my %sigil_for; # Save the XML IDs for witnesses.
my %apps; # Save the apparatus XML for a given ID.
+my %has_ac; # Keep track of witnesses that have corrections.
sub parse {
my( $tradition, $opts ) = @_;
# apparatus readings to the base text. Essentially we will put
# everything on the graph, from which we will delete the apps and
# anchors when we are done.
+ # First, put the base tokens, apps, and anchors in the graph.
my $counter = 0;
my $last = $c->start;
foreach my $item ( @base_text ) {
$r->text( $item->{'content'} );
} elsif ( $item->{'type'} eq 'anchor' ) {
$r = $c->add_reading( '#ANCHOR_' . $item->{'content'} . '#' );
+ $r->is_meta(1);
} elsif ( $item->{'type'} eq 'app' ) {
my $tag = '#APP_' . $counter++ . '#';
$r = $c->add_reading( $tag );
+ $r->is_meta(1);
$apps{$tag} = $item->{'content'};
- $c->add_path( $last, $r, 'BASE' );
+ $c->add_path( $last, $r, $c->baselabel );
$last = $r;
- $c->add_path( $last, $c->end, 'BASE' );
+ $c->add_path( $last, $c->end, $c->baselabel );
# Now we can parse the apparatus entries, and add the variant readings
# to the graph.
_add_readings( $c, $app_id );
- # With the variant readings added, we now have to walk the graph for
- # each witness and add an explicit path wherever there is not a divergence
- # from BASE. Thus we will also construct $wit->path.
- $DB::single = 1;
- foreach my $wit ( $tradition->witnesses ) {
- my $sig = $wit->sigil;
- my @wit_path = $c->reading_sequence( $c->start, $c->end, $sig, 'BASE' );
- my $cur = $c->start;
- foreach my $n ( @wit_path ) {
- next if $cur eq $c->start;
- my @paths = $cur->edges_to( $n );
- unless( grep { $_->name eq $sig } @paths ) {
- $c->add_path( $cur, $n, $sig );
- }
- }
- $wit->path( \@wit_path );
- }
- # Collated readings are now on the graph, so now we get to remove
- # all BASE edges and all app/anchor nodes.
- foreach my $p ( $c->paths ) {
- $c->del_path( $p ) if $p->name eq 'BASE';
- }
- foreach my $n ( $c->readings ) {
- if( $n->name =~ /^\#A(PP|NCHOR)/ ) {
- # Pair up incoming / outgoing edges with the same label
- my( %incoming, %outgoing );
- foreach my $e ( $n->incoming ) {
- $incoming{$e->name} = $e->from;
- $c->del_path( $e );
- }
- foreach my $e ( $n->outgoing ) {
- $outgoing{$e->name} = $e->to;
- $c->del_path( $e );
- }
- foreach my $w ( keys %incoming ) {
- my $from = $incoming{$w};
- my $to = delete $outgoing{$w};
- warn "No outgoing edge on ".$n->name." for wit $w" unless $to;
- $c->add_path( $from, $to, $w );
- }
- foreach my $w ( keys %outgoing ) {
- warn "Found no incoming edge on ".$n->name." for wit $w";
- }
- $c->del_reading( $n );
- }
- }
+ # Finally, add explicit witness paths, remove the base paths, and remove
+ # the app/anchor tags.
+ expand_all_paths( $c );
sub _stringify_sigil {
if( $xn->nodeType == XML_TEXT_NODE ) {
# Base text, just split the words on whitespace and add them
# to our sequence.
+ # TODO consider that XML markup might appear mid-token.
my $str = $xn->data;
$str =~ s/^\s+//;
foreach my $w ( split( /\s+/, $str ) ) {
+ # HACK to cope with mismatched doublequotes
+ $w =~ s/\"//g;
push( @readings, { 'type' => 'token', 'content' => $w } );
} elsif( $xn->nodeName eq 'hi' ) {
# For each reading, send its text to 'interpret' along with the lemma,
# and then save the list of witnesses that these tokens belong to.
my %wit_rdgs; # Maps from witnesses to the variant text
- my %wit_details; # Maps from witnesses to the witness detail e.g. a.c.
my $ctr = 0;
my $tag = $app_id;
$tag =~ s/^\#APP_(.*)\#$/$1/;
+ $DB::single = 1 if $tag < 2;
foreach my $rdg ( $xn->getChildrenByTagName( 'rdg' ) ) {
my @text;
- my $wits = $rdg->getAttribute( 'wit' );
foreach ( $rdg->childNodes ) {
push( @text, _get_base( $_ ) );
$r->text( $w );
push( @rdg_nodes, $r );
- $wit_rdgs{$wits} = \@rdg_nodes;
+ # For each listed wit, save the reading.
+ foreach my $wit ( split( /\s+/, $rdg->getAttribute( 'wit' ) ) ) {
+ $wit_rdgs{$wit} = \@rdg_nodes;
+ }
# Does the reading have an ID? If so it probably has a witDetail
- # attached, and that may be something we need to know. For now,
- # save the reading ID.
+ # attached, and we need to read it.
if( $rdg->hasAttribute( 'xml:id' ) ) {
- $wit_details{$wits} = $rdg->getAttribute( 'xml:id' );
+ my $rid = $rdg->getAttribute( 'xml:id' );
+ my $xpc = XML::LibXML::XPathContext->new( $xn );
+ my @details = $xpc->findnodes( './witDetail[@target="'.$rid.'"]' );
+ foreach my $d ( @details ) {
+ _parse_wit_detail( $d, \%wit_rdgs, \@lemma );
+ }
- }
- # Now go through the available witDetails and, er, do something
- # foreach my $d ( $xn->getChildrenByTagName( 'witDetail' ) ) {
- # my $referent =
+ }
# Now collate the variant readings, since it is not done for us.
- collate_variants( $c, \@lemma, values %wit_rdgs );
+ collate_variants( $c, \@lemma, values %wit_rdgs );
# Now add the witness paths for each reading.
- foreach my $wit_str ( keys %wit_rdgs ) {
- my @wits = get_sigla( $wit_str );
- my $rdg_list = $wit_rdgs{$wit_str};
- _add_wit_path( $c, $rdg_list, $app_id, $anchor, @wits );
+ foreach my $wit_id ( keys %wit_rdgs ) {
+ my $witstr = get_sigil( $wit_id, $c );
+ my $rdg_list = $wit_rdgs{$wit_id};
+ _add_wit_path( $c, $rdg_list, $app_id, $anchor, $witstr );
my( $c, $app, $anchor ) = @_;
my $app_node = $c->graph->node( $app );
my $anchor_node = $c->graph->node( $anchor );
- my @nodes = grep { $_->name !~ /^\#A(PP|NCHOR)$/ }
- $c->reading_sequence( $app_node, $anchor_node, 'BASE' );
+ my @nodes = grep { $_->name !~ /^\#A(PP|NCHOR)/ }
+ $c->reading_sequence( $app_node, $anchor_node, $c->baselabel );
return @nodes;
$reading = "$1 $lemma";
} elsif( $reading =~ /^(.*) add.$/ ) {
$reading = "$lemma $1";
- } elsif( $reading eq 'om.' ) {
+ } elsif( $reading eq 'om.'
+ || $reading =~ /locus [uv]acuus/
+ || $reading =~ /inscriptionem compegi e/ # TODO huh?
+ || $reading eq 'def.' # TODO huh?
+ ) {
$reading = '';
} elsif( $reading eq 'inv.' ) {
# Hope it is two words.
return $reading;
-sub get_sigla {
- my $witstr = shift;
- my @xml_ids = split( /\s+/, $witstr );
- my @sigs = map { $sigil_for{$_} } @xml_ids;
- return @sigs;
+sub _parse_wit_detail {
+ my( $detail, $readings, $lemma ) = @_;
+ my $wit = $detail->getAttribute( 'wit' );
+ my $content = $detail->textContent;
+ if( $content =~ /a\.\s*c\./ ) {
+ # Replace the key in the $readings hash
+ my $rdg = delete $readings->{$wit};
+ $readings->{$wit.'_ac'} = $rdg;
+ $has_ac{$sigil_for{$wit}} = 1;
+ } elsif( $content =~ /p\.\s*c\./ ) {
+ # If no key for the wit a.c. exists, add one pointing to the lemma
+ unless( exists $readings->{$wit.'_ac'} ) {
+ $readings->{$wit.'_ac'} = $lemma;
+ }
+ $has_ac{$sigil_for{$wit}} = 1;
+ } # else don't bother just yet
+sub get_sigil {
+ my( $xml_id, $c ) = @_;
+ if( $xml_id =~ /^(.*)_ac$/ ) {
+ my $real_id = $1;
+ return $sigil_for{$real_id} . $c->ac_label;
+ } else {
+ return $sigil_for{$xml_id};
+ }
+sub expand_all_paths {
+ my( $c ) = @_;
+ # Walk the collation and fish out the paths for each witness
+ foreach my $wit ( $c->tradition->witnesses ) {
+ my $sig = $wit->sigil;
+ my @path = grep { $_->name !~ /(APP|ANCHOR)/ }
+ $c->reading_sequence( $c->start, $c->end, $sig );
+ $wit->path( \@path );
+ if( $has_ac{$sig} ) {
+ my @ac_path = grep { $_->name !~ /(APP|ANCHOR)/ }
+ $c->reading_sequence( $c->start, $c->end, $sig.$c->ac_label, $sig );
+ $wit->uncorrected_path( \@ac_path );
+ }
+ }
+ # Delete the anchors
+ foreach my $anchor ( grep { $_->name =~ /(APP|ANCHOR)/ } $c->readings ) {
+ $c->del_reading( $anchor );
+ }
+ # Delete all edges
+ map { $c->del_path( $_ ) } $c->paths;
+ # Make the path edges
+ $c->make_witness_paths();
sub _add_wit_path {
- my( $c, $rdg, $app, $anchor, @wits ) = @_;
+ my( $c, $rdg, $app, $anchor, $wit ) = @_;
my @nodes = @$rdg;
- push( @nodes, $c->graph->node( $anchor ) );
+ push( @nodes, $c->reading( $anchor ) );
- my $cur = $c->graph->node( $app );
+ my $cur = $c->reading( $app );
foreach my $n ( @nodes ) {
- foreach my $w ( @wits ) {
- $c->add_path( $cur, $n, $w );
- }
+ $c->add_path( $cur, $n, $wit );
$cur = $n;