is $query->first->cds_very_very_very_long_relationship_name->first->cdid, 1
} 'query with rel name over 30 chars survived and worked';
+# test rel names over the 30 char limit using group_by and join
+ {
+ my @group_cols = ( '' );
+ my $query = $schema->resultset('Artist')->search({
+ artistid => 1
+ }, {
+ select => \@group_cols,
+ as => [map { /^\w+\.(\w+)$/ } @group_cols],
+ join => [qw( cds_very_very_very_long_relationship_name )],
+ group_by => \@group_cols,
+ });
+ lives_and {
+ my @got = $query->get_column('name')->all();
+ is_deeply \@got, [$new_artist->name];
+ } 'query with rel name over 30 chars worked on join, group_by for me col';
+ lives_and {
+ is $query->count(), 1
+ } 'query with rel name over 30 chars worked on join, group_by, count for me col';
+ }
+ {
+ local $TODO = 'group_by on rel longer than 30 chars for long rel cols';
+ my @group_cols = ( 'cds_very_very_very_long_relationship_name.title' );
+ my $query = $schema->resultset('Artist')->search({
+ artistid => 1
+ }, {
+ select => \@group_cols,
+ as => [map { /^\w+\.(\w+)$/ } @group_cols],
+ join => [qw( cds_very_very_very_long_relationship_name )],
+ group_by => \@group_cols,
+ });
+ lives_and {
+ my @got = $query->get_column('title')->all();
+ is_deeply \@got, [$new_cd->title];
+ } 'query with rel name over 30 chars worked on join, group_by for long rel col';
+ lives_and {
+ is $query->count(), 1
+ } 'query with rel name over 30 chars worked on join, group_by, count for long rel col';
+ }
# rel name over 30 char limit with user condition
# This requires walking the SQLA data structure.