Checks that the given value passes this attribute's type constraint. Returns 1
on success, otherwise C<confess>es.
+=head2 clone_parent OwnerClass, AttributeName, %args -> Mouse::Meta::Attribute
+Creates a new attribute in OwnerClass, inheriting options from parent classes.
+Accessors and helper methods are installed. Some error checking is done.
+=head2 get_parent_args OwnerClass, AttributeName -> Hash
+Returns the options that the parent class of C<OwnerClass> used for attribute
Returns the list of classes in method dispatch order, with duplicates removed.
+=head2 clone_object Instance -> Instance
+Clones the given C<Instance> which must be an instance governed by this
+=head2 clone_instance Instance, Parameters -> Instance
+Clones the given C<Instance> and sets any additional parameters.