use Test::More;
-if (!eval "use Log::Log4perl;
- die if $Log::Log4perl::VERSION < 1.29;
- 1") {
- plan skip_all => 'Log::Log4perl 1.29 not installed'
-} else {
+if (eval <<'EOE'
+require Log::Log4perl;
+die if $Log::Log4perl::VERSION < 1.29;
+) {
plan tests => 2;
+} else {
+ plan skip_all => 'Log::Log4perl 1.29 not installed'
use FindBin;
use Log::Contextual qw( :log set_logger );
-log_error { 'err 14' };
+my @elines;
+push @elines, __LINE__ and log_error { 'err FIRST' };
sub foo {
- log_error { 'err 17' };
+ push @elines, __LINE__ and log_error { 'err SECOND' };
open my $log, '<', 'myerrs.log';
my @datas = <$log>;
close $log;
-is $datas[0], "file:t/log4perl.t line:20 method:main:: - err 14\n", 'file and line work with Log4perl';
-is $datas[1], "file:t/log4perl.t line:23 method:main::foo - err 17\n", 'file and line work with Log4perl in a sub';
+is $datas[0], "file:t/log4perl.t line:$elines[0] method:main:: - err FIRST\n", 'file and line work with Log4perl';
+is $datas[1], "file:t/log4perl.t line:$elines[1] method:main::foo - err SECOND\n", 'file and line work with Log4perl in a sub';