lib/ExtUtils/t/basic.t See if MakeMaker can build a module
lib/ExtUtils/t/build_man.t Set if MakeMaker builds manpages
lib/ExtUtils/t/bytes.t Test ExtUtils::MakeMaker::bytes
+lib/ExtUtils/t/can_write_dir.t Does the _can_write_dir function of ExtUtils::Install work properly?
lib/ExtUtils/t/cd.t Test to see cd works
lib/ExtUtils/t/config.t Test ExtUtils::MakeMaker::Config
lib/ExtUtils/t/Constant.t See if ExtUtils::Constant works
use strict;
use vars qw(@ISA @EXPORT $VERSION $MUST_REBOOT %Config);
-$VERSION = '1.45';
+$VERSION = '1.46';
use AutoSplit;
sub _have_write_access {
my $dir=shift;
if (!defined $has_posix) {
- $has_posix=eval "local $^W; require POSIX; 1" || 0;
+ $has_posix=eval 'local $^W; require POSIX; 1' || 0;
if ($has_posix) {
return POSIX::access($dir, POSIX::W_OK());
unless defined $dir and length $dir;
- my ($vol, $dirs, $file) = File::Spec->splitpath(File::Spec->rel2abs($dir),1);
+ my ($vol, $dirs, $file) = File::Spec->splitpath($dir,1);
my @dirs = File::Spec->splitdir($dirs);
+ unshift @dirs, File::Spec->curdir
+ unless File::Spec->file_name_is_absolute($dir);
my $path='';
my @make;
while (@dirs) {
sub forceunlink {
my ( $file, $tryhard )= @_; #XXX OS-SPECIFIC
- _unlink_or_rename( $file, $tryhard );
+ _unlink_or_rename( $file, $tryhard, not("installing") );
=begin _undocumented
a filename to ignore. This is used to prevent spurious warnings from
occuring when doing an install at reboot.
+We now only die when failing to remove a file that has precedence over
+our own, when our install has precedence we only warn.
=end _undocumented
my @PERL_ENV_LIB = split $Config{path_sep}, defined $ENV{'PERL5LIB'}
? $ENV{'PERL5LIB'} : $ENV{'PERLLIB'} || '';
- foreach $dir (@INC, @PERL_ENV_LIB, @Config{qw(archlibexp
- privlibexp
- sitearchexp
- sitelibexp)}) {
+ my @dirs=( @PERL_ENV_LIB,
+ @INC,
+ @Config{qw(archlibexp
+ privlibexp
+ sitearchexp
+ sitelibexp)});
+ #warn join "\n","---",@dirs,"---";
+ my $seen_ours;
+ foreach $dir ( @dirs ) {
my $canonpath = File::Spec->canonpath($dir);
next if $canonpath eq $Curdir;
next if $seen_dir{$canonpath}++;
print "#$file and $targetfile differ\n" if $diff && $verbose > 1;
- next if !$diff or $targetfile eq $ignore;
+ if (!$diff or $targetfile eq $ignore) {
+ $seen_ours = 1;
+ next;
+ }
if ($nonono) {
if ($verbose) {
$Inc_uninstall_warn_handler ||= ExtUtils::Install::Warn->new();
# if not verbose, we just say nothing
} else {
print "Unlinking $targetfile (shadowing?)\n" if $verbose;
- forceunlink($targetfile,'tryhard');
+ eval {
+ die "Fake die for testing"
+ if $ExtUtils::Install::Testing and
+ File::Spec->canonpath($ExtUtils::Install::Testing) eq $targetfile;
+ forceunlink($targetfile,'tryhard');
+ 1;
+ } or do {
+ if ($seen_ours) {
+ warn "Failed to remove probably harmless shadow file '$targetfile'\n";
+ } else {
+ die "$@\n";
+ }
+ };
Original author lost in the mists of time. Probably the same as Makemaker.
-Production release currently maintained by demerphq C<yves at>
+Production release currently maintained by demerphq C<yves at>,
+extensive changes by Michael Schwern.
Send bug reports via Please send your
generated Makefile along with your report.
use File::Path;
use File::Spec;
-use Test::More tests => 38;
+use Test::More tests => 52;
use MakeMaker::Test::Setup::BFD;
' UNINST=0 left different' );
+# Test UNINST=1 only warning when failing to remove an irrelevent shadow file
+ my $tfile='install-test/lib/perl/Big/';
+ local $ExtUtils::Install::Testing = $tfile;
+ local @INC = ('install-test/other_lib/perl','install-test/lib/perl');
+ local $ENV{PERL5LIB} = '';
+ ok( -r $tfile, 'different install exists' );
+ my @warn;
+ local $SIG{__WARN__}=sub { push @warn, @_; return };
+ my $ok=eval {
+ install( { 'blib/lib' => 'install-test/other_lib/perl',
+ read => 'install-test/packlist',
+ write => 'install-test/packlist'
+ },
+ 0, 0, 1);
+ 1
+ };
+ ok($ok,' we didnt die');
+ ok(0+@warn," we did warn");
+ ok( -d 'install-test/other_lib/perl', 'install made other dir' );
+ ok( -r 'install-test/other_lib/perl/Big/', ' .pm file installed' );
+ ok( -r 'install-test/packlist', ' packlist exists' );
+ ok( -r $tfile, ' UNINST=1 failed to remove different' );
+# Test UNINST=1 dieing when failing to remove an relevent shadow file
+ my $tfile='install-test/lib/perl/Big/';
+ local $ExtUtils::Install::Testing = $tfile;
+ local @INC = ('install-test/lib/perl','install-test/other_lib/perl');
+ local $ENV{PERL5LIB} = '';
+ ok( -r $tfile, 'different install exists' );
+ my @warn;
+ local $SIG{__WARN__}=sub { push @warn,@_; return };
+ my $ok=eval {
+ install( { 'blib/lib' => 'install-test/other_lib/perl',
+ read => 'install-test/packlist',
+ write => 'install-test/packlist'
+ },
+ 0, 0, 1);
+ 1
+ };
+ ok(!$ok,' we did die');
+ ok(!@warn," we didnt warn");
+ ok( -d 'install-test/other_lib/perl', 'install made other dir' );
+ ok( -r 'install-test/other_lib/perl/Big/', ' .pm file installed' );
+ ok( -r 'install-test/packlist', ' packlist exists' );
+ ok( -r $tfile,' UNINST=1 failed to remove different' );
# Test UNINST=1 removing other versions in other dirs.
ok( !-r 'install-test/lib/perl/Big/',
' UNINST=1 removed different' );
--- /dev/null
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+# Test the private _can_write_dir() function.
+use strict;
+use ExtUtils::Install;
+use File::Spec;
+{ package FS; our @ISA = qw(File::Spec); }
+# Alias it for easier access
+*can_write_dir = \&ExtUtils::Install::_can_write_dir;
+use Test::More 'no_plan';
+my $dne = FS->catdir(qw(does not exist));
+ok ! -e $dne;
+is_deeply [can_write_dir($dne)],
+ [1,
+ FS->curdir,
+ FS->catdir('does'),
+ FS->catdir('does', 'not'),
+ FS->catdir('does', 'not', 'exist')
+ ];
+my $abs_dne = FS->rel2abs($dne);
+ok ! -e $abs_dne;
+is_deeply [can_write_dir($abs_dne)],
+ [1,
+ FS->rel2abs(FS->curdir),
+ FS->rel2abs(FS->catdir('does')),
+ FS->rel2abs(FS->catdir('does', 'not')),
+ FS->rel2abs(FS->catdir('does', 'not', 'exist')),
+ ];
+my $exists = FS->catdir(qw(exists));
+my $subdir = FS->catdir(qw(exists subdir));
+ok mkdir $exists;
+END { rmdir $exists }
+ok chmod 0555, $exists, 'make read only';
+ok !-w $exists;
+is_deeply [can_write_dir($exists)], [0, $exists];
+is_deeply [can_write_dir($subdir)], [0, $exists, $subdir];
+ok chmod 0777, $exists, 'make writable';
+ok -w $exists;
+is_deeply [can_write_dir($exists)], [1, $exists];
+is_deeply [can_write_dir($subdir)],
+ [1,
+ $exists,
+ $subdir
+ ];