$textstr =~ s/\s+//g;
is( $textstr, $lexstr, "Lexemes for reading $r match the reading" );
foreach my $l ( @lex ) {
+ next unless $l->matches;
next if $l->is_disambiguated;
printf( "Ambiguous lexeme %s for reading %s:\n\t%s\n", $l->string, $r->id,
join( "\n\t", map { $_->lemma . ': ' . $_->morphology->to_string } $l->matching_forms ) );
- is( $ambig, 19, "Found 19 ambiguous forms as expected" );
+ is( $ambig, 7, "Found 7 ambiguous forms as expected" );
=end testing
+ # TODO special case:
+ # passive verbs (-or)
+ # T sapientia -> sapientia
+ # T primus -> unus
+ # T occulta -> occultus (with occulo in next field, hmm...)
+ # T carne -> carnis
+ # T melius -> bonus
+ my %excep = (
+ 'absens' => 'absum',
+ 'aperte' => 'apertus',
+ 'evolvo' => 'exvolvo',
+ 'inquiam' => 'inquam',
+ 'intelligo' => 'intellego',
+ 'itaque' => 'ita',
+ 'iuste' => 'iustus',
+ 'longe' => 'longus',
+ 'male' => 'malus|malum',
+ 'multum' => 'multus',
+ 'nec' => 'neque',
+ 'nos' => 'ego',
+ 'occultum' => 'occultus',
+ 'peregrinans' => 'peregrinor',
+ 'perfectus' => 'perficio',
+ 'potius' => 'potis',
+ 'praesente' => 'praesens',
+ 'prius' => 'prior',
+ 'quotidianus' => 'cottidianus',
+ 'se' => 'sui',
+ 'septem' => 'septimus',
+ 'Spiritum' => 'spiritus',
+ 'viriliter' => 'virilis', # TODO special case -iter?
+ 'vos' => 'tu',
+ 'datum' => 'do|data|datus',
+ 'forte' => 'fors|fortis',
+ 'vere' => 'verum|verus',
+ );
sub _perseus_lookup_tt {
my( $orig, $pos, $lemma ) = split( /\t/, $_[0] );
my $result = $morph->lookup( $orig );
# Discard results that don't match the lemma, unless lemma is unknown
+ my @orig = @{$result->{'objects'}};
my @ret;
- unless( $lemma eq '<unknown>' ) {
+ unless( $lemma eq '<unknown>' || $lemma =~ /^\W+$/ ) {
# TODO Perseus lemma might have a number on the end, yuck.
- @ret = grep { $_->lemma =~ /^$lemma(\d*)$/ } @{$result->{'objects'}};
- }
- unless( @ret ) {
- @ret = @{$result->{'objects'}};
+ # multiple lemmata separated with |
+ $lemma =~ s/[^\w|]//g;
+ $lemma = $excep{$lemma} if exists $excep{$lemma};
+ $lemma =~ s/j/i/g;
+ my %lems;
+ my @forms =
+ map { $lems{$_} = 1; $lems{lc($_)} = 1 } split( /\|/, $lemma );
+ # Now match the lemmata from Treetagger to the lemmata and alt_ls
+ # from Perseus.
+ @ret = grep {
+ my $x = $_->lemma;
+ $x =~ s/\d+$//;
+ my $y = $_->alt_lex || '';
+ $y =~ s/\d+$//;
+ $lems{$x} || $lems{$y};
+ } @orig;
warn "TreeTagger lemma $lemma matched no results from Perseus for $orig"
- if @ret;
+ if @orig && !@ret;
+ @ret = @orig unless @ret;
- # Discard results that don't match the given TreeTagger POS, unless
- # that leaves zero results
my @wordforms;
foreach my $obj ( @ret ) {
push( @wordforms, _wordform_from_row( $obj ) );
## TODO Use TreeTagger info - requires serious hacking of Lingua::TagSet
+ # Discard results that don't match the given TreeTagger POS, unless
+ # that leaves zero results
# my $ttstruct = treetagger_struct( $pos );
# my @ttmatch = grep { $ttstruct->is_compatible( $_->morphology ) } @wordforms;
# unless( @ttmatch ) {
return map { _wordform_from_row( $_ ) } @{$result->{'objects'}};
- sub _wordform_from_row {
- my( $rowobj ) = @_;
- my $mpstruct = Morph::Perseus::Structure->from_tag( $rowobj->code );
- my $wf = Text::Tradition::Collation::Reading::WordForm->new(
- 'language' => 'Latin',
- 'lemma' => $rowobj->lemma,
- 'morphology' => $mpstruct,
- );
- return $wf;
- }
+sub _wordform_from_row {
+ my( $rowobj ) = @_;
+ my $mpstruct;
+ try {
+ $mpstruct = Morph::Perseus::Structure->from_tag( $rowobj->code );
+ } catch {
+ warn "Could not create morphology structure from "
+ . $rowobj->code . ": $!";
+ }
+ $DB::single = 1 unless $mpstruct;
+ my $lemma = $rowobj->lemma;
+ $lemma =~ s/^(\D+)\d*$/$1/;
+ my $wf = Text::Tradition::Collation::Reading::WordForm->new(
+ 'language' => 'Latin',
+ 'lemma' => $lemma,
+ 'morphology' => $mpstruct,
+ );
+ return $wf;
\ No newline at end of file