use warnings;
use File::Find;
use ExtUtils::MM_Unix;
+use lib "Porting";
+use Maintainers qw(%Modules files_to_modules);
+use File::Spec;
my %lines;
+my %module_to_file;
+my %modlist;
+my $cpan = shift;
+if ($cpan) {
+ my $modlistfile
+ = File::Spec->catfile($cpan, 'modules', '02packages.details.txt');
+ open my $fh, '<', $modlistfile or die "Couldn't open $modlistfile: $!";
+ {
+ local $/ = "\n\n";
+ die "Incompatible modlist format"
+ unless <$fh> =~ /^Columns: +package name, version, path/m;
+ }
+ # Converting the file to a hash is about 5 times faster than a regexp flat
+ # lookup.
+ while (<$fh>) {
+ next unless /^([A-Za-z_:0-9]+) +[-0-9.undefHASHVERSIONvsetwhenloadingbogus]+ +(\S+)/;
+ $modlist{$1} = $2;
+ }
find(sub {
/(\.pm|_pm\.PL)$/ or return;
/PPPort\.pm$/ and return;
# some heuristics to figure out the module name from the file name
$module =~ s{^(lib|(win32/|vms/|symbian/)?ext)/}{}
and $1 ne 'lib'
- and ( $module =~ s{^(.*)/lib/\1\b}{$1},
- $module =~ s{(\w+)/\1\b}{$1},
+ and ( $module =~ s{\b(\w+)/\1\b}{$1},
$module =~ s{^B/O}{O},
$module =~ s{^Devel-PPPort}{Devel},
$module =~ s{^Encode/encoding}{encoding},
$module =~ s{^.*::lib::}{};
$module =~ s/(\.pm|_pm\.PL)$//;
$lines{$module} = $version;
+ $module_to_file{$module} = $File::Find::name;
}, 'lib', 'ext', 'vms/ext', 'symbian/ext');
-e 'configpm' and $lines{Config} = 'undef';
$lines{Unicode} = "'$ucd'";
close $ucdv;
-print " $] => {\n";
-foreach (sort keys %lines) {
- printf "\t%-24s=> $lines{$_},\n", "'$_'";
+sub display_hash {
+ my ($hash) = @_;
+print " $] => {\n";
+printf "\t%-24s=> $lines{$_},\n", "'$_'" foreach sort keys %lines;
print " },\n";
+exit unless %modlist;
+# We have to go through this two stage lookup, given how keys its
+# data by "Module", which is really a dist.
+my $file_to_M = files_to_modules(values %module_to_file);
+my %module_to_upstream;
+my %module_to_dist;
+my %dist_to_meta_YAML;
+while (my ($module, $file) = each %module_to_file) {
+ my $M = $file_to_M->{$file};
+ next unless $M;
+ next if $Modules{$M}{MAINTAINER} eq 'p5p';
+ $module_to_upstream{$module} = $Modules{$M}{UPSTREAM};
+ next if defined $module_to_upstream{$module} &&
+ $module_to_upstream{$module} =~ /^(?:blead|first-come)$/;
+ my $dist = $modlist{$module};
+ unless ($dist) {
+ warn "Can't find a distribution for $module";
+ next;
+ }
+ $module_to_dist{$module} = $dist;
+ next if exists $dist_to_meta_YAML{$dist};
+ $dist_to_meta_YAML{$dist} = undef;
+ # Like it or lump it, this has to be Unix format.
+ my $meta_YAML_path = "$cpan/authors/id/$dist";
+ $meta_YAML_path =~ s/(?:tar\.gz|zip)$/meta/ or die "$meta_YAML_path";
+ unless (-e $meta_YAML_path) {
+ warn "$meta_YAML_path does not exist for $module";
+ # I tried code to open the tarballs with Archive::Tar to find and
+ # extract META.yml, but only Text-Tabs+Wrap-2006.1117.tar.gz had one,
+ # so it's not worth including.
+ next;
+ }
+ require Parse::CPAN::Meta;
+ $dist_to_meta_YAML{$dist} = Parse::CPAN::Meta::LoadFile($meta_YAML_path);
+print "\n%upstream = (\n";
+foreach my $module (sort keys %module_to_upstream) {
+ my $upstream = defined $module_to_upstream{$module}
+ ? "'$module_to_upstream{$module}'" : 'undef';
+ printf " %-24s=> $upstream,\n", "'$module'";
+print ");\n";
+print "\n%bug_tracker = (\n";
+foreach my $module (sort keys %module_to_upstream) {
+ my $upstream = defined $module_to_upstream{$module};
+ next if defined $upstream
+ and $upstream eq 'blead' || $upstream eq 'first-come';
+ my $bug_tracker;
+ my $dist = $module_to_dist{$module};
+ $bug_tracker = $dist_to_meta_YAML{$dist}->{resources}{bugtracker}
+ if $dist;
+ $bug_tracker = defined $bug_tracker ? "'$bug_tracker'" : 'undef';
+ next if $bug_tracker eq "''";
+ printf " %-24s=> $bug_tracker,\n", "'$module'";
+print ");\n";