unless ref( $second ) eq 'Text::Tradition::Collation::Reading';
return( $first, $second, $arg );
+=head2 duplicate_reading( $reading, @witlist )
+Split the given reading into two, so that the new reading is in the path for
+the witnesses given in @witlist.
+=begin testing
+use Text::Tradition;
+my $st = Text::Tradition->new( 'input' => 'Self', 'file' => 't/data/collatecorr.xml' );
+is( ref( $st ), 'Text::Tradition', "Got a tradition from test file" );
+ok( $st->has_witness('Ba96'), "Tradition has the affected witness" );
+my $sc = $st->collation;
+my $numr = 17;
+ok( $sc->reading('n131'), "Tradition has the affected reading" );
+is( scalar( $sc->readings ), $numr, "There are $numr readings in the graph" );
+is( $sc->end->rank, 14, "There are fourteen ranks in the graph" );
+# Detach the erroneously collated reading
+$sc->duplicate_reading( 'n131', 'Ba96' );
+ok( $sc->reading('n131_0'), "Detached the bad collation with a new reading" );
+is( scalar( $sc->readings ), $numr + 1, "A reading was added to the graph" );
+is( $sc->end->rank, 10, "There are now only ten ranks in the graph" );
+# Check that the bad transposition is gone
+is( $sc->get_relationship( 'n130', 'n135' ), undef, "Bad transposition relationship is gone" );
+# Fix the collation
+ok( $sc->add_relationship( 'n124', 'n131_0', { type => 'collated', scope => 'local' } ),
+ "Collated the readings correctly" );
+is( $sc->end->rank, 11, "The ranks shifted appropriately" );
+is( scalar( $sc->readings ), $numr - 3, "Now we are collated correctly" );
+=end testing
+sub duplicate_reading {
+ my( $self, $r, @wits ) = @_;
+ # Add the new reading, duplicating $r.
+ unless( ref( $r ) eq 'Text::Tradition::Collation::Reading' ) {
+ $r = $self->reading( $r );
+ }
+ throw( "Cannot duplicate a meta-reading" )
+ if $r->is_meta;
+ # Get all the reading attributes and duplicate them.
+ my $rmeta = Text::Tradition::Collation::Reading->meta;
+ my %args;
+ foreach my $attr( $rmeta->get_all_attributes ) {
+ next if $attr->name =~ /^_/;
+ my $acc = $attr->get_read_method;
+ if( !$acc && $attr->has_applied_traits ) {
+ my $tr = $attr->applied_traits;
+ if( $tr->[0] =~ /::(Array|Hash)$/ ) {
+ my $which = $1;
+ my %methods = reverse %{$attr->handles};
+ $acc = $methods{elements};
+ $args{$attr->name} = $which eq 'Array'
+ ? [ $r->$acc ] : { $r->$acc };
+ }
+ } else {
+ $args{$attr->name} = $r->$acc if $acc;
+ }
+ }
+ # By definition the new reading will no longer be common.
+ $args{is_common} = 0;
+ # The new reading also needs its own ID.
+ $args{id} = $self->_generate_dup_id( $r->id );
+ # Try to make the new reading.
+ my $newr = $self->add_reading( \%args );
+ # The old reading is also no longer common.
+ $r->is_common( 0 );
+ # For each of the witnesses, dissociate from the old reading and
+ # associate with the new.
+ foreach my $wit ( @wits ) {
+ my $prior = $self->prior_reading( $r, $wit );
+ my $next = $self->next_reading( $r, $wit );
+ $self->del_path( $prior, $r, $wit );
+ $self->add_path( $prior, $newr, $wit );
+ $self->del_path( $r, $next, $wit );
+ $self->add_path( $newr, $next, $wit );
+ }
+ # Hash the reading ranks and find the closest common successor to our
+ # two readings
+ my %rrk;
+ my $succ;
+ if( $self->end->has_rank ) {
+ $succ = $self->common_successor( $r, $newr );
+ foreach my $rdg ( $self->readings ) {
+ $rrk{$rdg->id} = $rdg->rank;
+ }
+ }
+ # Rebuild the equivalence graph and calculate the new ranks
+ $self->relations->rebuild_equivalence();
+ $self->calculate_ranks();
+ # Check for invalid non-colocated relationships among changed-rank readings
+ # from where the ranks start changing up to $succ
+ if( $self->end->has_rank ) {
+ my $lastrank = $succ->rank;
+ foreach my $rdg ( $self->readings ) {
+ next if $rdg->rank > $lastrank;
+ next if $rdg->rank == $rrk{$rdg->id};
+ my @noncolo = $rdg->related_readings( sub { !$_[0]->colocated } );
+ next unless @noncolo;
+ foreach my $nc ( @noncolo ) {
+ $self->relations->verify_or_delete( $rdg, $nc );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+sub _generate_dup_id {
+ my( $self, $rid ) = @_;
+ my $newid;
+ my $i = 0;
+ while( !$newid ) {
+ $newid = $rid."_$i";
+ if( $self->has_reading( $newid ) ) {
+ $newid = '';
+ $i++;
+ }
+ }
+ return $newid;
### Path logic
sub add_path {
@args = @_;
- # We only need the IDs for adding paths to the graph, not the reading
+ # We only need the IDs for removing paths from the graph, not the reading
# objects themselves.
my( $source, $target, $wit ) = $self->_stringify_args( @args );
my %graph_attributes = ( 'version' => 'string' );
# Graph attributes include those of Tradition and those of Collation.
my %gattr_from;
+ # TODO Use meta introspection method from duplicate_reading to do this
+ # instead of naming custom keys.
my $tmeta = $self->tradition->meta;
my $cmeta = $self->meta;
map { $gattr_from{$_->name} = 'Tradition' } $tmeta->get_all_attributes;
# =begin testing
use Text::Tradition;
+my $st = Text::Tradition->new( 'input' => 'Self', 'file' => 't/data/collatecorr.xml' );
+is( ref( $st ), 'Text::Tradition', "Got a tradition from test file" );
+ok( $st->has_witness('Ba96'), "Tradition has the affected witness" );
+my $sc = $st->collation;
+my $numr = 17;
+ok( $sc->reading('n131'), "Tradition has the affected reading" );
+is( scalar( $sc->readings ), $numr, "There are $numr readings in the graph" );
+is( $sc->end->rank, 14, "There are fourteen ranks in the graph" );
+# Detach the erroneously collated reading
+$sc->duplicate_reading( 'n131', 'Ba96' );
+ok( $sc->reading('n131_0'), "Detached the bad collation with a new reading" );
+is( scalar( $sc->readings ), $numr + 1, "A reading was added to the graph" );
+is( $sc->end->rank, 10, "There are now only ten ranks in the graph" );
+# Check that the bad transposition is gone
+is( $sc->get_relationship( 'n130', 'n135' ), undef, "Bad transposition relationship is gone" );
+# Fix the collation
+ok( $sc->add_relationship( 'n124', 'n131_0', { type => 'collated', scope => 'local' } ),
+ "Collated the readings correctly" );
+is( $sc->end->rank, 11, "The ranks shifted appropriately" );
+is( scalar( $sc->readings ), $numr - 3, "Now we are collated correctly" );
+# =begin testing
+use Text::Tradition;
use TryCatch;
my $READINGS = 311;