an effort to learn from past versions of SDL Perl and improve. We have been writing lots of documentation for our users. Of course since this is the first time we have been providing documentation we need your help. Please review our docs, at and give us some feed back. Send us the feeback at or join us at #sdl

    +--yapgh +


    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/pages/blog-0023.html-inc b/pages/blog-0023.html-inc index e65be37..84a740f 100644 --- a/pages/blog-0023.html-inc +++ b/pages/blog-0023.html-inc @@ -1,36 +1,35 @@

    -Hello Mouse? An Example of the New Event Code +Migrating Sol's Tutorial of SDL to SDL_Perl

    Any code that is not marketed is dead code

    If I have seen further it is only by standing on the shoulders of giants. --Newton

    -You need the new code from the redesign branch to use this .



    Sol's Tutorials


    When I was struggling with SDL C a while ago, someone recommended Sol's Tutorial to me. It had not only help me understand video in SDL, but I believe my code has improved using Sol's code style. I would like to pass these along to fellow SDL_Perl users too. So here is the Ch 02 code of Sol's Tutorial in SDL_Perl. It will be getting more and more Perly as our team hacks on it. There is more to come!


    To use this code you need the new Redesigned SDL_Perl Library


    Getting SDL Dependencies

    +Only If you are on Linux (debian/ubuntu) you need the following dependencies:
    $ sudo apt-get install libsdl-net1.2-dev libsdl-mixer1.2-dev libsmpeg-dev libsdl1.2-dev libsdl-image1.2-dev libsdl-ttf2.0-dev 

    +On Windows we recommend using Strawberry Perl. It comes with SDL-1.2.13 header files and libs included.
    +Both Windows and Linux needs to install Alien::SDL
    $ cpan Alien::SDL
    ** Add sudo to this for Linux

    Getting Bleeding SDL

    +The bleeding SDL is on github. Click download on this site .
    +Extract it and cd into the folder run
    $ cpan . 
    ** The dot is needed
    +** in Linux you may need to do sudo
    +Then you can run this script by doing

    #!/usr/bin/env perl
    -use SDL;
    -use SDL::Events;
    -use SDL::Event;
    -use SDL::Video; 
    -my $display = SDL::Video::set_video_mode(640,480,32, SDL_SWSURFACE );
    -my $event   = SDL::Event->new(); 
    - SDL::Events::pump_events();  
    - if(SDL::Events::poll_event($event) && $event->type == SDL_ACTIVEEVENT)
    - {
    -  print "Hello Mouse!!!\n" if ($event->active_gain  && ($event->active_state == SDL_APPMOUSEFOCUS) );
    -  print "Bye Mouse!!!\n"   if (!$event->active_gain && ($event->active_state == SDL_APPMOUSEFOCUS) );
    - }   
    - exit if($event->type == SDL_QUIT);


    \ No newline at end of file +
    $ perl examples/sols/ 


    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/pages/blog-0024.html-inc b/pages/blog-0024.html-inc index 5c755ef..0de3c83 100644 --- a/pages/blog-0024.html-inc +++ b/pages/blog-0024.html-inc @@ -1,19 +1,59 @@

    -Development Update +Once in a while .... (set_event_filter)

    Short and Sweet

    +Once in a while
    +Things just work!

    -Had an exam on the weekend so I am a bit late. Here is the progress so far.
    • SDL::Video at 97%
    • -
    • SDL::Events at 25%
    • -
    • ~1000 tests cases passing on Windows and Linux
    • -

    -SDL Smoke tests

    -The major release maybe coming quicker than we thought. FROGGS++ for helping a lot out on this. However we need more testers!! Please contact us on #sdl and we will set you up with an account on Smolder.
    +So I have been hacking for a while on SDL::Events::set_event_filter. The code below is an example usage. The magic behind this is here

    -[Edit] Please read on how to get started in test! -


    \ No newline at end of file +
     1 #!/usr/bin/perl -w
    + 2 use strict;
    + 3 use warnings;
    + 4 use SDL v2.3; #Require the redesign branch
    + 5 use SDL::Video;
    + 6 use SDL::Event;
    + 7 use SDL::Events;
    + 8 
    + 9 SDL::init(SDL_INIT_VIDEO);
    +10 my $display = SDL::Video::set_video_mode(640,480,32, SDL_SWSURFACE );
    +11 my  $event = SDL::Event->new();
    +13 #This filters out all ActiveEvents
    +14 my $filter = sub { 
    +15      my ($e, $type) = ($_[0], $_[0]->type); 
    +16      if($type == SDL_ACTIVEEVENT){ return 0 } 
    +17      elsif($type == SDL_MOUSEBUTTONDOWN && $e->button_button == 1){ return 0 }
    +18      else { return 1; }
    +19       };
    +21 SDL::Events::set_event_filter($filter);
    +23 while(1)
    +24 {
    +26   SDL::Events::pump_events();
    +27   if(SDL::Events::poll_event($event))
    +28   {
    +30   if(  $event->type == SDL_ACTIVEEVENT)
    +31  {
    +32  print "Hello Mouse!!!\n" if ($event->active_gain && ($event->active_state == SDL_APPMOUSEFOCUS) );
    +33  print "Bye Mouse!!!\n" if (!$event->active_gain && ($event->active_state == SDL_APPMOUSEFOCUS) );
    +34         }
    +35   if( $event->type == SDL_MOUSEBUTTONDOWN)
    +36    {
    +37  my ($x, $y, $but ) = ($event->button_x, $event->button_y, $event->button_button);
    +38  warn "$but CLICK!!! at $x and $y \n";
    +39  }
    +41       last if($event->type == SDL_QUIT);
    +42   }
    +43 }
    +44 SDL::quit()
    Tinker with $filter and look at perldoc lib/SDL/pods/Event.pod. 
    Have fun,


    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/pages/blog-0025.html-inc b/pages/blog-0025.html-inc index e9ae7e4..e65be37 100644 --- a/pages/blog-0025.html-inc +++ b/pages/blog-0025.html-inc @@ -1,29 +1,36 @@

    -Development Update +Hello Mouse? An Example of the New Event Code


    -A stoic stone will sit idle,
    -but will some effort,
    -A rolling rock will run!

    Any code that is not marketed is dead code

    -In the past week the SDL Perl team has been busy! This is what we have accomplished

    Commitment to Testing!

    In an effort to focus on continuing our focus on testing we have setup a Smolder site for the SDL redesign process. Currently we have two platforms (linux, windows32) regularly tested on here. If there are more people following the redesign process and would like to share their test results; contact us at and we will provide access to you.


    For the core development most of the focus has been on redesigning around the Video category of the SDL perl API. As of now we are 50% done. 19 functions out of 38 functions have been implemented and tested.

    Site Redesign + Migration

    On the end of the spectrum, Froggs has been hard at work on the graphical design of the site. More over with mst's help we will soon be migrating to


    Moreover this week we have seen an increase effort from magnet on the SDL docs. Kudos!

    SWIG Experimentation

    Finally Katrina has begun looking into SWIG as alternative for SDL in the future. -


    \ No newline at end of file +You need the new code from the redesign branch to use this .
    #!/usr/bin/env perl
    +use SDL;
    +use SDL::Events;
    +use SDL::Event;
    +use SDL::Video; 
    +my $display = SDL::Video::set_video_mode(640,480,32, SDL_SWSURFACE );
    +my $event   = SDL::Event->new(); 
    + SDL::Events::pump_events();  
    + if(SDL::Events::poll_event($event) && $event->type == SDL_ACTIVEEVENT)
    + {
    +  print "Hello Mouse!!!\n" if ($event->active_gain  && ($event->active_state == SDL_APPMOUSEFOCUS) );
    +  print "Bye Mouse!!!\n"   if (!$event->active_gain && ($event->active_state == SDL_APPMOUSEFOCUS) );
    + }   
    + exit if($event->type == SDL_QUIT);


    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/pages/documentation.html-inc b/pages/documentation.html-inc index 96a77b2..605e3bc 100644 --- a/pages/documentation.html-inc +++ b/pages/documentation.html-inc @@ -1,2 +1,2 @@

    Documentation (latest development branch)

    thumbSDL- Simple DirectMedia Layer for Perl
    thumbSDL::Credits- Authors and contributors of the SDL Perl project
    thumbSDL::Deprecated- Log of Deprecated items per release
    thumbSDL::Time- An SDL Perl extension for managing timers
    thumbSDL::Audio- SDL Bindings for Audio
    thumbSDL::AudioCVT- Audio Conversion Structure
    thumbSDL::AudioSpec- SDL Bindings for structure SDL::AudioSpec
    thumbSDL::CDROM- SDL Bindings for the CDROM device
    thumbSDL::CD- SDL Bindings for structure SDL_CD
    thumbSDL::CDTrack- SDL Bindings for structure SDL_CDTrack
    thumbSDL::Events- Bindings to the Events Category in SDL API
    thumbSDL::Event- General event structure
    thumbSDL::Joystick- SDL Bindings for the Joystick device
    thumbSDL::Mouse- SDL Bindings for the Mouse device
    thumbSDL::Cursor- Mouse cursor structure
    thumbSDL::Version- SDL Bindings for structure SDL_Version
    thumbSDL::Video- Bindings to the video category in SDL API
    thumbSDL::Color- Format independent color description
    thumbSDL::Overlay- YUV Video overlay
    thumbSDL::Palette- Color palette for 8-bit pixel formats
    thumbSDL::PixelFormat- Stores surface format information
    thumbSDL::Rect- Defines a rectangular area
    thumbSDL::Surface- Graphic surface structure
    thumbSDL::VideoInfo- Video Target Information

    thumbSDL::Cookbook::OpenGL- Using SDL with OpenGL

    thumbSDLx::App- a SDL perl extension
    thumbSDLx::Rect- SDL extension for storing and manipulating rectangular coordinates
    thumbSDLx::SFont- Extension making fonts out of images and printing them
    thumbSDLx::Sprite- interact with images quick and easily in SDL
    thumbSDLx::Sprite::Animated- create animated SDL sprites easily!
    thumbSDLx::Surface- Graphic surface matrix extension

    thumbSDL::GFX::Framerate- framerate calculating functions
    thumbSDL::GFX::Primitives- basic drawing functions
    thumbSDL::GFX::FPSManager- data structure used by SDL::GFX::Framerate

    thumbSDL::Image- Bindings for the SDL_Image library

    thumbSDL::Mixer- Sound and music functions
    thumbSDL::Mixer::Channels- SDL::Mixer channel functions and bindings
    thumbSDL::Mixer::Effects- sound effect functions
    thumbSDL::Mixer::Groups- Audio channel group functions
    thumbSDL::Mixer::Music- functions for music
    thumbSDL::Mixer::Samples- functions for loading sound samples
    thumbSDL::Mixer::MixChunk- SDL Bindings for structure SDL_MixChunk
    thumbSDL::Mixer::MixMusic- SDL Bindings for structure SDL_MixMusic

    thumbSDL::Pango- Text rendering engine
    thumbSDL::Pango::Context- Context object for SDL::Pango

    thumbSDL::MPEG- a SDL perl extension
    thumbSDL::SMPEG- a SDL perl extension
    thumbSDL::MultiThread- Bindings to the MultiThread category in SDL API
    thumbSDL::RWOps- SDL Bindings to SDL_RWOPs
    thumbSDL::GFX::BlitFunc- blitting functions
    thumbSDL::GFX::ImageFilter- image filtering functions
    thumbSDL::GFX::Rotozoom- rotation and zooming functions for surfaces

    thumbSDL::TTF- True Type Font functions (libfreetype)
    thumbSDL::TTF::Font- Font object type for SDL_ttf

    thumbSDL::Tutorial- introduction to Perl SDL
    thumbSDL::Tutorial::LunarLander- a small tutorial on Perl SDL

    thumbSDLx::Controller- Handles the loops for event, movement and rendering

    Documentation (latest development branch)

    diff --git a/pages/tags-API.html-inc b/pages/tags-API.html-inc index 84f4577..679cda6 100644 --- a/pages/tags-API.html-inc +++ b/pages/tags-API.html-inc @@ -1 +1 @@ -

    Results for tag: API

    Getting people to use SDL Perl: Docs, API, and Distribution
    Friday, 07 May 2010
    Tags: [API] [Design] [Docs] [Perl] [SDL]
    The road so far
    Things have been busy but fruitful. Our two core modules are getting to be a bit more stable. Alien::SDL 1.405 is behaving well. This foundational stability will start to show results in SDL too I believe. Most excitingly the main developer of frozen-bubble is reviewing our Games::FrozenBubble port to CPAN. All good and well, but to keep this project going we need to improve.
    Getting people to use SDL Perl
    After a long chat with a new SDL user on #sdl today, I realize we still have some way to go. Currently it seems we are lacking in a few areas. We can definitely use some feedback and help in these areas.

    We have more docs now on but they suck
    What type of tutorials do you think will be good for beginners?
    A project start to finish?
    Individual tutorials for various topics?
    What needs to go in SDL::CookBook?

    API sweetness
    SDL Perl depends on distinct C libraries
    This makes naming conventions, data formats different the SDL:: namespaces
    How do people design this stuff?
    We are hackers and we just go do stuff but I think this needs some prior thought
    Any takers?

    If SDL scripts can be packaged up simply for game developers to distribute their games it will be a big plus
    One way is a Wx::Perl::Packer clone
    Another is a CPAN/Steam clone that game devs can upload games too and people can point and click download games? 
    If anyone wants to help in these areas please talk to us on 


    \ No newline at end of file +

    Results for tag: API

    Getting people to use SDL Perl: Docs, API, and Distribution
    Friday, 07 May 2010
    Tags: [API] [Design] [Docs] [Perl] [SDL]
    The road so far
    Things have been busy but fruitful. Our two core modules are getting to be a bit more stable. Alien::SDL 1.405 is behaving well. This foundational stability will start to show results in SDL too I believe. Most excitingly the main developer of frozen-bubble is reviewing our Games::FrozenBubble port to CPAN. All good and well, but to keep this project going we need to improve.
    Getting people to use SDL Perl
    After a long chat with a new SDL user on #sdl today, I realize we still have some way to go. Currently it seems we are lacking in a few areas. We can definitely use some feedback and help in these areas.

    We have more docs now on but they suck
    What type of tutorials do you think will be good for beginners?
    A project start to finish?
    Individual tutorials for various topics?
    What needs to go in SDL::CookBook?

    API sweetness
    SDL Perl depends on distinct C libraries
    This makes naming conventions, data formats different the SDL:: namespaces
    How do people design this stuff?
    We are hackers and we just go do stuff but I think this needs some prior thought
    Any takers?

    If SDL scripts can be packaged up simply for game developers to distribute their games it will be a big plus
    One way is a Wx::Perl::Packer clone
    Another is a CPAN/Steam clone that game devs can upload games too and people can point and click download games? 
    If anyone wants to help in these areas please talk to us on 


    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/pages/tags-Building.html-inc b/pages/tags-Building.html-inc index 33ce214..83af412 100644 --- a/pages/tags-Building.html-inc +++ b/pages/tags-Building.html-inc @@ -1 +1 @@ -

    Results for tag: Building

    The Build Process of SDL Perl
    Wednesday, 07 July 2010
    Tags: [Building] [Perl] [SDL]
    A while ago I had a long chat with mst on why SDL uses Module::Build rather then Make. I told him it is a simple matter of code inertia. The existing Module::Build system has worked well for us so far. Never the less, he convinced me that switching to Make will improve debugging the Build system. But to be able to switch we will need to completely replace the Build system. I am not prepared to do that so I will just present the requirements so mst or someone else can at least attempt to switch.
    The Build Process

    New build system! Needs testing!
    Thursday, 18 February 2010
    Tags: [Building] [Releases] [SDL]


    \ No newline at end of file +

    Results for tag: Building

    The Build Process of SDL Perl
    Wednesday, 07 July 2010
    Tags: [Building] [Perl] [SDL]
    A while ago I had a long chat with mst on why SDL uses Module::Build rather then Make. I told him it is a simple matter of code inertia. The existing Module::Build system has worked well for us so far. Never the less, he convinced me that switching to Make will improve debugging the Build system. But to be able to switch we will need to completely replace the Build system. I am not prepared to do that so I will just present the requirements so mst or someone else can at least attempt to switch.
    The Build Process

    New build system! Needs testing!
    Thursday, 18 February 2010
    Tags: [Building] [Releases] [SDL]


    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/pages/tags-Demo.html-inc b/pages/tags-Demo.html-inc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7a4de57 --- /dev/null +++ b/pages/tags-Demo.html-inc @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +

    Results for tag: Demo

    Introducing SDLx::Controller::Object, with our good friend Mario!
    Friday, 20 August 2010
    Tags: [Demo] [Perl] [Physics] [SDL]
    Hi Folks
    This past week I have been working on making interfacing physics with SDL rendering a lot easier. The idea was to provide the user a callback to describe the acceleration of their object in the X, Y axis and Rotation. Using this idea I have completed a preliminary work for SDLx::Controller::Object. The demo below shows an example that was made with it. The SDLx* code is available at and demo code is available at .
    Mario Demo using SDL Perl from SDLPerl on Vimeo .

    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/pages/tags-Design.html-inc b/pages/tags-Design.html-inc index 4b2fd7f..266b6b0 100644 --- a/pages/tags-Design.html-inc +++ b/pages/tags-Design.html-inc @@ -1 +1 @@ -

    Results for tag: Design

    Getting people to use SDL Perl: Docs, API, and Distribution
    Friday, 07 May 2010
    Tags: [API] [Design] [Docs] [Perl] [SDL]
    The road so far
    Things have been busy but fruitful. Our two core modules are getting to be a bit more stable. Alien::SDL 1.405 is behaving well. This foundational stability will start to show results in SDL too I believe. Most excitingly the main developer of frozen-bubble is reviewing our Games::FrozenBubble port to CPAN. All good and well, but to keep this project going we need to improve.
    Getting people to use SDL Perl
    After a long chat with a new SDL user on #sdl today, I realize we still have some way to go. Currently it seems we are lacking in a few areas. We can definitely use some feedback and help in these areas.

    We have more docs now on but they suck
    What type of tutorials do you think will be good for beginners?
    A project start to finish?
    Individual tutorials for various topics?
    What needs to go in SDL::CookBook?

    API sweetness
    SDL Perl depends on distinct C libraries
    This makes naming conventions, data formats different the SDL:: namespaces
    How do people design this stuff?
    We are hackers and we just go do stuff but I think this needs some prior thought
    Any takers?

    If SDL scripts can be packaged up simply for game developers to distribute their games it will be a big plus
    One way is a Wx::Perl::Packer clone
    Another is a CPAN/Steam clone that game devs can upload games too and people can point and click download games? 
    If anyone wants to help in these areas please talk to us on 


    \ No newline at end of file +

    Results for tag: Design

    Getting people to use SDL Perl: Docs, API, and Distribution
    Friday, 07 May 2010
    Tags: [API] [Design] [Docs] [Perl] [SDL]
    The road so far
    Things have been busy but fruitful. Our two core modules are getting to be a bit more stable. Alien::SDL 1.405 is behaving well. This foundational stability will start to show results in SDL too I believe. Most excitingly the main developer of frozen-bubble is reviewing our Games::FrozenBubble port to CPAN. All good and well, but to keep this project going we need to improve.
    Getting people to use SDL Perl
    After a long chat with a new SDL user on #sdl today, I realize we still have some way to go. Currently it seems we are lacking in a few areas. We can definitely use some feedback and help in these areas.

    We have more docs now on but they suck
    What type of tutorials do you think will be good for beginners?
    A project start to finish?
    Individual tutorials for various topics?
    What needs to go in SDL::CookBook?

    API sweetness
    SDL Perl depends on distinct C libraries
    This makes naming conventions, data formats different the SDL:: namespaces
    How do people design this stuff?
    We are hackers and we just go do stuff but I think this needs some prior thought
    Any takers?

    If SDL scripts can be packaged up simply for game developers to distribute their games it will be a big plus
    One way is a Wx::Perl::Packer clone
    Another is a CPAN/Steam clone that game devs can upload games too and people can point and click download games? 
    If anyone wants to help in these areas please talk to us on 


    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/pages/tags-Docs.html-inc b/pages/tags-Docs.html-inc index 609acf8..58e6921 100644 --- a/pages/tags-Docs.html-inc +++ b/pages/tags-Docs.html-inc @@ -1 +1 @@ -

    Results for tag: Docs

    Getting people to use SDL Perl: Docs, API, and Distribution
    Friday, 07 May 2010
    Tags: [API] [Design] [Docs] [Perl] [SDL]
    The road so far
    Things have been busy but fruitful. Our two core modules are getting to be a bit more stable. Alien::SDL 1.405 is behaving well. This foundational stability will start to show results in SDL too I believe. Most excitingly the main developer of frozen-bubble is reviewing our Games::FrozenBubble port to CPAN. All good and well, but to keep this project going we need to improve.
    Getting people to use SDL Perl
    After a long chat with a new SDL user on #sdl today, I realize we still have some way to go. Currently it seems we are lacking in a few areas. We can definitely use some feedback and help in these areas.

    We have more docs now on but they suck
    What type of tutorials do you think will be good for beginners?
    A project start to finish?
    Individual tutorials for various topics?
    What needs to go in SDL::CookBook?

    API sweetness
    SDL Perl depends on distinct C libraries
    This makes naming conventions, data formats different the SDL:: namespaces
    How do people design this stuff?
    We are hackers and we just go do stuff but I think this needs some prior thought
    Any takers?

    If SDL scripts can be packaged up simply for game developers to distribute their games it will be a big plus
    One way is a Wx::Perl::Packer clone
    Another is a CPAN/Steam clone that game devs can upload games too and people can point and click download games? 
    If anyone wants to help in these areas please talk to us on 


    SDL Perl Documentation: Reviewers need
    Thursday, 26 November 2009
    Tags: [Docs] [Perl] [SDL]

    The written word,

    \ No newline at end of file +

    Results for tag: Docs

    Getting people to use SDL Perl: Docs, API, and Distribution
    Friday, 07 May 2010
    Tags: [API] [Design] [Docs] [Perl] [SDL]
    The road so far
    Things have been busy but fruitful. Our two core modules are getting to be a bit more stable. Alien::SDL 1.405 is behaving well. This foundational stability will start to show results in SDL too I believe. Most excitingly the main developer of frozen-bubble is reviewing our Games::FrozenBubble port to CPAN. All good and well, but to keep this project going we need to improve.
    Getting people to use SDL Perl
    After a long chat with a new SDL user on #sdl today, I realize we still have some way to go. Currently it seems we are lacking in a few areas. We can definitely use some feedback and help in these areas.

    We have more docs now on but they suck
    What type of tutorials do you think will be good for beginners?
    A project start to finish?
    Individual tutorials for various topics?
    What needs to go in SDL::CookBook?

    API sweetness
    SDL Perl depends on distinct C libraries
    This makes naming conventions, data formats different the SDL:: namespaces
    How do people design this stuff?
    We are hackers and we just go do stuff but I think this needs some prior thought
    Any takers?

    If SDL scripts can be packaged up simply for game developers to distribute their games it will be a big plus
    One way is a Wx::Perl::Packer clone
    Another is a CPAN/Steam clone that game devs can upload games too and people can point and click download games? 
    If anyone wants to help in these areas please talk to us on 


    SDL Perl Documentation: Reviewers need
    Thursday, 26 November 2009
    Tags: [Docs] [Perl] [SDL]

    The written word,

    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/pages/tags-Example.html-inc b/pages/tags-Example.html-inc index 41e4576..992575b 100644 --- a/pages/tags-Example.html-inc +++ b/pages/tags-Example.html-inc @@ -1 +1 @@ -

    Results for tag: Example

    Huge World Maps in less then 100 lines
    Friday, 16 July 2010
    Tags: [Example] [Perl] [SDL] [Syntax]

    Hello folks,
    Recently we have been working on making the Perl syntax sugar for SDL in the form of SDLx. So far we have got the SDLx::Surface and SDLx::Sprite (garu++) done. So the first thing we did was throw together a quick Zelda map walker. As you can see above.  The code is at . The SDL code that this depends on will be SDL 2.503 soonish . We are in the process of cleaning up some more SDLx and Alien::SDL bugs. After that SDLx::App will be overhauled to make this sort of thing even easier. Finally living up to our goal of  'Simple Games Easy. Complex Games Possible.' 
    UPDATE: with some help, and newcomer jtpalmer's help we have added Link

    --caio yapgh


    Migrating Sol's Tutorial of SDL to SDL_Perl
    Sunday, 15 November 2009
    Tags: [Example] [Perl] [SDL]
    If I have seen further it is only by standing on the shoulders of giants. --Newton


    \ No newline at end of file +

    Results for tag: Example

    Huge World Maps in less then 100 lines
    Friday, 16 July 2010
    Tags: [Example] [Perl] [SDL] [Syntax]

    Hello folks,
    Recently we have been working on making the Perl syntax sugar for SDL in the form of SDLx. So far we have got the SDLx::Surface and SDLx::Sprite (garu++) done. So the first thing we did was throw together a quick Zelda map walker. As you can see above.  The code is at . The SDL code that this depends on will be SDL 2.503 soonish . We are in the process of cleaning up some more SDLx and Alien::SDL bugs. After that SDLx::App will be overhauled to make this sort of thing even easier. Finally living up to our goal of  'Simple Games Easy. Complex Games Possible.' 
    UPDATE: with some help, and newcomer jtpalmer's help we have added Link

    --caio yapgh


    Migrating Sol's Tutorial of SDL to SDL_Perl
    Sunday, 15 November 2009
    Tags: [Example] [Perl] [SDL]
    If I have seen further it is only by standing on the shoulders of giants. --Newton


    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/pages/tags-EyeCandy.html-inc b/pages/tags-EyeCandy.html-inc index 3ac3e30..379eaef 100644 --- a/pages/tags-EyeCandy.html-inc +++ b/pages/tags-EyeCandy.html-inc @@ -1 +1 @@ -

    Results for tag: EyeCandy

    SDL Perl Showcase
    Friday, 12 March 2010
    Tags: [EyeCandy] [Perl] [SDL Perl] [Showcase]

    SDL_Mixer and Effects


    \ No newline at end of file +

    Results for tag: EyeCandy

    SDL Perl Showcase
    Friday, 12 March 2010
    Tags: [EyeCandy] [Perl] [SDL Perl] [Showcase]

    SDL_Mixer and Effects


    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/pages/tags-Frozen-Bubble.html-inc b/pages/tags-Frozen-Bubble.html-inc index 827c2e7..24c0113 100644 --- a/pages/tags-Frozen-Bubble.html-inc +++ b/pages/tags-Frozen-Bubble.html-inc @@ -1 +1 @@ -

    Results for tag: Frozen Bubble

    Games::FrozenBubble: It is a start!
    Monday, 12 April 2010
    Tags: [Frozen Bubble] [Perl] [SDL]
    We released a playable (client) frozen bubble on CPAN . There is more work to be done but it is a great start! It currently works on Windows and Linux.


    Release SDL 2.4: Frozen-Bubble begins to go to CPAN
    Tuesday, 06 April 2010
    Tags: [Frozen Bubble] [Perl] [SDL]

    SDL 2.4 is released!
    After 8 months of work this picture begins to sum it up:

    \ No newline at end of file +

    Results for tag: Frozen Bubble

    Games::FrozenBubble: It is a start!
    Monday, 12 April 2010
    Tags: [Frozen Bubble] [Perl] [SDL]
    We released a playable (client) frozen bubble on CPAN . There is more work to be done but it is a great start! It currently works on Windows and Linux.


    Release SDL 2.4: Frozen-Bubble begins to go to CPAN
    Tuesday, 06 April 2010
    Tags: [Frozen Bubble] [Perl] [SDL]

    SDL 2.4 is released!
    After 8 months of work this picture begins to sum it up:

    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/pages/tags-GSOC.html-inc b/pages/tags-GSOC.html-inc index 051092d..96e82be 100644 --- a/pages/tags-GSOC.html-inc +++ b/pages/tags-GSOC.html-inc @@ -1 +1 @@ -

    Results for tag: GSOC

    A summer of possibilities (SDL_perl and GSOC 2010 )
    Tuesday, 30 March 2010
    Tags: [GSOC] [Perl] [SDL]
    GSOC 2010
    As many of the readers must know The Perl Foundation has been accepted for the GSOC 2010 program. There are several SDL_perl mentors involved in it too. Right now we are accepting student applications.
    Process to Apply

    \ No newline at end of file +

    Results for tag: GSOC

    A summer of possibilities (SDL_perl and GSOC 2010 )
    Tuesday, 30 March 2010
    Tags: [GSOC] [Perl] [SDL]
    GSOC 2010
    As many of the readers must know The Perl Foundation has been accepted for the GSOC 2010 program. There are several SDL_perl mentors involved in it too. Right now we are accepting student applications.
    Process to Apply

    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/pages/tags-Game.html-inc b/pages/tags-Game.html-inc index 647fd49..6cbf15f 100644 --- a/pages/tags-Game.html-inc +++ b/pages/tags-Game.html-inc @@ -1 +1 @@ -

    Results for tag: Game

    Quick Game for Toronto Perl Mongers
    Thursday, 11 February 2010
    Tags: [Game] [SDL] [TPM]

    Beep ... Boop


    \ No newline at end of file +

    Results for tag: Game

    Quick Game for Toronto Perl Mongers
    Thursday, 11 February 2010
    Tags: [Game] [SDL] [TPM]

    Beep ... Boop


    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/pages/tags-PDL.html-inc b/pages/tags-PDL.html-inc index 58da8d1..4869f8d 100644 --- a/pages/tags-PDL.html-inc +++ b/pages/tags-PDL.html-inc @@ -1 +1 @@ -

    Results for tag: PDL

    SDL RC 2.5 decides to play with PDL
    Tuesday, 29 June 2010
    Tags: [PDL] [Perl] [SDL]
    PDL provides great number crunching capabilities to Perl and SDL provides game-developer quality real-time bitmapping and sound.
    You can use PDL and SDL together to create real-time,
    responsive animations and simulations.

    \ No newline at end of file +

    Results for tag: PDL

    SDL RC 2.5 decides to play with PDL
    Tuesday, 29 June 2010
    Tags: [PDL] [Perl] [SDL]
    PDL provides great number crunching capabilities to Perl and SDL provides game-developer quality real-time bitmapping and sound.
    You can use PDL and SDL together to create real-time,
    responsive animations and simulations.

    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/pages/tags-Pack.html-inc b/pages/tags-Pack.html-inc index 463a889..2606739 100644 --- a/pages/tags-Pack.html-inc +++ b/pages/tags-Pack.html-inc @@ -1 +1 @@ -

    Results for tag: Pack

    Providing direct memory access to SDL_Surface's pixels
    Wednesday, 23 June 2010
    Tags: [Pack] [Perl] [SDL] [Surface] [XS]
    In an attempt to make pixel access easier on SDL_Surface pixels. I have started work on SDLx::Surface . So far I have only start on the 32 bpp surfaces.
    The general idea is to make Pointer Values (PV) of each pixel in the surface and place them into a 2D matrix. First I make pointer values like this:
    SV * get_pixel32 ( SDL_Surface * surface , int x , int y )

    \ No newline at end of file +

    Results for tag: Pack

    Providing direct memory access to SDL_Surface's pixels
    Wednesday, 23 June 2010
    Tags: [Pack] [Perl] [SDL] [Surface] [XS]
    In an attempt to make pixel access easier on SDL_Surface pixels. I have started work on SDLx::Surface . So far I have only start on the 32 bpp surfaces.
    The general idea is to make Pointer Values (PV) of each pixel in the surface and place them into a 2D matrix. First I make pointer values like this:
    SV * get_pixel32 ( SDL_Surface * surface , int x , int y )

    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/pages/tags-Packaging.html-inc b/pages/tags-Packaging.html-inc index d5685e1..024a016 100644 --- a/pages/tags-Packaging.html-inc +++ b/pages/tags-Packaging.html-inc @@ -1 +1 @@ -

    Results for tag: Packaging Packaging SDL Scripts Alpha
    Friday, 14 May 2010
    Tags: [Packaging] [Perl] [SDL]
    After a lot of patches and head scratching I have an alpha version of . The purpose of is to allow SDL perl developers to package their game for end users.
    Here is the packaged up:


    \ No newline at end of file +

    Results for tag: Packaging Packaging SDL Scripts Alpha
    Friday, 14 May 2010
    Tags: [Packaging] [Perl] [SDL]
    After a lot of patches and head scratching I have an alpha version of . The purpose of is to allow SDL perl developers to package their game for end users.
    Here is the packaged up:


    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/pages/tags-Perl.html-inc b/pages/tags-Perl.html-inc index d63e4e5..faddb82 100644 --- a/pages/tags-Perl.html-inc +++ b/pages/tags-Perl.html-inc @@ -1 +1 @@ -

    Results for tag: Perl

    Perl+SDL 3D Rendering
    Saturday, 31 July 2010
    Tags: [Perl] [SDL] [Showcase]
    Recently we have done a lot of work on the next release of SDL Perl. But it all pays off when I see users do cool things as one of the users has done below. Talon^++! This project is a great example for people wanting to learn 3D from scratch.
    This was a project to test how well Perl+SDL performs and does not use OpenGL at all. This is all perl and SDL, with the help of libsdl_gfx for SDL::GFX::Primitives. Texture mapping doesn't use SDL::GFX::Primitives because textured_polygon just takes a surface, tiles it, and clips out the polygon, which doesn't look 3D at all.

    SDL 2.503 Released!
    Thursday, 22 July 2010
    Tags: [Perl] [Releases] [SDL]
    SDL 2.503 has been released on to CPAN. The changes are mostly in the new features added to SDLx::* layer. However as our continuing attempt to improve cross platform support we have some low level fixes.
    Most interstingly we have begun work on SDLx::Sprite::Animated. Although, volatile, this addition will be highly anticipated. We look forward for more work on it soon. Additionally are the changes in SDLx::Surface. SDLx::Surface is an attempt to provide gfx, pixels, video and low level surface functions in a combined and simpler interface.
    Since SDLx::Sprite and SDLx::App depends on SDLx::Surface, new features will be propagated and the magic amplified! These are exciting times for SDL in Perl. So come join us for great justice on #sdl or .

    Huge World Maps in less then 100 lines
    Friday, 16 July 2010
    Tags: [Example] [Perl] [SDL] [Syntax]

    Hello folks,
    Recently we have been working on making the Perl syntax sugar for SDL in the form of SDLx. So far we have got the SDLx::Surface and SDLx::Sprite (garu++) done. So the first thing we did was throw together a quick Zelda map walker. As you can see above.  The code is at . The SDL code that this depends on will be SDL 2.503 soonish . We are in the process of cleaning up some more SDLx and Alien::SDL bugs. After that SDLx::App will be overhauled to make this sort of thing even easier. Finally living up to our goal of  'Simple Games Easy. Complex Games Possible.' 
    UPDATE: with some help, and newcomer jtpalmer's help we have added Link

    --caio yapgh


    The Build Process of SDL Perl
    Wednesday, 07 July 2010
    Tags: [Building] [Perl] [SDL]
    A while ago I had a long chat with mst on why SDL uses Module::Build rather then Make. I told him it is a simple matter of code inertia. The existing Module::Build system has worked well for us so far. Never the less, he convinced me that switching to Make will improve debugging the Build system. But to be able to switch we will need to completely replace the Build system. I am not prepared to do that so I will just present the requirements so mst or someone else can at least attempt to switch.
    The Build Process

    SDL RC 2.5 decides to play with PDL
    Tuesday, 29 June 2010
    Tags: [PDL] [Perl] [SDL]
    PDL provides great number crunching capabilities to Perl and SDL provides game-developer quality real-time bitmapping and sound.
    You can use PDL and SDL together to create real-time,
    responsive animations and simulations.

    Providing direct memory access to SDL_Surface's pixels
    Wednesday, 23 June 2010
    Tags: [Pack] [Perl] [SDL] [Surface] [XS]
    In an attempt to make pixel access easier on SDL_Surface pixels. I have started work on SDLx::Surface . So far I have only start on the 32 bpp surfaces.
    The general idea is to make Pointer Values (PV) of each pixel in the surface and place them into a 2D matrix. First I make pointer values like this:
    SV * get_pixel32 ( SDL_Surface * surface , int x , int y )
    [more] Packaging SDL Scripts Alpha
    Friday, 14 May 2010
    Tags: [Packaging] [Perl] [SDL]
    After a lot of patches and head scratching I have an alpha version of . The purpose of is to allow SDL perl developers to package their game for end users.
    Here is the packaged up:


    Getting people to use SDL Perl: Docs, API, and Distribution
    Friday, 07 May 2010
    Tags: [API] [Design] [Docs] [Perl] [SDL]
    The road so far
    Things have been busy but fruitful. Our two core modules are getting to be a bit more stable. Alien::SDL 1.405 is behaving well. This foundational stability will start to show results in SDL too I believe. Most excitingly the main developer of frozen-bubble is reviewing our Games::FrozenBubble port to CPAN. All good and well, but to keep this project going we need to improve.
    Getting people to use SDL Perl
    After a long chat with a new SDL user on #sdl today, I realize we still have some way to go. Currently it seems we are lacking in a few areas. We can definitely use some feedback and help in these areas.

    We have more docs now on but they suck
    What type of tutorials do you think will be good for beginners?
    A project start to finish?
    Individual tutorials for various topics?
    What needs to go in SDL::CookBook?

    API sweetness
    SDL Perl depends on distinct C libraries
    This makes naming conventions, data formats different the SDL:: namespaces
    How do people design this stuff?
    We are hackers and we just go do stuff but I think this needs some prior thought
    Any takers?

    If SDL scripts can be packaged up simply for game developers to distribute their games it will be a big plus
    One way is a Wx::Perl::Packer clone
    Another is a CPAN/Steam clone that game devs can upload games too and people can point and click download games? 
    If anyone wants to help in these areas please talk to us on 


    Games::FrozenBubble: It is a start!
    Monday, 12 April 2010
    Tags: [Frozen Bubble] [Perl] [SDL]
    We released a playable (client) frozen bubble on CPAN . There is more work to be done but it is a great start! It currently works on Windows and Linux.


    Release SDL 2.4: Frozen-Bubble begins to go to CPAN
    Tuesday, 06 April 2010
    Tags: [Frozen Bubble] [Perl] [SDL]

    SDL 2.4 is released!
    After 8 months of work this picture begins to sum it up:

    A summer of possibilities (SDL_perl and GSOC 2010 )
    Tuesday, 30 March 2010
    Tags: [GSOC] [Perl] [SDL]
    GSOC 2010
    As many of the readers must know The Perl Foundation has been accepted for the GSOC 2010 program. There are several SDL_perl mentors involved in it too. Right now we are accepting student applications.
    Process to Apply

    SDL Perl Showcase
    Friday, 12 March 2010
    Tags: [EyeCandy] [Perl] [SDL Perl] [Showcase]

    SDL_Mixer and Effects


    Threaded XS callback finally gets solved.
    Wednesday, 06 January 2010
    Tags: [Perl] [SDL] [Updates] [XS]

    Dragged down from the lofty isles,
    into the guts and gore of the monster,

    SDL Alpha 2: A sneak preview
    Sunday, 06 December 2009
    Tags: [Perl] [Releases] [SDL]
    Pretty or Ugly,
    Code is Code
    New or Old,

    Developer Release of SDL 2.3_1
    Monday, 30 November 2009
    Tags: [Perl] [Releases] [SDL]

    The city of Rome was built,
    with the first brick.

    SDL Perl Documentation: Reviewers need
    Thursday, 26 November 2009
    Tags: [Docs] [Perl] [SDL]

    The written word,

    Migrating Sol's Tutorial of SDL to SDL_Perl
    Sunday, 15 November 2009
    Tags: [Example] [Perl] [SDL]
    If I have seen further it is only by standing on the shoulders of giants. --Newton


    Once in a while .... (set_event_filter)
    Friday, 13 November 2009
    Tags: [Perl] [SDL] [XS]

    Once in a while
    Things just work!

    Hello Mouse? An Example of the New Event Code
    Wednesday, 11 November 2009
    Tags: [Perl] [SDL] [Sneak Preview]
    Any code that is not marketed is dead code


    Development Update
    Monday, 09 November 2009
    Tags: [Perl] [SDL] [Updates]
    Short and Sweet

    Had an exam on the weekend so I am a bit late. Here is the progress so far.

    Development Update
    Monday, 02 November 2009
    Tags: [Perl] [SDL] [Updates]

    A stoic stone will sit idle,
    but will some effort,

    \ No newline at end of file +

    Results for tag: Perl

    Introducing SDLx::Controller::Object, with our good friend Mario!
    Friday, 20 August 2010
    Tags: [Demo] [Perl] [Physics] [SDL]
    Hi Folks
    This past week I have been working on making interfacing physics with SDL rendering a lot easier. The idea was to provide the user a callback to describe the acceleration of their object in the X, Y axis and Rotation. Using this idea I have completed a preliminary work for SDLx::Controller::Object. The demo below shows an example that was made with it. The SDLx* code is available at and demo code is available at .
    Mario Demo using SDL Perl from SDLPerl on Vimeo .

    SDL 2.511 + Using SDL for quick visualizations
    Monday, 09 August 2010
    Tags: [Perl] [SDL]
    SDL Perl 2.511 is showing great promises. The initial tests show a great deal of stability.
     Moreover we are seeing more varied users of SDL Perl.
    John.O Writes:

    This is for a tool that we'll be providing our dealers... it measures cellular modem signal strengths out in the middle of nowhere, so dealers can evaluate if our products will work in customers' fields. And of course, I'm using Perl/SDL for the graphics... C gets on my nerves.
    Our company is .
    John O.


    Perl+SDL 3D Rendering
    Saturday, 31 July 2010
    Tags: [Perl] [SDL] [Showcase]
    Recently we have done a lot of work on the next release of SDL Perl. But it all pays off when I see users do cool things as one of the users has done below. Talon^++! This project is a great example for people wanting to learn 3D from scratch.
    This was a project to test how well Perl+SDL performs and does not use OpenGL at all. This is all perl and SDL, with the help of libsdl_gfx for SDL::GFX::Primitives. Texture mapping doesn't use SDL::GFX::Primitives because textured_polygon just takes a surface, tiles it, and clips out the polygon, which doesn't look 3D at all.

    SDL 2.503 Released!
    Thursday, 22 July 2010
    Tags: [Perl] [Releases] [SDL]
    SDL 2.503 has been released on to CPAN. The changes are mostly in the new features added to SDLx::* layer. However as our continuing attempt to improve cross platform support we have some low level fixes.
    Most interstingly we have begun work on SDLx::Sprite::Animated. Although, volatile, this addition will be highly anticipated. We look forward for more work on it soon. Additionally are the changes in SDLx::Surface. SDLx::Surface is an attempt to provide gfx, pixels, video and low level surface functions in a combined and simpler interface.
    Since SDLx::Sprite and SDLx::App depends on SDLx::Surface, new features will be propagated and the magic amplified! These are exciting times for SDL in Perl. So come join us for great justice on #sdl or .

    Huge World Maps in less then 100 lines
    Friday, 16 July 2010
    Tags: [Example] [Perl] [SDL] [Syntax]

    Hello folks,
    Recently we have been working on making the Perl syntax sugar for SDL in the form of SDLx. So far we have got the SDLx::Surface and SDLx::Sprite (garu++) done. So the first thing we did was throw together a quick Zelda map walker. As you can see above.  The code is at . The SDL code that this depends on will be SDL 2.503 soonish . We are in the process of cleaning up some more SDLx and Alien::SDL bugs. After that SDLx::App will be overhauled to make this sort of thing even easier. Finally living up to our goal of  'Simple Games Easy. Complex Games Possible.' 
    UPDATE: with some help, and newcomer jtpalmer's help we have added Link

    --caio yapgh


    The Build Process of SDL Perl
    Wednesday, 07 July 2010
    Tags: [Building] [Perl] [SDL]
    A while ago I had a long chat with mst on why SDL uses Module::Build rather then Make. I told him it is a simple matter of code inertia. The existing Module::Build system has worked well for us so far. Never the less, he convinced me that switching to Make will improve debugging the Build system. But to be able to switch we will need to completely replace the Build system. I am not prepared to do that so I will just present the requirements so mst or someone else can at least attempt to switch.
    The Build Process

    SDL RC 2.5 decides to play with PDL
    Tuesday, 29 June 2010
    Tags: [PDL] [Perl] [SDL]
    PDL provides great number crunching capabilities to Perl and SDL provides game-developer quality real-time bitmapping and sound.
    You can use PDL and SDL together to create real-time,
    responsive animations and simulations.

    Providing direct memory access to SDL_Surface's pixels
    Wednesday, 23 June 2010
    Tags: [Pack] [Perl] [SDL] [Surface] [XS]
    In an attempt to make pixel access easier on SDL_Surface pixels. I have started work on SDLx::Surface . So far I have only start on the 32 bpp surfaces.
    The general idea is to make Pointer Values (PV) of each pixel in the surface and place them into a 2D matrix. First I make pointer values like this:
    SV * get_pixel32 ( SDL_Surface * surface , int x , int y )
    [more] Packaging SDL Scripts Alpha
    Friday, 14 May 2010
    Tags: [Packaging] [Perl] [SDL]
    After a lot of patches and head scratching I have an alpha version of . The purpose of is to allow SDL perl developers to package their game for end users.
    Here is the packaged up:


    Getting people to use SDL Perl: Docs, API, and Distribution
    Friday, 07 May 2010
    Tags: [API] [Design] [Docs] [Perl] [SDL]
    The road so far
    Things have been busy but fruitful. Our two core modules are getting to be a bit more stable. Alien::SDL 1.405 is behaving well. This foundational stability will start to show results in SDL too I believe. Most excitingly the main developer of frozen-bubble is reviewing our Games::FrozenBubble port to CPAN. All good and well, but to keep this project going we need to improve.
    Getting people to use SDL Perl
    After a long chat with a new SDL user on #sdl today, I realize we still have some way to go. Currently it seems we are lacking in a few areas. We can definitely use some feedback and help in these areas.

    We have more docs now on but they suck
    What type of tutorials do you think will be good for beginners?
    A project start to finish?
    Individual tutorials for various topics?
    What needs to go in SDL::CookBook?

    API sweetness
    SDL Perl depends on distinct C libraries
    This makes naming conventions, data formats different the SDL:: namespaces
    How do people design this stuff?
    We are hackers and we just go do stuff but I think this needs some prior thought
    Any takers?

    If SDL scripts can be packaged up simply for game developers to distribute their games it will be a big plus
    One way is a Wx::Perl::Packer clone
    Another is a CPAN/Steam clone that game devs can upload games too and people can point and click download games? 
    If anyone wants to help in these areas please talk to us on 


    Games::FrozenBubble: It is a start!
    Monday, 12 April 2010
    Tags: [Frozen Bubble] [Perl] [SDL]
    We released a playable (client) frozen bubble on CPAN . There is more work to be done but it is a great start! It currently works on Windows and Linux.


    Release SDL 2.4: Frozen-Bubble begins to go to CPAN
    Tuesday, 06 April 2010
    Tags: [Frozen Bubble] [Perl] [SDL]

    SDL 2.4 is released!
    After 8 months of work this picture begins to sum it up:

    A summer of possibilities (SDL_perl and GSOC 2010 )
    Tuesday, 30 March 2010
    Tags: [GSOC] [Perl] [SDL]
    GSOC 2010
    As many of the readers must know The Perl Foundation has been accepted for the GSOC 2010 program. There are several SDL_perl mentors involved in it too. Right now we are accepting student applications.
    Process to Apply

    SDL Perl Showcase
    Friday, 12 March 2010
    Tags: [EyeCandy] [Perl] [SDL Perl] [Showcase]

    SDL_Mixer and Effects


    Threaded XS callback finally gets solved.
    Wednesday, 06 January 2010
    Tags: [Perl] [SDL] [Updates] [XS]

    Dragged down from the lofty isles,
    into the guts and gore of the monster,

    SDL Alpha 2: A sneak preview
    Sunday, 06 December 2009
    Tags: [Perl] [Releases] [SDL]
    Pretty or Ugly,
    Code is Code
    New or Old,

    Developer Release of SDL 2.3_1
    Monday, 30 November 2009
    Tags: [Perl] [Releases] [SDL]

    The city of Rome was built,
    with the first brick.

    SDL Perl Documentation: Reviewers need
    Thursday, 26 November 2009
    Tags: [Docs] [Perl] [SDL]

    The written word,

    Migrating Sol's Tutorial of SDL to SDL_Perl
    Sunday, 15 November 2009
    Tags: [Example] [Perl] [SDL]
    If I have seen further it is only by standing on the shoulders of giants. --Newton


    Once in a while .... (set_event_filter)
    Friday, 13 November 2009
    Tags: [Perl] [SDL] [XS]

    Once in a while
    Things just work!

    Hello Mouse? An Example of the New Event Code
    Wednesday, 11 November 2009
    Tags: [Perl] [SDL] [Sneak Preview]
    Any code that is not marketed is dead code


    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/pages/tags-Physics.html-inc b/pages/tags-Physics.html-inc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9ca6bc5 --- /dev/null +++ b/pages/tags-Physics.html-inc @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +

    Results for tag: Physics

    Introducing SDLx::Controller::Object, with our good friend Mario!
    Friday, 20 August 2010
    Tags: [Demo] [Perl] [Physics] [SDL]
    Hi Folks
    This past week I have been working on making interfacing physics with SDL rendering a lot easier. The idea was to provide the user a callback to describe the acceleration of their object in the X, Y axis and Rotation. Using this idea I have completed a preliminary work for SDLx::Controller::Object. The demo below shows an example that was made with it. The SDLx* code is available at and demo code is available at .
    Mario Demo using SDL Perl from SDLPerl on Vimeo .

    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/pages/tags-Releases.html-inc b/pages/tags-Releases.html-inc index 8f70b05..3ea2edc 100644 --- a/pages/tags-Releases.html-inc +++ b/pages/tags-Releases.html-inc @@ -1 +1 @@ -

    Results for tag: Releases

    SDL 2.503 Released!
    Thursday, 22 July 2010
    Tags: [Perl] [Releases] [SDL]
    SDL 2.503 has been released on to CPAN. The changes are mostly in the new features added to SDLx::* layer. However as our continuing attempt to improve cross platform support we have some low level fixes.
    Most interstingly we have begun work on SDLx::Sprite::Animated. Although, volatile, this addition will be highly anticipated. We look forward for more work on it soon. Additionally are the changes in SDLx::Surface. SDLx::Surface is an attempt to provide gfx, pixels, video and low level surface functions in a combined and simpler interface.
    Since SDLx::Sprite and SDLx::App depends on SDLx::Surface, new features will be propagated and the magic amplified! These are exciting times for SDL in Perl. So come join us for great justice on #sdl or .

    New build system! Needs testing!
    Thursday, 18 February 2010
    Tags: [Building] [Releases] [SDL]


    SDL_perl 2.3_5 is out!
    Monday, 01 February 2010
    Tags: [Releases] [SDL]
    We keep on rolling,
    waiting on the world to turn.

    SDL Alpha 2: A sneak preview
    Sunday, 06 December 2009
    Tags: [Perl] [Releases] [SDL]
    Pretty or Ugly,
    Code is Code
    New or Old,

    Developer Release of SDL 2.3_1
    Monday, 30 November 2009
    Tags: [Perl] [Releases] [SDL]

    The city of Rome was built,
    with the first brick.

    \ No newline at end of file +

    Results for tag: Releases

    SDL 2.503 Released!
    Thursday, 22 July 2010
    Tags: [Perl] [Releases] [SDL]
    SDL 2.503 has been released on to CPAN. The changes are mostly in the new features added to SDLx::* layer. However as our continuing attempt to improve cross platform support we have some low level fixes.
    Most interstingly we have begun work on SDLx::Sprite::Animated. Although, volatile, this addition will be highly anticipated. We look forward for more work on it soon. Additionally are the changes in SDLx::Surface. SDLx::Surface is an attempt to provide gfx, pixels, video and low level surface functions in a combined and simpler interface.
    Since SDLx::Sprite and SDLx::App depends on SDLx::Surface, new features will be propagated and the magic amplified! These are exciting times for SDL in Perl. So come join us for great justice on #sdl or .

    New build system! Needs testing!
    Thursday, 18 February 2010
    Tags: [Building] [Releases] [SDL]


    SDL_perl 2.3_5 is out!
    Monday, 01 February 2010
    Tags: [Releases] [SDL]
    We keep on rolling,
    waiting on the world to turn.

    SDL Alpha 2: A sneak preview
    Sunday, 06 December 2009
    Tags: [Perl] [Releases] [SDL]
    Pretty or Ugly,
    Code is Code
    New or Old,

    Developer Release of SDL 2.3_1
    Monday, 30 November 2009
    Tags: [Perl] [Releases] [SDL]

    The city of Rome was built,
    with the first brick.

    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/pages/tags-SDL-Perl-EyeCandy.html-inc b/pages/tags-SDL-Perl-EyeCandy.html-inc index a801b2d..c83a223 100644 --- a/pages/tags-SDL-Perl-EyeCandy.html-inc +++ b/pages/tags-SDL-Perl-EyeCandy.html-inc @@ -1 +1 @@ -

    Results for tag: SDL Perl EyeCandy

    Eye Candy
    Wednesday, 24 February 2010
    Tags: [SDL Perl EyeCandy]

    With each imperfect hit

    \ No newline at end of file +

    Results for tag: SDL Perl EyeCandy

    Eye Candy
    Wednesday, 24 February 2010
    Tags: [SDL Perl EyeCandy]

    With each imperfect hit

    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/pages/tags-SDL-Perl.html-inc b/pages/tags-SDL-Perl.html-inc index f84db5e..c3f6a7a 100644 --- a/pages/tags-SDL-Perl.html-inc +++ b/pages/tags-SDL-Perl.html-inc @@ -1 +1 @@ -

    Results for tag: SDL Perl

    SDL Perl Showcase
    Friday, 12 March 2010
    Tags: [EyeCandy] [Perl] [SDL Perl] [Showcase]

    SDL_Mixer and Effects


    \ No newline at end of file +

    Results for tag: SDL Perl

    SDL Perl Showcase
    Friday, 12 March 2010
    Tags: [EyeCandy] [Perl] [SDL Perl] [Showcase]

    SDL_Mixer and Effects


    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/pages/tags-SDL.html-inc b/pages/tags-SDL.html-inc index 6a56d37..6d91308 100644 --- a/pages/tags-SDL.html-inc +++ b/pages/tags-SDL.html-inc @@ -1 +1 @@ -

    Results for tag: SDL

    Perl+SDL 3D Rendering
    Saturday, 31 July 2010
    Tags: [Perl] [SDL] [Showcase]
    Recently we have done a lot of work on the next release of SDL Perl. But it all pays off when I see users do cool things as one of the users has done below. Talon^++! This project is a great example for people wanting to learn 3D from scratch.
    This was a project to test how well Perl+SDL performs and does not use OpenGL at all. This is all perl and SDL, with the help of libsdl_gfx for SDL::GFX::Primitives. Texture mapping doesn't use SDL::GFX::Primitives because textured_polygon just takes a surface, tiles it, and clips out the polygon, which doesn't look 3D at all.

    SDL 2.503 Released!
    Thursday, 22 July 2010
    Tags: [Perl] [Releases] [SDL]
    SDL 2.503 has been released on to CPAN. The changes are mostly in the new features added to SDLx::* layer. However as our continuing attempt to improve cross platform support we have some low level fixes.
    Most interstingly we have begun work on SDLx::Sprite::Animated. Although, volatile, this addition will be highly anticipated. We look forward for more work on it soon. Additionally are the changes in SDLx::Surface. SDLx::Surface is an attempt to provide gfx, pixels, video and low level surface functions in a combined and simpler interface.
    Since SDLx::Sprite and SDLx::App depends on SDLx::Surface, new features will be propagated and the magic amplified! These are exciting times for SDL in Perl. So come join us for great justice on #sdl or .

    Huge World Maps in less then 100 lines
    Friday, 16 July 2010
    Tags: [Example] [Perl] [SDL] [Syntax]

    Hello folks,
    Recently we have been working on making the Perl syntax sugar for SDL in the form of SDLx. So far we have got the SDLx::Surface and SDLx::Sprite (garu++) done. So the first thing we did was throw together a quick Zelda map walker. As you can see above.  The code is at . The SDL code that this depends on will be SDL 2.503 soonish . We are in the process of cleaning up some more SDLx and Alien::SDL bugs. After that SDLx::App will be overhauled to make this sort of thing even easier. Finally living up to our goal of  'Simple Games Easy. Complex Games Possible.' 
    UPDATE: with some help, and newcomer jtpalmer's help we have added Link

    --caio yapgh


    The Build Process of SDL Perl
    Wednesday, 07 July 2010
    Tags: [Building] [Perl] [SDL]
    A while ago I had a long chat with mst on why SDL uses Module::Build rather then Make. I told him it is a simple matter of code inertia. The existing Module::Build system has worked well for us so far. Never the less, he convinced me that switching to Make will improve debugging the Build system. But to be able to switch we will need to completely replace the Build system. I am not prepared to do that so I will just present the requirements so mst or someone else can at least attempt to switch.
    The Build Process

    SDL RC 2.5 decides to play with PDL
    Tuesday, 29 June 2010
    Tags: [PDL] [Perl] [SDL]
    PDL provides great number crunching capabilities to Perl and SDL provides game-developer quality real-time bitmapping and sound.
    You can use PDL and SDL together to create real-time,
    responsive animations and simulations.

    Providing direct memory access to SDL_Surface's pixels
    Wednesday, 23 June 2010
    Tags: [Pack] [Perl] [SDL] [Surface] [XS]
    In an attempt to make pixel access easier on SDL_Surface pixels. I have started work on SDLx::Surface . So far I have only start on the 32 bpp surfaces.
    The general idea is to make Pointer Values (PV) of each pixel in the surface and place them into a 2D matrix. First I make pointer values like this:
    SV * get_pixel32 ( SDL_Surface * surface , int x , int y )
    [more] Packaging SDL Scripts Alpha
    Friday, 14 May 2010
    Tags: [Packaging] [Perl] [SDL]
    After a lot of patches and head scratching I have an alpha version of . The purpose of is to allow SDL perl developers to package their game for end users.
    Here is the packaged up:


    Getting people to use SDL Perl: Docs, API, and Distribution
    Friday, 07 May 2010
    Tags: [API] [Design] [Docs] [Perl] [SDL]
    The road so far
    Things have been busy but fruitful. Our two core modules are getting to be a bit more stable. Alien::SDL 1.405 is behaving well. This foundational stability will start to show results in SDL too I believe. Most excitingly the main developer of frozen-bubble is reviewing our Games::FrozenBubble port to CPAN. All good and well, but to keep this project going we need to improve.
    Getting people to use SDL Perl
    After a long chat with a new SDL user on #sdl today, I realize we still have some way to go. Currently it seems we are lacking in a few areas. We can definitely use some feedback and help in these areas.

    We have more docs now on but they suck
    What type of tutorials do you think will be good for beginners?
    A project start to finish?
    Individual tutorials for various topics?
    What needs to go in SDL::CookBook?

    API sweetness
    SDL Perl depends on distinct C libraries
    This makes naming conventions, data formats different the SDL:: namespaces
    How do people design this stuff?
    We are hackers and we just go do stuff but I think this needs some prior thought
    Any takers?

    If SDL scripts can be packaged up simply for game developers to distribute their games it will be a big plus
    One way is a Wx::Perl::Packer clone
    Another is a CPAN/Steam clone that game devs can upload games too and people can point and click download games? 
    If anyone wants to help in these areas please talk to us on 


    Games::FrozenBubble: It is a start!
    Monday, 12 April 2010
    Tags: [Frozen Bubble] [Perl] [SDL]
    We released a playable (client) frozen bubble on CPAN . There is more work to be done but it is a great start! It currently works on Windows and Linux.


    Release SDL 2.4: Frozen-Bubble begins to go to CPAN
    Tuesday, 06 April 2010
    Tags: [Frozen Bubble] [Perl] [SDL]

    SDL 2.4 is released!
    After 8 months of work this picture begins to sum it up:

    A summer of possibilities (SDL_perl and GSOC 2010 )
    Tuesday, 30 March 2010
    Tags: [GSOC] [Perl] [SDL]
    GSOC 2010
    As many of the readers must know The Perl Foundation has been accepted for the GSOC 2010 program. There are several SDL_perl mentors involved in it too. Right now we are accepting student applications.
    Process to Apply

    New build system! Needs testing!
    Thursday, 18 February 2010
    Tags: [Building] [Releases] [SDL]


    Quick Game for Toronto Perl Mongers
    Thursday, 11 February 2010
    Tags: [Game] [SDL] [TPM]

    Beep ... Boop


    SDL_perl 2.3_5 is out!
    Monday, 01 February 2010
    Tags: [Releases] [SDL]
    We keep on rolling,
    waiting on the world to turn.

    Threaded XS callback finally gets solved.
    Wednesday, 06 January 2010
    Tags: [Perl] [SDL] [Updates] [XS]

    Dragged down from the lofty isles,
    into the guts and gore of the monster,

    SDL Alpha 2: A sneak preview
    Sunday, 06 December 2009
    Tags: [Perl] [Releases] [SDL]
    Pretty or Ugly,
    Code is Code
    New or Old,

    Developer Release of SDL 2.3_1
    Monday, 30 November 2009
    Tags: [Perl] [Releases] [SDL]

    The city of Rome was built,
    with the first brick.

    SDL Perl Documentation: Reviewers need
    Thursday, 26 November 2009
    Tags: [Docs] [Perl] [SDL]

    The written word,

    Migrating Sol's Tutorial of SDL to SDL_Perl
    Sunday, 15 November 2009
    Tags: [Example] [Perl] [SDL]
    If I have seen further it is only by standing on the shoulders of giants. --Newton


    Once in a while .... (set_event_filter)
    Friday, 13 November 2009
    Tags: [Perl] [SDL] [XS]

    Once in a while
    Things just work!

    Hello Mouse? An Example of the New Event Code
    Wednesday, 11 November 2009
    Tags: [Perl] [SDL] [Sneak Preview]
    Any code that is not marketed is dead code


    Development Update
    Monday, 09 November 2009
    Tags: [Perl] [SDL] [Updates]
    Short and Sweet

    Had an exam on the weekend so I am a bit late. Here is the progress so far.

    Development Update
    Monday, 02 November 2009
    Tags: [Perl] [SDL] [Updates]

    A stoic stone will sit idle,
    but will some effort,

    \ No newline at end of file +

    Results for tag: SDL

    Introducing SDLx::Controller::Object, with our good friend Mario!
    Friday, 20 August 2010
    Tags: [Demo] [Perl] [Physics] [SDL]
    Hi Folks
    This past week I have been working on making interfacing physics with SDL rendering a lot easier. The idea was to provide the user a callback to describe the acceleration of their object in the X, Y axis and Rotation. Using this idea I have completed a preliminary work for SDLx::Controller::Object. The demo below shows an example that was made with it. The SDLx* code is available at and demo code is available at .
    Mario Demo using SDL Perl from SDLPerl on Vimeo .

    SDL 2.511 + Using SDL for quick visualizations
    Monday, 09 August 2010
    Tags: [Perl] [SDL]
    SDL Perl 2.511 is showing great promises. The initial tests show a great deal of stability.
     Moreover we are seeing more varied users of SDL Perl.
    John.O Writes:

    This is for a tool that we'll be providing our dealers... it measures cellular modem signal strengths out in the middle of nowhere, so dealers can evaluate if our products will work in customers' fields. And of course, I'm using Perl/SDL for the graphics... C gets on my nerves.
    Our company is .
    John O.


    Perl+SDL 3D Rendering
    Saturday, 31 July 2010
    Tags: [Perl] [SDL] [Showcase]
    Recently we have done a lot of work on the next release of SDL Perl. But it all pays off when I see users do cool things as one of the users has done below. Talon^++! This project is a great example for people wanting to learn 3D from scratch.
    This was a project to test how well Perl+SDL performs and does not use OpenGL at all. This is all perl and SDL, with the help of libsdl_gfx for SDL::GFX::Primitives. Texture mapping doesn't use SDL::GFX::Primitives because textured_polygon just takes a surface, tiles it, and clips out the polygon, which doesn't look 3D at all.

    SDL 2.503 Released!
    Thursday, 22 July 2010
    Tags: [Perl] [Releases] [SDL]
    SDL 2.503 has been released on to CPAN. The changes are mostly in the new features added to SDLx::* layer. However as our continuing attempt to improve cross platform support we have some low level fixes.
    Most interstingly we have begun work on SDLx::Sprite::Animated. Although, volatile, this addition will be highly anticipated. We look forward for more work on it soon. Additionally are the changes in SDLx::Surface. SDLx::Surface is an attempt to provide gfx, pixels, video and low level surface functions in a combined and simpler interface.
    Since SDLx::Sprite and SDLx::App depends on SDLx::Surface, new features will be propagated and the magic amplified! These are exciting times for SDL in Perl. So come join us for great justice on #sdl or .

    Huge World Maps in less then 100 lines
    Friday, 16 July 2010
    Tags: [Example] [Perl] [SDL] [Syntax]

    Hello folks,
    Recently we have been working on making the Perl syntax sugar for SDL in the form of SDLx. So far we have got the SDLx::Surface and SDLx::Sprite (garu++) done. So the first thing we did was throw together a quick Zelda map walker. As you can see above.  The code is at . The SDL code that this depends on will be SDL 2.503 soonish . We are in the process of cleaning up some more SDLx and Alien::SDL bugs. After that SDLx::App will be overhauled to make this sort of thing even easier. Finally living up to our goal of  'Simple Games Easy. Complex Games Possible.' 
    UPDATE: with some help, and newcomer jtpalmer's help we have added Link

    --caio yapgh


    The Build Process of SDL Perl
    Wednesday, 07 July 2010
    Tags: [Building] [Perl] [SDL]
    A while ago I had a long chat with mst on why SDL uses Module::Build rather then Make. I told him it is a simple matter of code inertia. The existing Module::Build system has worked well for us so far. Never the less, he convinced me that switching to Make will improve debugging the Build system. But to be able to switch we will need to completely replace the Build system. I am not prepared to do that so I will just present the requirements so mst or someone else can at least attempt to switch.
    The Build Process

    SDL RC 2.5 decides to play with PDL
    Tuesday, 29 June 2010
    Tags: [PDL] [Perl] [SDL]
    PDL provides great number crunching capabilities to Perl and SDL provides game-developer quality real-time bitmapping and sound.
    You can use PDL and SDL together to create real-time,
    responsive animations and simulations.

    Providing direct memory access to SDL_Surface's pixels
    Wednesday, 23 June 2010
    Tags: [Pack] [Perl] [SDL] [Surface] [XS]
    In an attempt to make pixel access easier on SDL_Surface pixels. I have started work on SDLx::Surface . So far I have only start on the 32 bpp surfaces.
    The general idea is to make Pointer Values (PV) of each pixel in the surface and place them into a 2D matrix. First I make pointer values like this:
    SV * get_pixel32 ( SDL_Surface * surface , int x , int y )
    [more] Packaging SDL Scripts Alpha
    Friday, 14 May 2010
    Tags: [Packaging] [Perl] [SDL]
    After a lot of patches and head scratching I have an alpha version of . The purpose of is to allow SDL perl developers to package their game for end users.
    Here is the packaged up:


    Getting people to use SDL Perl: Docs, API, and Distribution
    Friday, 07 May 2010
    Tags: [API] [Design] [Docs] [Perl] [SDL]
    The road so far
    Things have been busy but fruitful. Our two core modules are getting to be a bit more stable. Alien::SDL 1.405 is behaving well. This foundational stability will start to show results in SDL too I believe. Most excitingly the main developer of frozen-bubble is reviewing our Games::FrozenBubble port to CPAN. All good and well, but to keep this project going we need to improve.
    Getting people to use SDL Perl
    After a long chat with a new SDL user on #sdl today, I realize we still have some way to go. Currently it seems we are lacking in a few areas. We can definitely use some feedback and help in these areas.

    We have more docs now on but they suck
    What type of tutorials do you think will be good for beginners?
    A project start to finish?
    Individual tutorials for various topics?
    What needs to go in SDL::CookBook?

    API sweetness
    SDL Perl depends on distinct C libraries
    This makes naming conventions, data formats different the SDL:: namespaces
    How do people design this stuff?
    We are hackers and we just go do stuff but I think this needs some prior thought
    Any takers?

    If SDL scripts can be packaged up simply for game developers to distribute their games it will be a big plus
    One way is a Wx::Perl::Packer clone
    Another is a CPAN/Steam clone that game devs can upload games too and people can point and click download games? 
    If anyone wants to help in these areas please talk to us on 


    Games::FrozenBubble: It is a start!
    Monday, 12 April 2010
    Tags: [Frozen Bubble] [Perl] [SDL]
    We released a playable (client) frozen bubble on CPAN . There is more work to be done but it is a great start! It currently works on Windows and Linux.


    Release SDL 2.4: Frozen-Bubble begins to go to CPAN
    Tuesday, 06 April 2010
    Tags: [Frozen Bubble] [Perl] [SDL]

    SDL 2.4 is released!
    After 8 months of work this picture begins to sum it up:

    A summer of possibilities (SDL_perl and GSOC 2010 )
    Tuesday, 30 March 2010
    Tags: [GSOC] [Perl] [SDL]
    GSOC 2010
    As many of the readers must know The Perl Foundation has been accepted for the GSOC 2010 program. There are several SDL_perl mentors involved in it too. Right now we are accepting student applications.
    Process to Apply

    New build system! Needs testing!
    Thursday, 18 February 2010
    Tags: [Building] [Releases] [SDL]


    Quick Game for Toronto Perl Mongers
    Thursday, 11 February 2010
    Tags: [Game] [SDL] [TPM]

    Beep ... Boop


    SDL_perl 2.3_5 is out!
    Monday, 01 February 2010
    Tags: [Releases] [SDL]
    We keep on rolling,
    waiting on the world to turn.

    Threaded XS callback finally gets solved.
    Wednesday, 06 January 2010
    Tags: [Perl] [SDL] [Updates] [XS]

    Dragged down from the lofty isles,
    into the guts and gore of the monster,

    SDL Alpha 2: A sneak preview
    Sunday, 06 December 2009
    Tags: [Perl] [Releases] [SDL]
    Pretty or Ugly,
    Code is Code
    New or Old,

    Developer Release of SDL 2.3_1
    Monday, 30 November 2009
    Tags: [Perl] [Releases] [SDL]

    The city of Rome was built,
    with the first brick.

    SDL Perl Documentation: Reviewers need
    Thursday, 26 November 2009
    Tags: [Docs] [Perl] [SDL]

    The written word,

    Migrating Sol's Tutorial of SDL to SDL_Perl
    Sunday, 15 November 2009
    Tags: [Example] [Perl] [SDL]
    If I have seen further it is only by standing on the shoulders of giants. --Newton


    Once in a while .... (set_event_filter)
    Friday, 13 November 2009
    Tags: [Perl] [SDL] [XS]

    Once in a while
    Things just work!

    Hello Mouse? An Example of the New Event Code
    Wednesday, 11 November 2009
    Tags: [Perl] [SDL] [Sneak Preview]
    Any code that is not marketed is dead code


    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/pages/tags-Showcase.html-inc b/pages/tags-Showcase.html-inc index 29b321f..49f509d 100644 --- a/pages/tags-Showcase.html-inc +++ b/pages/tags-Showcase.html-inc @@ -1 +1 @@ -

    Results for tag: Showcase

    Perl+SDL 3D Rendering
    Saturday, 31 July 2010
    Tags: [Perl] [SDL] [Showcase]
    Recently we have done a lot of work on the next release of SDL Perl. But it all pays off when I see users do cool things as one of the users has done below. Talon^++! This project is a great example for people wanting to learn 3D from scratch.
    This was a project to test how well Perl+SDL performs and does not use OpenGL at all. This is all perl and SDL, with the help of libsdl_gfx for SDL::GFX::Primitives. Texture mapping doesn't use SDL::GFX::Primitives because textured_polygon just takes a surface, tiles it, and clips out the polygon, which doesn't look 3D at all.

    SDL Perl Showcase
    Friday, 12 March 2010
    Tags: [EyeCandy] [Perl] [SDL Perl] [Showcase]

    SDL_Mixer and Effects


    \ No newline at end of file +

    Results for tag: Showcase

    Perl+SDL 3D Rendering
    Saturday, 31 July 2010
    Tags: [Perl] [SDL] [Showcase]
    Recently we have done a lot of work on the next release of SDL Perl. But it all pays off when I see users do cool things as one of the users has done below. Talon^++! This project is a great example for people wanting to learn 3D from scratch.
    This was a project to test how well Perl+SDL performs and does not use OpenGL at all. This is all perl and SDL, with the help of libsdl_gfx for SDL::GFX::Primitives. Texture mapping doesn't use SDL::GFX::Primitives because textured_polygon just takes a surface, tiles it, and clips out the polygon, which doesn't look 3D at all.

    SDL Perl Showcase
    Friday, 12 March 2010
    Tags: [EyeCandy] [Perl] [SDL Perl] [Showcase]

    SDL_Mixer and Effects


    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/pages/tags-Sneak-Preview.html-inc b/pages/tags-Sneak-Preview.html-inc index f2e4f56..cd23f42 100644 --- a/pages/tags-Sneak-Preview.html-inc +++ b/pages/tags-Sneak-Preview.html-inc @@ -1 +1 @@ -

    Results for tag: Sneak Preview

    Hello Mouse? An Example of the New Event Code
    Wednesday, 11 November 2009
    Tags: [Perl] [SDL] [Sneak Preview]
    Any code that is not marketed is dead code


    \ No newline at end of file +

    Results for tag: Sneak Preview

    Hello Mouse? An Example of the New Event Code
    Wednesday, 11 November 2009
    Tags: [Perl] [SDL] [Sneak Preview]
    Any code that is not marketed is dead code


    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/pages/tags-Surface.html-inc b/pages/tags-Surface.html-inc index b041655..79f6fb0 100644 --- a/pages/tags-Surface.html-inc +++ b/pages/tags-Surface.html-inc @@ -1 +1 @@ -

    Results for tag: Surface

    Providing direct memory access to SDL_Surface's pixels
    Wednesday, 23 June 2010
    Tags: [Pack] [Perl] [SDL] [Surface] [XS]
    In an attempt to make pixel access easier on SDL_Surface pixels. I have started work on SDLx::Surface . So far I have only start on the 32 bpp surfaces.
    The general idea is to make Pointer Values (PV) of each pixel in the surface and place them into a 2D matrix. First I make pointer values like this:
    SV * get_pixel32 ( SDL_Surface * surface , int x , int y )

    \ No newline at end of file +

    Results for tag: Surface

    Providing direct memory access to SDL_Surface's pixels
    Wednesday, 23 June 2010
    Tags: [Pack] [Perl] [SDL] [Surface] [XS]
    In an attempt to make pixel access easier on SDL_Surface pixels. I have started work on SDLx::Surface . So far I have only start on the 32 bpp surfaces.
    The general idea is to make Pointer Values (PV) of each pixel in the surface and place them into a 2D matrix. First I make pointer values like this:
    SV * get_pixel32 ( SDL_Surface * surface , int x , int y )

    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/pages/tags-Syntax.html-inc b/pages/tags-Syntax.html-inc index 41fa1bf..b44594e 100644 --- a/pages/tags-Syntax.html-inc +++ b/pages/tags-Syntax.html-inc @@ -1 +1 @@ -

    Results for tag: Syntax

    Huge World Maps in less then 100 lines
    Friday, 16 July 2010
    Tags: [Example] [Perl] [SDL] [Syntax]

    Hello folks,
    Recently we have been working on making the Perl syntax sugar for SDL in the form of SDLx. So far we have got the SDLx::Surface and SDLx::Sprite (garu++) done. So the first thing we did was throw together a quick Zelda map walker. As you can see above.  The code is at . The SDL code that this depends on will be SDL 2.503 soonish . We are in the process of cleaning up some more SDLx and Alien::SDL bugs. After that SDLx::App will be overhauled to make this sort of thing even easier. Finally living up to our goal of  'Simple Games Easy. Complex Games Possible.' 
    UPDATE: with some help, and newcomer jtpalmer's help we have added Link

    --caio yapgh


    \ No newline at end of file +

    Results for tag: Syntax

    Huge World Maps in less then 100 lines
    Friday, 16 July 2010
    Tags: [Example] [Perl] [SDL] [Syntax]

    Hello folks,
    Recently we have been working on making the Perl syntax sugar for SDL in the form of SDLx. So far we have got the SDLx::Surface and SDLx::Sprite (garu++) done. So the first thing we did was throw together a quick Zelda map walker. As you can see above.  The code is at . The SDL code that this depends on will be SDL 2.503 soonish . We are in the process of cleaning up some more SDLx and Alien::SDL bugs. After that SDLx::App will be overhauled to make this sort of thing even easier. Finally living up to our goal of  'Simple Games Easy. Complex Games Possible.' 
    UPDATE: with some help, and newcomer jtpalmer's help we have added Link

    --caio yapgh


    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/pages/tags-TPM.html-inc b/pages/tags-TPM.html-inc index 5072e72..1a552c2 100644 --- a/pages/tags-TPM.html-inc +++ b/pages/tags-TPM.html-inc @@ -1 +1 @@ -

    Results for tag: TPM

    Quick Game for Toronto Perl Mongers
    Thursday, 11 February 2010
    Tags: [Game] [SDL] [TPM]

    Beep ... Boop


    \ No newline at end of file +

    Results for tag: TPM

    Quick Game for Toronto Perl Mongers
    Thursday, 11 February 2010
    Tags: [Game] [SDL] [TPM]

    Beep ... Boop


    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/pages/tags-Updates.html-inc b/pages/tags-Updates.html-inc index ac5805a..e8e0b44 100644 --- a/pages/tags-Updates.html-inc +++ b/pages/tags-Updates.html-inc @@ -1 +1 @@ -

    Results for tag: Updates

    Threaded XS callback finally gets solved.
    Wednesday, 06 January 2010
    Tags: [Perl] [SDL] [Updates] [XS]

    Dragged down from the lofty isles,
    into the guts and gore of the monster,

    Development Update
    Monday, 09 November 2009
    Tags: [Perl] [SDL] [Updates]
    Short and Sweet

    Had an exam on the weekend so I am a bit late. Here is the progress so far.

    Development Update
    Monday, 02 November 2009
    Tags: [Perl] [SDL] [Updates]

    A stoic stone will sit idle,
    but will some effort,

    \ No newline at end of file +

    Results for tag: Updates

    Threaded XS callback finally gets solved.
    Wednesday, 06 January 2010
    Tags: [Perl] [SDL] [Updates] [XS]

    Dragged down from the lofty isles,
    into the guts and gore of the monster,

    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/pages/tags-XS.html-inc b/pages/tags-XS.html-inc index ea4a22b..04b6c38 100644 --- a/pages/tags-XS.html-inc +++ b/pages/tags-XS.html-inc @@ -1 +1 @@ -

    Results for tag: XS

    Providing direct memory access to SDL_Surface's pixels
    Wednesday, 23 June 2010
    Tags: [Pack] [Perl] [SDL] [Surface] [XS]
    In an attempt to make pixel access easier on SDL_Surface pixels. I have started work on SDLx::Surface . So far I have only start on the 32 bpp surfaces.
    The general idea is to make Pointer Values (PV) of each pixel in the surface and place them into a 2D matrix. First I make pointer values like this:
    SV * get_pixel32 ( SDL_Surface * surface , int x , int y )

    Threaded XS callback finally gets solved.
    Wednesday, 06 January 2010
    Tags: [Perl] [SDL] [Updates] [XS]

    Dragged down from the lofty isles,
    into the guts and gore of the monster,

    Once in a while .... (set_event_filter)
    Friday, 13 November 2009
    Tags: [Perl] [SDL] [XS]

    Once in a while
    Things just work!

    \ No newline at end of file +

    Results for tag: XS

    Providing direct memory access to SDL_Surface's pixels
    Wednesday, 23 June 2010
    Tags: [Pack] [Perl] [SDL] [Surface] [XS]
    In an attempt to make pixel access easier on SDL_Surface pixels. I have started work on SDLx::Surface . So far I have only start on the 32 bpp surfaces.
    The general idea is to make Pointer Values (PV) of each pixel in the surface and place them into a 2D matrix. First I make pointer values like this:
    SV * get_pixel32 ( SDL_Surface * surface , int x , int y )

    Threaded XS callback finally gets solved.
    Wednesday, 06 January 2010
    Tags: [Perl] [SDL] [Updates] [XS]

    Dragged down from the lofty isles,
    into the guts and gore of the monster,

    Once in a while .... (set_event_filter)
    Friday, 13 November 2009
    Tags: [Perl] [SDL] [XS]

    Once in a while
    Things just work!

    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/pages/tags-index b/pages/tags-index index c95dfe6..17763a8 100644 --- a/pages/tags-index +++ b/pages/tags-index @@ -1,24 +1,26 @@ -API: blog-0008.html-inc -Building: blog-0004.html-inc,blog-0014.html-inc -Design: blog-0008.html-inc -Docs: blog-0008.html-inc,blog-0020.html-inc -Example: blog-0003.html-inc,blog-0021.html-inc -EyeCandy: blog-0012.html-inc -Frozen Bubble: blog-0009.html-inc,blog-0010.html-inc -GSOC: blog-0011.html-inc -Game: blog-0015.html-inc -PDL: blog-0005.html-inc -Pack: blog-0006.html-inc -Packaging: blog-0007.html-inc -Perl: blog-0001.html-inc,blog-0002.html-inc,blog-0003.html-inc,blog-0004.html-inc,blog-0005.html-inc,blog-0006.html-inc,blog-0007.html-inc,blog-0008.html-inc,blog-0009.html-inc,blog-0010.html-inc,blog-0011.html-inc,blog-0012.html-inc,blog-0017.html-inc,blog-0018.html-inc,blog-0019.html-inc,blog-0020.html-inc,blog-0021.html-inc,blog-0022.html-inc,blog-0023.html-inc,blog-0024.html-inc,blog-0025.html-inc -Releases: blog-0002.html-inc,blog-0014.html-inc,blog-0016.html-inc,blog-0018.html-inc,blog-0019.html-inc -SDL: blog-0001.html-inc,blog-0002.html-inc,blog-0003.html-inc,blog-0004.html-inc,blog-0005.html-inc,blog-0006.html-inc,blog-0007.html-inc,blog-0008.html-inc,blog-0009.html-inc,blog-0010.html-inc,blog-0011.html-inc,blog-0014.html-inc,blog-0015.html-inc,blog-0016.html-inc,blog-0017.html-inc,blog-0018.html-inc,blog-0019.html-inc,blog-0020.html-inc,blog-0021.html-inc,blog-0022.html-inc,blog-0023.html-inc,blog-0024.html-inc,blog-0025.html-inc -SDL Perl: blog-0012.html-inc -SDL Perl EyeCandy: blog-0013.html-inc -Showcase: blog-0001.html-inc,blog-0012.html-inc -Sneak Preview: blog-0023.html-inc -Surface: blog-0006.html-inc -Syntax: blog-0003.html-inc -TPM: blog-0015.html-inc -Updates: blog-0017.html-inc,blog-0024.html-inc,blog-0025.html-inc -XS: blog-0006.html-inc,blog-0017.html-inc,blog-0022.html-inc +API: blog-0010.html-inc +Building: blog-0006.html-inc,blog-0016.html-inc +Demo: blog-0001.html-inc +Design: blog-0010.html-inc +Docs: blog-0010.html-inc,blog-0022.html-inc +Example: blog-0005.html-inc,blog-0023.html-inc +EyeCandy: blog-0014.html-inc +Frozen Bubble: blog-0011.html-inc,blog-0012.html-inc +GSOC: blog-0013.html-inc +Game: blog-0017.html-inc +PDL: blog-0007.html-inc +Pack: blog-0008.html-inc +Packaging: blog-0009.html-inc +Perl: blog-0001.html-inc,blog-0002.html-inc,blog-0003.html-inc,blog-0004.html-inc,blog-0005.html-inc,blog-0006.html-inc,blog-0007.html-inc,blog-0008.html-inc,blog-0009.html-inc,blog-0010.html-inc,blog-0011.html-inc,blog-0012.html-inc,blog-0013.html-inc,blog-0014.html-inc,blog-0019.html-inc,blog-0020.html-inc,blog-0021.html-inc,blog-0022.html-inc,blog-0023.html-inc,blog-0024.html-inc,blog-0025.html-inc +Physics: blog-0001.html-inc +Releases: blog-0004.html-inc,blog-0016.html-inc,blog-0018.html-inc,blog-0020.html-inc,blog-0021.html-inc +SDL: blog-0001.html-inc,blog-0002.html-inc,blog-0003.html-inc,blog-0004.html-inc,blog-0005.html-inc,blog-0006.html-inc,blog-0007.html-inc,blog-0008.html-inc,blog-0009.html-inc,blog-0010.html-inc,blog-0011.html-inc,blog-0012.html-inc,blog-0013.html-inc,blog-0016.html-inc,blog-0017.html-inc,blog-0018.html-inc,blog-0019.html-inc,blog-0020.html-inc,blog-0021.html-inc,blog-0022.html-inc,blog-0023.html-inc,blog-0024.html-inc,blog-0025.html-inc +SDL Perl: blog-0014.html-inc +SDL Perl EyeCandy: blog-0015.html-inc +Showcase: blog-0003.html-inc,blog-0014.html-inc +Sneak Preview: blog-0025.html-inc +Surface: blog-0008.html-inc +Syntax: blog-0005.html-inc +TPM: blog-0017.html-inc +Updates: blog-0019.html-inc +XS: blog-0008.html-inc,blog-0019.html-inc,blog-0024.html-inc