--- /dev/null
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More tests => 39;
+use Test::Exception;
+ use_ok('Moose::Util::TypeConstraints');
+## First, we check that the new regex parsing works
+ok Moose::Util::TypeConstraints::_detect_parameterized_type_constraint('ArrayRef[Str]')
+ => 'detected correctly';
+ [Moose::Util::TypeConstraints::_parse_parameterized_type_constraint('ArrayRef[Str]')],
+ ["ArrayRef", "Str"]
+ => 'Correctly parsed ArrayRef[Str]';
+ok Moose::Util::TypeConstraints::_detect_parameterized_type_constraint('ArrayRef[Str ]')
+ => 'detected correctly';
+ [Moose::Util::TypeConstraints::_parse_parameterized_type_constraint('ArrayRef[Str ]')],
+ ["ArrayRef", "Str"]
+ => 'Correctly parsed ArrayRef[Str ]';
+ok Moose::Util::TypeConstraints::_detect_parameterized_type_constraint('ArrayRef[ Str]')
+ => 'detected correctly';
+ [Moose::Util::TypeConstraints::_parse_parameterized_type_constraint('ArrayRef[ Str]')],
+ ["ArrayRef", "Str"]
+ => 'Correctly parsed ArrayRef[ Str]';
+ok Moose::Util::TypeConstraints::_detect_parameterized_type_constraint('ArrayRef[ Str ]')
+ => 'detected correctly';
+ [Moose::Util::TypeConstraints::_parse_parameterized_type_constraint('ArrayRef[ Str ]')],
+ ["ArrayRef", "Str"]
+ => 'Correctly parsed ArrayRef[ Str ]';
+ok Moose::Util::TypeConstraints::_detect_parameterized_type_constraint('ArrayRef[ HashRef[Int] ]')
+ => 'detected correctly';
+ [Moose::Util::TypeConstraints::_parse_parameterized_type_constraint('ArrayRef[ HashRef[Int] ]')],
+ ["ArrayRef", "HashRef[Int]"]
+ => 'Correctly parsed ArrayRef[ HashRef[Int] ]';
+ok Moose::Util::TypeConstraints::_detect_parameterized_type_constraint('ArrayRef[ HashRef[Int ] ]')
+ => 'detected correctly';
+ [Moose::Util::TypeConstraints::_parse_parameterized_type_constraint('ArrayRef[ HashRef[Int ] ]')],
+ ["ArrayRef", "HashRef[Int ]"]
+ => 'Correctly parsed ArrayRef[ HashRef[Int ] ]';
+ok Moose::Util::TypeConstraints::_detect_parameterized_type_constraint('ArrayRef[Int,Str]')
+ => 'detected correctly';
+ [Moose::Util::TypeConstraints::_parse_parameterized_type_constraint('ArrayRef[Int,Str]')],
+ ["ArrayRef", "Int", "Str"]
+ => 'Correctly parsed ArrayRef[Int,Str]';
+ok Moose::Util::TypeConstraints::_detect_parameterized_type_constraint('ArrayRef[ArrayRef[Int],Str]')
+ => 'detected correctly';
+ [Moose::Util::TypeConstraints::_parse_parameterized_type_constraint('ArrayRef[ArrayRef[Int],Str]')],
+ ["ArrayRef", "ArrayRef[Int]", "Str"]
+ => 'Correctly parsed ArrayRef[ArrayRef[Int],Str]';
+ok Moose::Util::TypeConstraints::_detect_parameterized_type_constraint('HashRef[key1 => Int, key2=>Int, key3=>ArrayRef[Int]]')
+ => 'detected correctly';
+ [Moose::Util::TypeConstraints::_parse_parameterized_type_constraint('HashRef[key1 => Int, key2=>Int, key3=>ArrayRef[Int]]')],
+ ["HashRef", "key1", "Int", "key2", "Int", "key3", "ArrayRef[Int]"]
+ => 'Correctly parsed HashRef[key1 => Int, key2=>Int, key3=>ArrayRef[Int]]';
+## creating names via subtype
+ok my $r = Moose::Util::TypeConstraints->get_type_constraint_registry
+ => 'Got registry object';
+ok my $subtype_a1 = subtype('subtype_a1' => as 'HashRef[Int]'),
+ => 'created subtype_a1';
+ok my $subtype_a2 = subtype('subtype_a2' => as 'HashRef[ Int]'),
+ => 'created subtype_a2';
+ok my $subtype_a3 = subtype('subtype_a2' => as 'HashRef[Int ]'),
+ => 'created subtype_a2';
+ok my $subtype_a4 = subtype('subtype_a2' => as 'HashRef[ Int ]'),
+ => 'created subtype_a2';
+is $subtype_a1->parent->name, $subtype_a2->parent->name
+ =>'names match';
+is $subtype_a1->parent->name, $subtype_a3->parent->name
+ =>'names match';
+is $subtype_a1->parent->name, $subtype_a4->parent->name
+ =>'names match';
+ok my $subtype_b1 = subtype('subtype_b1' => as 'HashRef[Int|Str]'),
+ => 'created subtype_b1';
+ok my $subtype_b2 = subtype('subtype_b2' => as 'HashRef[Int | Str]'),
+ => 'created subtype_b2';
+ok my $subtype_b3 = subtype('subtype_b2' => as 'HashRef[Str|Int]'),
+ => 'created subtype_b3';
+is $subtype_b1->parent->name, $subtype_b2->parent->name
+ =>'names match';
+is $subtype_b1->parent->name, $subtype_b3->parent->name
+ =>'names match';
+is $subtype_b2->parent->name, $subtype_b3->parent->name
+ =>'names match';
+## testing via add_constraint
+ok my $union1 = Moose::Util::TypeConstraints::create_type_constraint_union(
+ 'ArrayRef[Int|Str] | ArrayRef[Int | HashRef]') => 'Created Union1';
+ok my $union2 = Moose::Util::TypeConstraints::create_type_constraint_union(
+ 'ArrayRef[ Int|Str] | ArrayRef[Int | HashRef]') => 'Created Union2';
+ok my $union3 = Moose::Util::TypeConstraints::create_type_constraint_union(
+ 'ArrayRef[Int |Str ] | ArrayRef[Int | HashRef ]') => 'Created Union3';
+is $union1->name, $union2->name,
+ 'names match';
+is $union1->name, $union3->name,
+ 'names match';
+is $union2->name, $union3->name,
+ 'names match';
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More tests => 12;
+use Test::Exception;
+ use_ok('Moose::Util::TypeConstraints');
+# testing the parameterize method
+ my $parameterizable = subtype 'parameterizable_hashref',
+ as 'HashRef';
+ my $parameterized = subtype 'parameterized_hashref',
+ as 'HashRef[Int]';
+ my $int = Moose::Util::TypeConstraints::find_type_constraint('Int');
+ my $from_parameterizable = $parameterizable->parameterize($int);
+ isa_ok $parameterizable, 'Moose::Meta::TypeConstraint::Parameterizable',
+ => 'Got expected type instance';
+ package Test::Moose::Meta::TypeConstraint::Parameterizable;
+ use Moose;
+ has parameterizable => (is=>'rw', isa=>$parameterizable);
+ has parameterized => (is=>'rw', isa=>$parameterized);
+ has from_parameterizable => (is=>'rw', isa=>$from_parameterizable);
+# Create and check a dummy object
+ok my $params = Test::Moose::Meta::TypeConstraint::Parameterizable->new()
+ => 'Create Dummy object for testing';
+isa_ok $params, 'Test::Moose::Meta::TypeConstraint::Parameterizable'
+ => 'isa correct type';
+# test parameterizable
+lives_ok sub {
+ $params->parameterizable({a=>'Hello', b=>'World'});
+} => 'No problem setting parameterizable';
+is_deeply $params->parameterizable, {a=>'Hello', b=>'World'}
+ => 'Got expected values';
+# test parameterized
+lives_ok sub {
+ $params->parameterized({a=>1, b=>2});
+} => 'No problem setting parameterized';
+is_deeply $params->parameterized, {a=>1, b=>2}
+ => 'Got expected values';
+throws_ok sub {
+ $params->parameterized({a=>'Hello', b=>'World'});
+}, qr/Attribute \(parameterized\) does not pass the type constraint/
+ => 'parameterized throws expected error';
+# test from_parameterizable
+lives_ok sub {
+ $params->from_parameterizable({a=>1, b=>2});
+} => 'No problem setting from_parameterizable';
+is_deeply $params->from_parameterizable, {a=>1, b=>2}
+ => 'Got expected values';
+throws_ok sub {
+ $params->from_parameterizable({a=>'Hello', b=>'World'});
+}, qr/Attribute \(from_parameterizable\) does not pass the type constraint/
+ => 'from_parameterizable throws expected error';