Revision history for Perl extension Moose::Autobox
+ - Add sprintf to String (Florian Ragwitz)
0.11 Fri. Mar 23, 2010
- add each_n_values to Indexed (rafl and rjbs)
- add first and last to Scalar and Array (t0m)
sub chop { CORE::chop $_[0] }
sub reverse { CORE::reverse $_[0] }
sub length { CORE::length $_[0] }
+sub sprintf { CORE::sprintf $_[0], @_[1..$#_] }
sub lines { [ CORE::split '\n', $_[0] ] }
sub words { [ CORE::split ' ', $_[0] ] }
sub index {
use strict;
use warnings;
-use Test::More tests => 23;
+use Test::More;
use Test::Exception;
eval 'Hello World, Hello'->perl;
is($VAR1, 'Hello World, Hello' , '... eval of &perl works');
+is('%s %03d'->sprintf(qw(foo 42)), 'foo 042', '... sprintf works');