if(!$winner) { # looking for a winner
$cand = $_->[0]; # seq head is candidate
next if $tails{$cand}; # he loses if in %tails
+ # Handy warn to give a output like the ones on
+ # http://www.python.org/download/releases/2.3/mro/
+ #warn " = " . join(' + ', @res) . " + merge([" . join('] [', map { join(', ', @$_) } grep { @$_ } @seqs) . "])\n";
push @res => $winner = $cand;
if($_->[0] eq $winner) {
$tails{$_->[0]}-- if @$_; # keep %tails sane
+ # Handy warn to give a output like the ones on
+ # http://www.python.org/download/releases/2.3/mro/
+ #warn " = " . join(' + ', @res) . "\n" if !$cand;
last if !$cand;
die q{Inconsistent hierarchy found while merging '}
. $current_root . qq{':\n\t}