-Revision history for DBM::Deep.
+Revision history for DBM::Deep (ordered by revision number).
+1.0020 Feb 16 22:00:00 2010 EST
+ (This version is compatible with 1.0016)
+ - Fixed t/43_transaction_maximum.t so that it doesn't error out on systems
+ which cannot fork > 255 children at one time.
+ - Improved code coverage
+ - Added t/96_virtual_functions.t which helps describe what actually
+ needs to be overridden in a new plugin.
+1.0019_003 Feb 16 22:00:00 2010 EST
+ (This is the third developer release for 1.0020.)
+ (This version is compatible with 1.0016)
+ - Fixed problem where "./Build test" wouldn't actually -do- anything.
+ - (No-one apparently tried to install this till Steven Lembark. Thanks!)
+ - Fixed speed regression with keys in the File backend.
+ - Introduced in 1.0019_002 to fix #50541
+ - Thanks, SPROUT!
+ - (RT #53575) Recursion failure in STORE (Thanks, SPROUT)
+ - Merged the rest of the fixes from 1.0015 and 1.0016
+ - Thanks to our new co-maintainer, SPROUT! :)
+ - Had to turn off singleton support in the File backend because the caching
+ was causing havoc with transactions. Turning on fatal warnings does give
+ apparently important information.
+ - Oh - forgot to mention that fatal warnings are now on in all files.
+1.0019_002 Jan 05 22:30:00 2010 EST
+ (This is the second developer release for 1.0020.)
+ (This version is compatible with 1.0014)
+ - Fixed bug where attempting to store a value tied to something other than
+ DBM::Deep would leave the file flocked.
+ - Added support for DBD::SQLite
+ - Build.PL has been extended to support sqlite vs. mysql
+ - Storage::DBI now detects between the two DBDs
+ - (RT #51888) Applied POD patch (Thanks, FWIE!)
+ - (RT #44981) Added VERSION to ::Array, ::Engine, and ::Hash
+ - Removed extraneous slashes from POD links (Thanks ilmari!)
+ - (RT #50541) Fixed bug in clear() for hashes in the File backend.
+ - This has caused a regression in speed for clear() when clearing
+ large hashes using running with the File backend. ->clear() (on my
+ machine) now takes ( N / 40 ) ** (1.66) seconds. So, clearing 4000
+ keys (as is the test in t/03_bighash.t) would take ~2070 seconds.
+ - (RT #40782) Fixed bug when handling a key of '0' (Thanks Sterling!)
+ - (RT #48031) Fixed bug with localized $, (Thanks, SPROUT!)
+1.0019_001 Dec 31 22:00:00 2009 EST
+ (This is the first developer release for 1.0020.)
+ (This version is compatible with 1.0014)
+ - DBM::Deep has been refactored to allow for multiple engines. There are two
+ engines built so far:
+ - File (the original engine)
+ - DBI (an engine based on DBI)
+ - The DBI engine has only been tested on MySQL and isn't transactional.
+ - InnoDB sucks horribly. When run in a sufficient isolation mode, it
+ creates deadlocks.
+ - A custom Build.PL has been written to allow for running tests under
+ CPAN.pm against the various engines.
+ - This also allows running the long tests under CPAN.pm
+ - This has meant a ton of refactoring. Hopefullly, this refactoring will
+ allow finding some of the niggly bugs more easily. Those tests have not
+ been enabled yet. That's the next developer release.
+ - Hopefully, this multi-engine support will allow deprecation of the file
+ format in the future.
+1.0016 Feb 05 22:10:00 2010 PST
+ - (This version is compatible with 1.0015)
+ - New caveat in the docs explaining stale references (RT#42129)
+ - All included modules now have the same version in META.yml, so
+ the CPAN shell will no longer try to downgrade.
+ - Fixed bug in clear() for hashes (RT#50541)
+1.0015 Jan 25 22:05:00 2010 PST
+ - (This version is compatible with 1.0014)
+ - Fix deep recursion errors (RT#53575)
+ - Avoid leaving temp files lying around (RT#32462)
+ - (RT #48031) Fixed bug with localized $, (Thanks, SPROUT!)
+ 1.0016 Feb 05 22:10:00 2010 PST
+ - (This version is compatible with 1.0015)
+ - New caveat in the docs explaining stale references (RT#42129)
+ - All included modules now have the same version in META.yml, so
+ the CPAN shell will no longer try to downgrade.
+ - Fixed bug in clear() for hashes (RT#50541)
+ 1.0015 Jan 25 22:05:00 2010 PST
+ - (This version is compatible with 1.0014)
+ - Fix deep recursion errors (RT#53575)
+ - Avoid leaving temp files lying around (RT#32462)
+ - (RT #48031) Fixed bug with localized $, (Thanks, SPROUT!)
+ - (RT #40782) Fixed bug when handling a key of '0' (Thanks Sterling!)
1.0014 Jun 13 23:15:00 2008 EST
- (This version is compatible with 1.0013)
- Fix for RT#36781 (t/44 has an unrequired dependency)
use_ok( 'DBM::Deep' );
-my ($fh, $filename) = new_fh();
-my $db = DBM::Deep->new(
- file => $filename,
- fh => $fh,
- type => DBM::Deep->TYPE_ARRAY
-# basic put/get/push
-$db->[0] = "elem1";
-$db->push( "elem2" );
-$db->put(2, "elem3");
-$db->store(3, "elem4");
-is( $db->[0], 'elem0', "Array get for shift works" );
-is( $db->[1], 'elem1', "Array get for array set works" );
-is( $db->[2], 'elem2', "Array get for push() works" );
-is( $db->[3], 'elem3', "Array get for put() works" );
-is( $db->[4], 'elem4', "Array get for store() works" );
-is( $db->get(0), 'elem0', "get() for shift() works" );
-is( $db->get(1), 'elem1', "get() for array set works" );
-is( $db->get(2), 'elem2', "get() for push() works" );
-is( $db->get(3), 'elem3', "get() for put() works" );
-is( $db->get(4), 'elem4', "get() for store() works" );
-is( $db->fetch(0), 'elem0', "fetch() for shift() works" );
-is( $db->fetch(1), 'elem1', "fetch() for array set works" );
-is( $db->fetch(2), 'elem2', "fetch() for push() works" );
-is( $db->fetch(3), 'elem3', "fetch() for put() works" );
-is( $db->fetch(4), 'elem4', "fetch() for store() works" );
-is( $db->length, 5, "... and we have five elements" );
-is( $db->[-1], $db->[4], "-1st index is 4th index" );
-is( $db->[-2], $db->[3], "-2nd index is 3rd index" );
-is( $db->[-3], $db->[2], "-3rd index is 2nd index" );
-is( $db->[-4], $db->[1], "-4th index is 1st index" );
-is( $db->[-5], $db->[0], "-5th index is 0th index" );
-# This is for Perls older than 5.8.0 because of is()'s prototype
-{ my $v = $db->[-6]; is( $v, undef, "-6th index is undef" ); }
-is( $db->length, 5, "... and we have five elements after abortive -6 index lookup" );
-$db->[-1] = 'elem4.1';
-is( $db->[-1], 'elem4.1' );
-is( $db->[4], 'elem4.1' );
-is( $db->get(4), 'elem4.1' );
-is( $db->fetch(4), 'elem4.1' );
-throws_ok {
- $db->[-6] = 'whoops!';
-} qr/Modification of non-creatable array value attempted, subscript -6/, "Correct error thrown";
-my $popped = $db->pop;
-is( $db->length, 4, "... and we have four after popping" );
-is( $db->[0], 'elem0', "0th element still there after popping" );
-is( $db->[1], 'elem1', "1st element still there after popping" );
-is( $db->[2], 'elem2', "2nd element still there after popping" );
-is( $db->[3], 'elem3', "3rd element still there after popping" );
-is( $popped, 'elem4.1', "Popped value is correct" );
-my $shifted = $db->shift;
-is( $db->length, 3, "... and we have three after shifting" );
-is( $db->[0], 'elem1', "0th element still there after shifting" );
-is( $db->[1], 'elem2', "1st element still there after shifting" );
-is( $db->[2], 'elem3', "2nd element still there after shifting" );
-is( $db->[3], undef, "There is no third element now" );
-is( $shifted, 'elem0', "Shifted value is correct" );
-# delete
-my $deleted = $db->delete(0);
-is( $db->length, 3, "... and we still have three after deleting" );
-is( $db->[0], undef, "0th element now undef" );
-is( $db->[1], 'elem2', "1st element still there after deleting" );
-is( $db->[2], 'elem3', "2nd element still there after deleting" );
-is( $deleted, 'elem1', "Deleted value is correct" );
-is( $db->delete(99), undef, 'delete on an element not in the array returns undef' );
-is( $db->length, 3, "... and we still have three after a delete on an out-of-range index" );
-is( delete $db->[99], undef, 'DELETE on an element not in the array returns undef' );
-is( $db->length, 3, "... and we still have three after a DELETE on an out-of-range index" );
-is( $db->delete(-99), undef, 'delete on an element (neg) not in the array returns undef' );
-is( $db->length, 3, "... and we still have three after a DELETE on an out-of-range negative index" );
-is( delete $db->[-99], undef, 'DELETE on an element (neg) not in the array returns undef' );
-is( $db->length, 3, "... and we still have three after a DELETE on an out-of-range negative index" );
-$deleted = $db->delete(-2);
-is( $db->length, 3, "... and we still have three after deleting" );
-is( $db->[0], undef, "0th element still undef" );
-is( $db->[1], undef, "1st element now undef" );
-is( $db->[2], 'elem3', "2nd element still there after deleting" );
-is( $deleted, 'elem2', "Deleted value is correct" );
-$db->[1] = 'elem2';
-# exists
-ok( $db->exists(1), "The 1st value exists" );
-ok( $db->exists(0), "The 0th value doesn't exist" );
-ok( !$db->exists(22), "The 22nd value doesn't exists" );
-ok( $db->exists(-1), "The -1st value does exists" );
-ok( !$db->exists(-22), "The -22nd value doesn't exists" );
-# clear
-ok( $db->clear(), "clear() returns true if the file was ever non-empty" );
-is( $db->length(), 0, "After clear(), no more elements" );
-is( $db->pop, undef, "pop on an empty array returns undef" );
-is( $db->length(), 0, "After pop() on empty array, length is still 0" );
-is( $db->shift, undef, "shift on an empty array returns undef" );
-is( $db->length(), 0, "After shift() on empty array, length is still 0" );
-is( $db->unshift( 1, 2, 3 ), 3, "unshift returns the number of elements in the array" );
-is( $db->unshift( 1, 2, 3 ), 6, "unshift returns the number of elements in the array" );
-is( $db->push( 1, 2, 3 ), 9, "push returns the number of elements in the array" );
-is( $db->length(), 9, "After unshift and push on empty array, length is now 9" );
-# multi-push
-$db->push( 'elem first', "elem middle", "elem last" );
-is( $db->length, 3, "3-element push results in three elements" );
-is($db->[0], "elem first", "First element is 'elem first'");
-is($db->[1], "elem middle", "Second element is 'elem middle'");
-is($db->[2], "elem last", "Third element is 'elem last'");
-# splice with length 1
-my @returned = $db->splice( 1, 1, "middle A", "middle B" );
-is( scalar(@returned), 1, "One element was removed" );
-is( $returned[0], 'elem middle', "... and it was correctly removed" );
-is($db->length(), 4);
-is($db->[0], "elem first");
-is($db->[1], "middle A");
-is($db->[2], "middle B");
-is($db->[3], "elem last");
-# splice with length of 0
-@returned = $db->splice( -1, 0, "middle C" );
-is( scalar(@returned), 0, "No elements were removed" );
-is($db->length(), 5);
-is($db->[0], "elem first");
-is($db->[1], "middle A");
-is($db->[2], "middle B");
-is($db->[3], "middle C");
-is($db->[4], "elem last");
-# splice with length of 3
-my $returned = $db->splice( 1, 3, "middle ABC" );
-is( $returned, 'middle C', "Just the last element was returned" );
-is($db->length(), 3);
-is($db->[0], "elem first");
-is($db->[1], "middle ABC");
-is($db->[2], "elem last");
-@returned = $db->splice( 1 );
-is($db->length(), 1);
-is($db->[0], "elem first");
-is($returned[0], "middle ABC");
-is($returned[1], "elem last");
-$db->push( @returned );
-@returned = $db->splice( 1, -1 );
-is($db->length(), 2);
-is($db->[0], "elem first");
-is($db->[1], "elem last");
-is($returned[0], "middle ABC");
-@returned = $db->splice;
-is( $db->length, 0 );
-is( $returned[0], "elem first" );
-is( $returned[1], "elem last" );
-$db->[0] = [ 1 .. 3 ];
-$db->[1] = { a => 'foo' };
-is( $db->[0]->length, 3, "Reuse of same space with array successful" );
-is( $db->[1]->fetch('a'), 'foo', "Reuse of same space with hash successful" );
-# Test autovivification
-$db->[9999]{bar} = 1;
-ok( $db->[9999] );
-cmp_ok( $db->[9999]{bar}, '==', 1 );
-# Test failures
-throws_ok {
- $db->fetch( 'foo' );
-} qr/Cannot use 'foo' as an array index/, "FETCH fails on an illegal key";
-throws_ok {
- $db->fetch();
-} qr/Cannot use an undefined array index/, "FETCH fails on an undefined key";
-throws_ok {
- $db->store( 'foo', 'bar' );
-} qr/Cannot use 'foo' as an array index/, "STORE fails on an illegal key";
-throws_ok {
- $db->store();
-} qr/Cannot use an undefined array index/, "STORE fails on an undefined key";
-throws_ok {
- $db->delete( 'foo' );
-} qr/Cannot use 'foo' as an array index/, "DELETE fails on an illegal key";
-throws_ok {
- $db->delete();
-} qr/Cannot use an undefined array index/, "DELETE fails on an undefined key";
-throws_ok {
- $db->exists( 'foo' );
-} qr/Cannot use 'foo' as an array index/, "EXISTS fails on an illegal key";
-throws_ok {
- $db->exists();
-} qr/Cannot use an undefined array index/, "EXISTS fails on an undefined key";
+my $dbm_factory = new_dbm( type => DBM::Deep->TYPE_ARRAY );
+while ( my $dbm_maker = $dbm_factory->() ) {
+ my $db = $dbm_maker->();
+ ##
+ # basic put/get/push
+ ##
+ $db->[0] = "elem1";
+ $db->push( "elem2" );
+ $db->put(2, "elem3");
+ $db->store(3, "elem4");
+ $db->unshift("elem0");
+ is( $db->[0], 'elem0', "Array get for shift works" );
+ is( $db->[1], 'elem1', "Array get for array set works" );
+ is( $db->[2], 'elem2', "Array get for push() works" );
+ is( $db->[3], 'elem3', "Array get for put() works" );
+ is( $db->[4], 'elem4', "Array get for store() works" );
+ is( $db->get(0), 'elem0', "get() for shift() works" );
+ is( $db->get(1), 'elem1', "get() for array set works" );
+ is( $db->get(2), 'elem2', "get() for push() works" );
+ is( $db->get(3), 'elem3', "get() for put() works" );
+ is( $db->get(4), 'elem4', "get() for store() works" );
+ is( $db->fetch(0), 'elem0', "fetch() for shift() works" );
+ is( $db->fetch(1), 'elem1', "fetch() for array set works" );
+ is( $db->fetch(2), 'elem2', "fetch() for push() works" );
+ is( $db->fetch(3), 'elem3', "fetch() for put() works" );
+ is( $db->fetch(4), 'elem4', "fetch() for store() works" );
+ is( $db->length, 5, "... and we have five elements" );
+ is( $db->[-1], $db->[4], "-1st index is 4th index" );
+ is( $db->[-2], $db->[3], "-2nd index is 3rd index" );
+ is( $db->[-3], $db->[2], "-3rd index is 2nd index" );
+ is( $db->[-4], $db->[1], "-4th index is 1st index" );
+ is( $db->[-5], $db->[0], "-5th index is 0th index" );
+ # This is for Perls older than 5.8.0 because of is()'s prototype
+ { my $v = $db->[-6]; is( $v, undef, "-6th index is undef" ); }
+ is( $db->length, 5, "... and we have five elements after abortive -6 index lookup" );
+ $db->[-1] = 'elem4.1';
+ is( $db->[-1], 'elem4.1' );
+ is( $db->[4], 'elem4.1' );
+ is( $db->get(4), 'elem4.1' );
+ is( $db->fetch(4), 'elem4.1' );
+ throws_ok {
+ $db->[-6] = 'whoops!';
+ } qr/Modification of non-creatable array value attempted, subscript -6/, "Correct error thrown";
+ my $popped = $db->pop;
+ is( $db->length, 4, "... and we have four after popping" );
+ is( $db->[0], 'elem0', "0th element still there after popping" );
+ is( $db->[1], 'elem1', "1st element still there after popping" );
+ is( $db->[2], 'elem2', "2nd element still there after popping" );
+ is( $db->[3], 'elem3', "3rd element still there after popping" );
+ is( $popped, 'elem4.1', "Popped value is correct" );
+ my $shifted = $db->shift;
+ is( $db->length, 3, "... and we have three after shifting" );
+ is( $db->[0], 'elem1', "0th element still there after shifting" );
+ is( $db->[1], 'elem2', "1st element still there after shifting" );
+ is( $db->[2], 'elem3', "2nd element still there after shifting" );
+ is( $db->[3], undef, "There is no third element now" );
+ is( $shifted, 'elem0', "Shifted value is correct" );
+ ##
+ # delete
+ ##
+ my $deleted = $db->delete(0);
+ is( $db->length, 3, "... and we still have three after deleting" );
+ is( $db->[0], undef, "0th element now undef" );
+ is( $db->[1], 'elem2', "1st element still there after deleting" );
+ is( $db->[2], 'elem3', "2nd element still there after deleting" );
+ is( $deleted, 'elem1', "Deleted value is correct" );
+ is( $db->delete(99), undef, 'delete on an element not in the array returns undef' );
+ is( $db->length, 3, "... and we still have three after a delete on an out-of-range index" );
+ is( delete $db->[99], undef, 'DELETE on an element not in the array returns undef' );
+ is( $db->length, 3, "... and we still have three after a DELETE on an out-of-range index" );
+ is( $db->delete(-99), undef, 'delete on an element (neg) not in the array returns undef' );
+ is( $db->length, 3, "... and we still have three after a DELETE on an out-of-range negative index" );
+ is( delete $db->[-99], undef, 'DELETE on an element (neg) not in the array returns undef' );
+ is( $db->length, 3, "... and we still have three after a DELETE on an out-of-range negative index" );
+ $deleted = $db->delete(-2);
+ is( $db->length, 3, "... and we still have three after deleting" );
+ is( $db->[0], undef, "0th element still undef" );
+ is( $db->[1], undef, "1st element now undef" );
+ is( $db->[2], 'elem3', "2nd element still there after deleting" );
+ is( $deleted, 'elem2', "Deleted value is correct" );
+ $db->[1] = 'elem2';
+ ##
+ # exists
+ ##
+ ok( $db->exists(1), "The 1st value exists" );
+ ok( $db->exists(0), "The 0th value doesn't exist" );
+ ok( !$db->exists(22), "The 22nd value doesn't exists" );
+ ok( $db->exists(-1), "The -1st value does exists" );
+ ok( !$db->exists(-22), "The -22nd value doesn't exists" );
+ ##
+ # clear
+ ##
+ ok( $db->clear(), "clear() returns true if the file was ever non-empty" );
+ is( $db->length(), 0, "After clear(), no more elements" );
+ is( $db->pop, undef, "pop on an empty array returns undef" );
+ is( $db->length(), 0, "After pop() on empty array, length is still 0" );
+ is( $db->shift, undef, "shift on an empty array returns undef" );
+ is( $db->length(), 0, "After shift() on empty array, length is still 0" );
+ is( $db->unshift( 1, 2, 3 ), 3, "unshift returns the number of elements in the array" );
+ is( $db->unshift( 1, 2, 3 ), 6, "unshift returns the number of elements in the array" );
+ is( $db->push( 1, 2, 3 ), 9, "push returns the number of elements in the array" );
+ is( $db->length(), 9, "After unshift and push on empty array, length is now 9" );
+ $db->clear;
+ ##
+ # multi-push
+ ##
+ $db->push( 'elem first', "elem middle", "elem last" );
+ is( $db->length, 3, "3-element push results in three elements" );
+ is($db->[0], "elem first", "First element is 'elem first'");
+ is($db->[1], "elem middle", "Second element is 'elem middle'");
+ is($db->[2], "elem last", "Third element is 'elem last'");
+ ##
+ # splice with length 1
+ ##
+ my @returned = $db->splice( 1, 1, "middle A", "middle B" );
+ is( scalar(@returned), 1, "One element was removed" );
+ is( $returned[0], 'elem middle', "... and it was correctly removed" );
+ is($db->length(), 4);
+ is($db->[0], "elem first");
+ is($db->[1], "middle A");
+ is($db->[2], "middle B");
+ is($db->[3], "elem last");
+ ##
+ # splice with length of 0
+ ##
+ @returned = $db->splice( -1, 0, "middle C" );
+ is( scalar(@returned), 0, "No elements were removed" );
+ is($db->length(), 5);
+ is($db->[0], "elem first");
+ is($db->[1], "middle A");
+ is($db->[2], "middle B");
+ is($db->[3], "middle C");
+ is($db->[4], "elem last");
+ ##
+ # splice with length of 3
+ ##
+ my $returned = $db->splice( 1, 3, "middle ABC" );
+ is( $returned, 'middle C', "Just the last element was returned" );
+ is($db->length(), 3);
+ is($db->[0], "elem first");
+ is($db->[1], "middle ABC");
+ is($db->[2], "elem last");
+ @returned = $db->splice( 1 );
+ is($db->length(), 1);
+ is($db->[0], "elem first");
+ is($returned[0], "middle ABC");
+ is($returned[1], "elem last");
+ $db->push( @returned );
+ @returned = $db->splice( 1, -1 );
+ is($db->length(), 2);
+ is($db->[0], "elem first");
+ is($db->[1], "elem last");
+ is($returned[0], "middle ABC");
+ @returned = $db->splice;
+ is( $db->length, 0 );
+ is( $returned[0], "elem first" );
+ is( $returned[1], "elem last" );
+ $db->[0] = [ 1 .. 3 ];
+ $db->[1] = { a => 'foo' };
+ is( $db->[0]->length, 3, "Reuse of same space with array successful" );
+ is( $db->[1]->fetch('a'), 'foo', "Reuse of same space with hash successful" );
+ # Test autovivification
+ $db->[9999]{bar} = 1;
+ ok( $db->[9999] );
+ cmp_ok( $db->[9999]{bar}, '==', 1 );
+ # Test failures
+ throws_ok {
+ $db->fetch( 'foo' );
+ } qr/Cannot use 'foo' as an array index/, "FETCH fails on an illegal key";
+ throws_ok {
+ $db->fetch();
+ } qr/Cannot use an undefined array index/, "FETCH fails on an undefined key";
+ throws_ok {
+ $db->store( 'foo', 'bar' );
+ } qr/Cannot use 'foo' as an array index/, "STORE fails on an illegal key";
+ throws_ok {
+ $db->store();
+ } qr/Cannot use an undefined array index/, "STORE fails on an undefined key";
+ throws_ok {
+ $db->delete( 'foo' );
+ } qr/Cannot use 'foo' as an array index/, "DELETE fails on an illegal key";
+ throws_ok {
+ $db->delete();
+ } qr/Cannot use an undefined array index/, "DELETE fails on an undefined key";
+ throws_ok {
+ $db->exists( 'foo' );
+ } qr/Cannot use 'foo' as an array index/, "EXISTS fails on an illegal key";
+ throws_ok {
+ $db->exists();
+ } qr/Cannot use an undefined array index/, "EXISTS fails on an undefined key";
- done_testing;
- __END__
# Bug reported by Mike Schilli
# Also, RT #29583 reported by HANENKAMP
- my ($fh, $filename) = new_fh();
- my $db = DBM::Deep->new(
- file => $filename,
- fh => $fh,
- type => DBM::Deep->TYPE_ARRAY
- );
+$dbm_factory = new_dbm( type => DBM::Deep->TYPE_ARRAY );
+while ( my $dbm_maker = $dbm_factory->() ) {
+ my $db = $dbm_maker->();
push @{$db}, 3, { foo => 1 };
lives_ok {
is( $db->[5]{foo}, 1, "Right hashref there" );
+ { # Make sure we do not trigger a deep recursion warning [RT #53575]
+ my $w;
+ local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { $w = shift };
+ my ($fh, $filename) = new_fh();
+ my $db = DBM::Deep->new( file => $filename, fh => $fh, );
+ my $a = [];
+ my $tmp = $a;
+ for(1..100) {
+ ($tmp) = @$tmp = [];
+ }
+ ok eval {
+ $db->{""} = $a;
+ }, 'deep recursion in array assignment' or diag $@;
+ is $w, undef, 'no warnings with deep recursion in array assignment';
+ }