is(My::Test::Class4->new->foo, 'Role::Base::foo', '... got the right value from method');
+ {
+ package Failing::Z;
+ use Moose::Role;
+ }
+ {
+ package Failing::A;
+ use Moose::Role;
+ sub foo { 'A' }
+ }
+ {
+ package Failing::B;
+ use Moose::Role;
+ with 'Failing::A';
+ sub foo { 'B' }
+ }
+ {
+ package Failing::C;
+ use Moose;
+ # this reports a conflict, as it should
+ #with 'B';
+ our $TODO;
+ local $TODO = 'the existence of an unrelated role is interfering somehow -- need to investigate';
+ ::like(
+ ::exception { with 'Failing::Z', 'Failing::B' },
+ qr/method name conflict/,
+ 'these roles should not compose without conflicts',
+ );
+ }