uses it heavily, to generate inlined versions of accessors and constructors,
which speeds code up at runtime by a significant amount. String eval is not
without its issues however - it's difficult to control the scope it's used in
-(which determines which variables are in scope inside the eval), and it can be
-quite slow, especially if doing a large number of evals.
+(which determines which variables are in scope inside the eval).
-This module attempts to solve both of those problems. It provides an
-C<eval_closure> function, which evals a string in a clean environment, other
-than a fixed list of specified variables. It also caches the result of the
-eval, so that doing repeated evals of the same source, even with a different
-environment, will be much faster (but note that the description is part of the
-string to be evaled, so it must also be the same (or non-existent) if caching
-is to work properly).
+This module attempts to solve this problem. It provides an C<eval_closure>
+function, which evals a string in a clean environment, other than a fixed list
+of specified variables.
return ($code, $e);
- my %compiler_cache;
+sub _make_compiler {
+ my $source = _make_compiler_source(@_);
- sub _make_compiler {
- my $source = _make_compiler_source(@_);
- unless (exists $compiler_cache{$source}) {
- $compiler_cache{$source} = _clean_eval($source);
- }
- return @{ $compiler_cache{$source} };
- }
+ return @{ _clean_eval($source) };
$Eval::Closure::SANDBOX_ID = 0;
use Eval::Closure;
+# XXX this whole test isn't very useful anymore, since we no longer do
+# memoization. it would be nice to bring it back at some point though, if there
+# was a way to do this without breaking the other tests
+plan skip_all => "disabling this test for now";
my $source = 'BEGIN { warn "foo\n" } sub { $foo * 2 }';