Revision history for {{$dist->name}}
+ * fixed compile tests so that modules using optional features are skipped
+ (from 0.36-TRIAL)
0.36-TRIAL 2013-07-16 21:41:39 PDT-0700 (Karen Etheridge)
* convert to Dist::Zilla, with new optional prereq handling
Test::MinimumVersion.max_target_perl = 5.008000
; these appear in every file, so it's easier to just put it here
Test::PodSpelling.stopwords = cpan
+; these are all the modules that use optional prereqs, and will cause
+; cpantesters to barf in the compile tests
+Test::Compile.skip[] = ^MooseX::Storage::((Engine::)?IO::|Format::)
[Prereqs / RuntimeRequires]
Moose = 0.99