apply roles to an object. This is what Moose uses internally when you call
+=head2 Handling required attributes for roles.
+Application of some roles will require additional parameters being specified to
+satisfy them, for example:
+ {
+ package Car;
+ use Moose;
+ }
+ {
+ package Breakable;
+ use Moose::Role;
+ has 'breakable_parts' => ( is => 'ro', required => 1 );
+ }
+ my $car = Car->new;
+ # next line dies with: Attribute (breakable_parts) is required
+ apply_all_roles( $car, 'Breakable' );
+This will require passing the additional parameters at application time as
+ apply_all_roles( $car, 'Breakable' => {
+ rebless_params => {
+ # Parameters to 'Breakable'
+ breakable_parts => [qw( tires wheels windscreen )],
+ }
+ });
+Obviously, this interface is better simplified as a method on C<Car>:
+ sub make_breakable {
+ my ( $self, %params ) = @_;
+ apply_all_roles($self, 'Breakable', { rebless_params => \%params });
+ }
+ my $car = Car->new();
+ $car->make_breakable( breakable_parts => [qw( tires wheels windscreen )] );