- with_caller => ['parameter', 'role', 'method'],
- as_is => [
- 'has', 'with', 'extends', 'requires', 'excludes', 'augment', 'inner',
- 'before', 'after', 'around', 'super', 'override', 'confess',
- 'blessed',
- ],
+ with_caller => ['parameter', 'role', 'method', 'has', 'with', 'extends',
+ 'requires', 'excludes', 'augment', 'inner', 'before',
+ 'after', 'around', 'super', 'override'],
+ as_is => [ 'confess', 'blessed' ],
sub parameter {
my $caller = shift;
- my $names = shift;
+ my $meta = Class::MOP::Class->initialize($caller);
+ my $names = shift;
$names = [$names] if !ref($names);
for my $name (@$names) {
- Class::MOP::Class->initialize($caller)->add_parameter($name, @_);
+ $meta->add_parameter($name, @_);
sub has {
- confess "has must be called within the role { ... } block."
+ my $caller = shift;
+ my $meta = $CURRENT_METACLASS || Class::MOP::Class->initialize($caller);
my $names = shift;
$names = [$names] if !ref($names);
for my $name (@$names) {
- $CURRENT_METACLASS->add_attribute($name, @_);
+ $meta->add_attribute($name, @_);
sub method {
- confess "method must be called within the role { ... } block."
my $caller = shift;
+ my $meta = $CURRENT_METACLASS || Class::MOP::Class->initialize($caller);
my $name = shift;
my $body = shift;
- my $method = $CURRENT_METACLASS->method_metaclass->wrap(
+ my $method = $meta->method_metaclass->wrap(
package_name => $caller,
name => $name,
body => $body,
- $CURRENT_METACLASS->add_method($name => $method);
+ $meta->add_method($name => $method);
sub before {
- confess "before must be called within the role { ... } block."
+ my $caller = shift;
+ my $meta = $CURRENT_METACLASS || Class::MOP::Class->initialize($caller);
my $code = pop @_;
. ref($_)
. " references for before method modifiers"
if ref $_;
- $CURRENT_METACLASS->add_before_method_modifier($_, $code);
+ $meta->add_before_method_modifier($_, $code);
sub after {
- confess "after must be called within the role { ... } block."
+ my $caller = shift;
+ my $meta = $CURRENT_METACLASS || Class::MOP::Class->initialize($caller);
my $code = pop @_;
. ref($_)
. " references for after method modifiers"
if ref $_;
- $CURRENT_METACLASS->add_after_method_modifier($_, $code);
+ $meta->add_after_method_modifier($_, $code);
sub around {
- confess "around must be called within the role { ... } block."
+ my $caller = shift;
+ my $meta = $CURRENT_METACLASS || Class::MOP::Class->initialize($caller);
my $code = pop @_;
. ref($_)
. " references for around method modifiers"
if ref $_;
- $CURRENT_METACLASS->add_around_method_modifier($_, $code);
+ $meta->add_around_method_modifier($_, $code);
sub with {
- confess "with must be called within the role { ... } block."
- Moose::Util::apply_all_roles($CURRENT_METACLASS, @_);
+ my $caller = shift;
+ my $meta = $CURRENT_METACLASS || Class::MOP::Class->initialize($caller);
+ Moose::Util::apply_all_roles($meta, @_);
sub requires {
- confess "requires must be called within the role { ... } block."
+ my $caller = shift;
+ my $meta = $CURRENT_METACLASS || Class::MOP::Class->initialize($caller);
croak "Must specify at least one method" unless @_;
- $CURRENT_METACLASS->add_required_methods(@_);
+ $meta->add_required_methods(@_);
sub excludes {
- confess "excludes must be called within the role { ... } block."
+ my $caller = shift;
+ my $meta = $CURRENT_METACLASS || Class::MOP::Class->initialize($caller);
croak "Must specify at least one role" unless @_;
- $CURRENT_METACLASS->add_excluded_roles(@_);
+ $meta->add_excluded_roles(@_);
# see Moose.pm for discussion
sub override {
- confess "override must be called within the role { ... } block."
+ my $caller = shift;
+ my $meta = $CURRENT_METACLASS || Class::MOP::Class->initialize($caller);
my ($name, $code) = @_;
- $CURRENT_METACLASS->add_override_method_modifier($name, $code);
+ $meta->add_override_method_modifier($name, $code);
sub extends { croak "Roles do not currently support 'extends'" }
--- /dev/null
+#!/usr/bin/env perl
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More tests => 20;
+do {
+ package OtherRole;
+ use Moose::Role;
+do {
+ package MyRole;
+ use MooseX::Role::Parameterized;
+ requires 'requirement';
+ excludes 'exclusion';
+ has attribute => ();
+ method meth => sub {};
+ before meth => sub {};
+ after meth => sub {};
+ around meth => sub {};
+ sub regular_method {}
+ override other_meth => sub { super };
+ with 'OtherRole';
+ role { }
+for my $meta (MyRole->meta, MyRole->meta->generate_role) {
+ ok($meta->has_attribute('attribute'), 'has');
+ ok($meta->has_method('meth'), 'method');
+ ok($meta->has_method('regular_method'), 'sub');
+ is($meta->has_before_method_modifiers('meth'), 1, 'before');
+ is($meta->has_after_method_modifiers('meth'), 1, 'after');
+ is($meta->has_around_method_modifiers('meth'), 1, 'around');
+ is($meta->has_override_method_modifier('other_meth'), 1, 'override');
+ is($meta->does_role('OtherRole'), 1, 'with');
+ ok($meta->requires_method('requirement'), 'requires');
+ ok($meta->excludes_role('exclusion'), 'excludes');