--- /dev/null
+package SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2;
+use Data::Dumper;
+use SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar;
+use Exporter;
+use base qw(Exporter);
+@EXPORT_OK = qw(parse);
+# Enable warnings within the Parse::RecDescent module.
+$::RD_ERRORS = 1; # Make sure the parser dies when it encounters an error
+$::RD_WARN = 1; # Enable warnings. This will warn on unused rules &c.
+$::RD_HINT = 1; # Give out hints to help fix problems.
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------
+sub parse {
+ my ( $translator, $data ) = @_;
+ my $parser = SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar->new();
+ local $::RD_TRACE = $translator->trace ? 1 : undef;
+ local $DEBUG = $translator->debug;
+ unless (defined $parser) {
+ return $translator->error("Error instantiating Parse::RecDescent ".
+ "instance: Bad grammer");
+ }
+ my $result = $parser->startrule($data);
+ return $translator->error( "Parse failed." ) unless defined $result;
+ warn Dumper( $result ) if $DEBUG;
+ my $schema = $translator->schema;
+ my @tables =
+ map { $_->[1] }
+ sort { $a->[0] <=> $b->[0] }
+ map { [ $result->{'tables'}{ $_ }->{'order'}, $_ ] }
+ keys %{ $result->{'tables'} };
+ for my $table_name ( @tables ) {
+ my $tdata = $result->{'tables'}{ $table_name };
+ my $table = $schema->add_table(
+ name => $tdata->{'name'},
+ ) or die $schema->error;
+ $table->comments( $tdata->{'comments'} );
+ for my $fdata ( @{ $tdata->{'fields'} } ) {
+ my $field = $table->add_field(
+ name => $fdata->{'name'},
+ data_type => $fdata->{'data_type'},
+ size => $fdata->{'size'},
+ default_value => $fdata->{'default'},
+ is_auto_increment => $fdata->{'is_auto_inc'},
+ is_nullable => $fdata->{'is_nullable'},
+ comments => $fdata->{'comments'},
+ ) or die $table->error;
+ $table->primary_key( $field->name ) if $fdata->{'is_primary_key'};
+ for my $cdata ( @{ $fdata->{'constraints'} } ) {
+ next unless $cdata->{'type'} eq 'foreign_key';
+ $cdata->{'fields'} ||= [ $field->name ];
+ push @{ $tdata->{'constraints'} }, $cdata;
+ }
+ }
+ for my $idata ( @{ $tdata->{'indices'} || [] } ) {
+ my $index = $table->add_index(
+ name => $idata->{'name'},
+ type => uc $idata->{'type'},
+ fields => $idata->{'fields'},
+ ) or die $table->error;
+ }
+ for my $cdata ( @{ $tdata->{'constraints'} || [] } ) {
+ my $constraint = $table->add_constraint(
+ name => $cdata->{'name'},
+ type => $cdata->{'type'},
+ fields => $cdata->{'fields'},
+ reference_table => $cdata->{'reference_table'},
+ reference_fields => $cdata->{'reference_fields'},
+ match_type => $cdata->{'match_type'} || '',
+ on_delete => $cdata->{'on_delete_do'},
+ on_update => $cdata->{'on_update_do'},
+ ) or die $table->error;
+ }
+ }
+ for my $def ( @{ $result->{'views'} || [] } ) {
+ my $view = $schema->add_view(
+ name => $def->{'name'},
+ sql => $def->{'sql'},
+ );
+ }
+ for my $def ( @{ $result->{'triggers'} || [] } ) {
+ my $trig = $schema->add_trigger(
+ name => $def->{'name'},
+ perform_action_when => $def->{'when'},
+ database_event => $def->{'db_event'},
+ action => $def->{'action'},
+ fields => $def->{'fields'},
+ on_table => $def->{'table'}
+ );
+ $trig->extra( reference => $def->{'reference'},
+ condition => $def->{'condition'},
+ granularity => $def->{'granularity'} );
+ }
+ return 1;