sub _package_info {
my($self, $package) = @_;
- #intercept role application so we can accurately generate
- #method and attribute information for the parent class.
- #this is fragile, but there is not better way that i am aware of
- my $rmeta = Moose::Meta::Role->meta;
- $rmeta->make_mutable if $rmeta->is_immutable;
- my $original_apply = $rmeta->get_method("apply")->body;
- $rmeta->remove_method("apply");
- my @roles_to_apply;
- $rmeta->add_method("apply", sub{push(@roles_to_apply, [@_])});
- #load the package with the hacked Moose::Meta::Role
+ #load the package
eval { Class::MOP::load_class($package); };
confess "Failed to load package ${package} $@" if $@;
#get on with analyzing the package
my $meta = $package->meta;
my $spec = {};
- my ($class, $is_role);
+ my $is_role;
$is_role = 1;
- # we need to apply the role to a class to be able to properly introspect it
- $class = Moose::Meta::Class->create_anon_class;
- $original_apply->($meta, $class);
} else {
#roles don't have superclasses ...
- $class = $meta;
my @superclasses = map{ $_->meta }
grep { $_ ne 'Moose::Object' } $meta->superclasses;
my @superclass_specs = map{ $self->_superclass_info($_) } @superclasses;
#these two are common to both roles and classes
- my @attributes = map{ $class->get_attribute($_) } sort $class->get_attribute_list;
- my @methods =
- grep{ ! exists $self->ignored_method_metaclasses->{$_->meta->name} }
- map { $class->get_method($_) }
- grep { $_ ne 'meta' } sort $class->get_method_list;
+ my @attributes;
+ foreach ($meta->get_attribute_list) {
+ my $attr = $meta->get_attribute($_);
+ $attr = Moose::Meta::Attribute->new($_, %$attr) if ref($attr) eq 'HASH';
+ next if $attr->definition_context && $attr->definition_context->{package} ne $package;
+ push @attributes, $attr;
+ }
+ my @methods;
+ foreach ($meta->get_method_list) {
+ my $meth = $meta->get_method($_);
+ next if any { $meth->isa($_) } keys %{$self->ignored_method_metaclasses};
+ next if $meth->name eq 'meta';
+ next if $meth->original_method && $meth->original_method->{package_name} ne $package;
+ next if $meth->package_name ne $package;
+ push @methods, $meth;
+ }
my @method_specs = map{ $self->_method_info($_) } @methods;
my @attribute_specs = map{ $self->_attribute_info($_) } @attributes;
- #fix Moose::Meta::Role and apply the roles that were delayed
- $rmeta->remove_method("apply");
- $rmeta->add_method("apply", $original_apply);
- $rmeta->make_immutable;
- #we apply roles to be able to figure out which ones we are using although I
- #could just cycle through $_->[0] for @roles_to_apply;
- shift(@$_)->apply(@$_) for @roles_to_apply;
#Moose::Meta::Role and Class have different methods to get consumed roles..
#make sure we break up composite roles as well to get better names and nicer
#linking to packages.
sub _attribute_info{
- my($self, $attr) = @_;;
+ my($self, $attr) = @_;
my $attr_name = $attr->name;
my $spec = { name => $attr_name };
my $info = $spec->{info} = {};