# ... nothing yet actually ;)
+use Storable;
+my $MOP_CACHE_FILE = 'Class_MOP.cache';
+#warn ((stat $INC{'Class/MOP.pm'})[9]);
+#warn ((stat $MOP_CACHE_FILE)[9]);
+if (-e $MOP_CACHE_FILE && (stat $INC{'Class/MOP.pm'})[9] < (stat $MOP_CACHE_FILE)[9]) {
+ $Storable::Eval = 1;
+ my $cache = Storable::retrieve($MOP_CACHE_FILE);
+ # now we do 2 things, first is to grab
+ # the cached metaclass, and second is
+ # to make sure that we reinstall any
+ # methods we installed in the bootstrap
+ # process, this is typically constructors
+ # and clone methods
+ my %methods;
+ foreach my $meta_name (keys %{$cache->{metas}}) {
+ my $metaclass = $cache->{metas}->{$meta_name};
+ # before we do anything to the
+ # metaclasses, we need to grab the
+ # methods we added in the bootstrap
+ # because any calls to get_method_map
+ # will cause it to grab the ones
+ # that are on disk, and not in the
+ # bootstrap.
+ $methods{$meta_name} = [];
+ foreach my $method_to_reinstall (@{$cache->{methods_to_reinstall}->{$meta_name}}) {
+ #use Data::Dumper;
+ #$Data::Dumper::Deparse = 1;
+ #warn Dumper $metaclass->{'%!methods'}->{$method_to_reinstall};
+ push @{ $methods{$meta_name} } => {
+ name => $method_to_reinstall,
+ method => $metaclass->{'%!methods'}->{$method_to_reinstall},
+ };
+ }
+ store_metaclass_by_name($meta_name, $metaclass);
+ }
+ # now we can start adding methods
+ # so that we get the properly
+ # bootstrapped versions of them
+ foreach my $meta_name (keys %methods) {
+ my $metaclass = $cache->{metas}->{$meta_name};
+ foreach my $method_to_install (@{ $methods{$meta_name} }) {
+ $metaclass->add_method(
+ $method_to_install->{name},
+ $method_to_install->{method}
+ );
+ }
+ }
+else {
+my %methods_to_reinstall;
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Bootstrapping
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
$class->meta->new_object('package' => $package_name, @_);
+$methods_to_reinstall{'Class::MOP::Package'} = [qw[initialize]];
## --------------------------------------------------------
## Class::MOP::Module
$self->meta->clone_object($self, @_);
+$methods_to_reinstall{'Class::MOP::Attribute'} = [qw[new clone]];
## --------------------------------------------------------
## Class::MOP::Method
$self->meta->clone_object($self, @_);
+$methods_to_reinstall{'Class::MOP::Method'} = [qw[wrap clone]];
## --------------------------------------------------------
## Class::MOP::Method::Wrapped
+$methods_to_reinstall{'Class::MOP::Method::Generated'} = [qw[new]];
## --------------------------------------------------------
## Class::MOP::Method::Accessor
+$methods_to_reinstall{'Class::MOP::Method::Accessor'} = [qw[new]];
## --------------------------------------------------------
## Class::MOP::Method::Constructor
+$methods_to_reinstall{'Class::MOP::Method::Constructor'} = [qw[new]];
## --------------------------------------------------------
## Class::MOP::Instance
# time of the MOP, and gives us
# no actual benefits.
+unless ($ENV{CLASS_MOP_NO_CACHE}) {
+ my %metaclasses_to_store = get_all_metaclasses();
+ $Storable::Deparse = 1;
+ Storable::nstore({
+ metas => \%metaclasses_to_store,
+ methods_to_reinstall => \%methods_to_reinstall
+ #foreach my $meta_name (keys %metaclasses_to_store) {
+ # my $metaclass = $metaclasses_to_store{$meta_name};
+ # foreach my $method_to_reinstall (@{$methods_to_reinstall{$meta_name}}) {
+ # warn "CHECKING $method_to_reinstall";
+ #
+ # use Data::Dumper;
+ # $Data::Dumper::Deparse = 1;
+ # warn Dumper $metaclass->{'%!methods'}->{$method_to_reinstall};
+ # }
+ #}
inline_constructor => 0,
inline_accessors => 0,
# ... class
ok($class_mop_class_meta->get_attribute('%!attributes')->has_reader, '... Class::MOP::Class %!attributes has a reader');
- { 'get_attribute_map' => \&Class::MOP::Class::get_attribute_map },
- '... Class::MOP::Class %!attributes\'s a reader is &get_attribute_map');
+ 'HASH', '... Class::MOP::Class %!attributes\'s a reader is a HASH');
ok($class_mop_class_meta->get_attribute('%!attributes')->has_init_arg, '... Class::MOP::Class %!attributes has a init_arg');
'... Class::MOP::Class %!attributes\'s a default of {}');
ok($class_mop_class_meta->get_attribute('$!attribute_metaclass')->has_reader, '... Class::MOP::Class $!attribute_metaclass has a reader');
- { 'attribute_metaclass' => \&Class::MOP::Class::attribute_metaclass },
- '... Class::MOP::Class $!attribute_metaclass\'s a reader is &attribute_metaclass');
+ 'HASH', '... Class::MOP::Class $!attribute_metaclass\'s a reader is a HASH');
ok($class_mop_class_meta->get_attribute('$!attribute_metaclass')->has_init_arg, '... Class::MOP::Class $!attribute_metaclass has a init_arg');
'... Class::MOP::Class $!attribute_metaclass\'s a default is Class::MOP:::Attribute');
ok($class_mop_class_meta->get_attribute('$!method_metaclass')->has_reader, '... Class::MOP::Class $!method_metaclass has a reader');
- { 'method_metaclass' => \&Class::MOP::Class::method_metaclass },
- '... Class::MOP::Class $!method_metaclass\'s a reader is &method_metaclass');
+ 'HASH', '... Class::MOP::Class $!method_metaclass\'s a reader is a HASH');
ok($class_mop_class_meta->get_attribute('$!method_metaclass')->has_init_arg, '... Class::MOP::Class $!method_metaclass has a init_arg');