<p>Converts audio data to a desired audio format.</p>
-<p><code>convert_audio</code> takes as first parameter <code>cvt</code>, which was previously initialized. Initializing a <code>SDL::AudioCVT</code> is a two step process.
-First of all, the structure must be created via <code>SDL::AudioCVT-</code>build> along with source and destination format parameters. Secondly,
+<p><code>convert</code> takes as first parameter <code>cvt</code>, which was previously initialized. Initializing a <code>SDL::AudioCVT</code> is a two step process.
+First of all, the structure must be created via <code>SDL::AudioCVT->build</code> along with source and destination format parameters. Secondly,
the <code>data</code> and <code>len</code> fields must be setup. <code>data</code> should point to the audio data buffer beeing source and destination at
once and <code>len</code> should be set to the buffer length in bytes. Remember, the length of the buffer pointed to by buf should be
<code>len*len_mult</code> bytes in length.</p>
-<p>Once the <code>SDL::AudioCVT</code> structure is initialized, we can pass it to <code>convert_audio</code>, which will convert the audio data pointed to
-by <code>data</code>. If <code>convert_audio</code> fails <code>undef</code> is returned, otherwise the converted <code>SDL::AudioCVT</code> structure.</p>
-<p>If the conversion completed successfully then the converted audio data can be read from <code>cvt-</code>buf>. The amount of valid, converted,
-audio data in the buffer is equal to <code>cvt-</code>len*cvt->len_ratio>. </p>
+<p>Once the <code>SDL::AudioCVT</code> structure is initialized, we can pass it to <code>convert</code>, which will convert the audio data pointed to
+by <code>data</code>. If <code>convert</code> fails <code>undef</code> is returned, otherwise the converted <code>SDL::AudioCVT</code> structure.</p>
+<p>If the conversion completed successfully then the converted audio data can be read from <code>cvt->buf</code>. The amount of valid, converted,
+audio data in the buffer is equal to <code>cvt->len*cvt->len_ratio</code>. </p>
<pre> use SDL;
use SDL::Audio;
use SDL::AudioSpec;
use SDL::AudioCVT;
+ use Devel::Peek;
# And now we're ready to convert
SDL::Audio::convert($wav_cvt, $wav_buf, $wav_len);
# We can freeto original WAV data now
<p><strong>TODO</strong>: What to do with it? How to use callback? See http://www.libsdl.org/cgi/docwiki.cgi/SDL_ConvertAudio</p>