use strict;
use warnings;
-use Test::More tests => 70;
+use Test::More tests => 73;
use Test::Exception;
use Class::MOP;
+ package Foo2;
+ use metaclass;
+ my $meta = Foo2->meta;
+ $meta->add_attribute(
+ Class::MOP::Attribute->new( '$foo2' => ( reader => 'foo2' ) ) );
+ ::ok( $meta->has_method('foo2'), '... a reader has been created' );
+ my $attr = $meta->get_attribute('$foo2');
+ ::is( $attr->get_read_method, 'foo2',
+ '... got the right read method for Foo2' );
+ ::is( $attr->get_write_method, undef,
+ '... got undef for the writer with a read-only attribute in Foo2' );
my $meta = Baz->meta;
isa_ok($meta, 'Class::MOP::Class');