| psink { $out .= $_ };
+=head2 tail colorize
+The following example simply colors the lines that match a given regular
+expression. It watches C<STDIN>, so the typical usage would be
+ tail -f foo | perl tail-color.pl
+If you are on a Windows system take a look at L<Win32::Console::ANSI> to
+make the colors work and L<tail> for a pure-Perl implementation of tail.
+ use IO::Pipeline;
+ use Term::ANSIColor;
+ my $reset = color 'reset';
+ sub colorize {
+ my ($regex, $color) = @_;
+ pmap { return colored([$color], $_) if $_ =~ $regex; $_ }
+ }
+\*STDIN |
+ colorize(qr/^INFO: .*$/, 'blue') |
+ colorize(qr/^HELP: .*$/, 'bright_red on_magenta') |
=head1 AUTHOR
Matt S. Trout (mst) <mst@shadowcat.co.uk>
-None as yet, though I'm sure that'll change as soon as people spot the
-giant gaping holes that inevitably exist in any software only used by
-the author so far.
+frew: Arthr Axel "fREW" Schmidt <frioux@gmail.com>