ok( $rv->{version} == $Module::Load::Conditional::VERSION,
q[ Found proper version] );
+ # This test is expecting the file to in UNIX format, so force
+ $rv->{file} = VMS::Filespec::unixify($rv->{file}) if $^O eq 'VMS';
+ # break up the specification
+ my @rv_path;
+ if ($^O eq 'VMS') {
+ # Use the UNIX specific method, as the VMS one currently
+ # converts the file spec back to VMS format.
+ @rv_path = File::Spec::Unix->splitpath($rv->{file});
+ } else {
+ @rv_path = File::Spec->splitpath($rv->{file});
+ }
+ # First element could be blank for some system types like VMS
+ shift @rv_path if $rv_path[0] eq '';
ok( $INC{'Module/Load/Conditional.pm'} eq
- File::Spec::Unix->catfile(File::Spec->splitdir($rv->{file}) ),
+ File::Spec::Unix->catfile(@rv_path),
q[ Found proper file]
{ package A::B::C::D;
$A::B::C::D::VERSION = $$;
$INC{'A/B/C/D.pm'} = $$.$$;
+ $INC{'[.A.B.C]D.pm'} = $$.$$ if $^O eq 'VMS';
my $href = check_install( module => 'A::B::C::D', version => 0 );
' can_load successful' );