my $test_in_esc = $test_in;
$test_in_esc =~ s/\n/\\n/g;
for my $rs_code ('', '$/=undef', '$/=\2', '$/=\1024') {
+ {
+ local $::TODO = "We get RMS\$_IOP at EOF on VMS when \$/ is undef"
+ if $^O eq 'VMS' && $rs_code eq '$/=undef';
is( runperl( prog => "$rs_code; $test_prog",
stdin => $test_in, stderr => 1),
"Wrong errno, PERLIO=$ENV{PERLIO} stdin='$test_in_esc', $rs_code");
+ }
# REGEX pad had already been freed (ithreads build only). The
# object is required to trigger the early freeing of GV refs to to STDOUT
-like (runperl(
- prog => '$x=bless[]; sub IO::Handle::DESTROY{$_="bad";s/bad/ok/;print}',
- stderr => 1
- ), qr/^(ok)+$/, 'STDOUT destructor');
+TODO: {
+ local $TODO = "works but output through pipe is mangled" if $^O eq 'VMS';
+ like (runperl(
+ prog => '$x=bless[]; sub IO::Handle::DESTROY{$_="bad";s/bad/ok/;print}',
+ stderr => 1
+ ), qr/^(ok)+$/, 'STDOUT destructor');
no strict 'refs';