eval { no warnings; binmode $DB::OUT, ":utf8"; };
my( $informat, $inbase, $outformat, $help, $language, $name, $sep, $stemmafile,
- $dsn, $dbuser, $dbpass )
+ $dsn, $dbuser, $dbpass, $from, $to )
= ( '', '', '', '', 'Default', 'Tradition', "\t", '',
- "dbi:SQLite:dbname=stemmaweb/db/traditions.db", undef, undef );
+ "dbi:SQLite:dbname=stemmaweb/db/traditions.db", undef, undef, undef, undef );
GetOptions( 'i|in=s' => \$informat,
'b|base=s' => \$inbase,
's|stemma=s' => \$stemmafile,
'u|user=s' => \$dbuser,
'p|pass=s' => \$dbpass,
+ 'f|from=s' => \$from,
+ 't|to=s' => \$to,
'sep=s' => \$sep,
'dsn=s' => \$dsn,
help( "Output format must be one of db, graphml, svg, csv, stemma, or dot" );
+if( $from || $to ) {
+ help( "Subgraphs only supported in GraphML format" )
+ unless $outformat eq 'graphml';
# Do we have a base if we need it?
if( $informat =~ /^(KUL|CollateText)$/ && !$inbase ) {
help( "$informat input needs a base text" );
print STDERR "Saved tradition to database with ID $uuid\n";
} else {
my $output = "as_$outformat";
- print $tradition->collation->$output();
+ my $opts = {};
+ $opts->{'from'} = $from if $from;
+ $opts->{'to'} = $to if $to;
+ print $tradition->collation->$output( $opts );
sub help {