default => quote_sub q{ {} },
-has _first_eval => (
- is => 'rw',
- default => quote_sub q{ 1 },
around eval => sub {
my $orig = shift;
my($self) = @_;
my @ret = $orig->(@_);
$self->hints({ Eval::WithLexicals::Cage::capture_hints() });
+ $self->prelude(
+ join '', q[ BEGIN { ],
+ _capture_unroll_global('$Eval::WithLexicals::Cage::hints', $self->hints, 2),
+ q[ } ],
+ );
-sub setup_code {
- my($self) = @_;
- # Only run the prelude on the first eval, hints will be set after
- # that.
- if($self->_first_eval) {
- $self->_first_eval(0);
- return $self->prelude;
- } else {
- # Seems we can't use the technique of passing via @_ for code in a BEGIN
- # block
- return q[ BEGIN { ],
- _capture_unroll_global('$Eval::WithLexicals::Cage::hints', $self->hints, 2),
- q[ } ],
- }
around capture_code => sub {
my $orig = shift;
my($self) = @_;