use Exporter;
-use Carp ();
+use Carp qw(confess);
use Scalar::Util qw/blessed looks_like_number openhandle/;
use Mouse::Util qw(does_role not_supported);
use Mouse::Meta::Module; # class_of
use Mouse::Meta::TypeConstraint;
+use constant _DEBUG => !!$ENV{TC_DEBUG};
our @ISA = qw(Exporter);
our @EXPORT = qw(
as where message from via type subtype coerce class_type role_type enum
my %TYPE;
my %builtins = (
- Any => sub { 1 },
- Item => sub { 1 },
+ Any => undef, # null check
+ Item => undef, # null check
+ Maybe => undef, # null check
Bool => sub { $_[0] ? $_[0] eq '1' : 1 },
Undef => sub { !defined($_[0]) },
$TYPE{$name} = Mouse::Meta::TypeConstraint->new(
name => $name,
_compiled_type_constraint => $code,
+ package_defined_in => __PACKAGE__,
- $TYPE_SOURCE{$name} = __PACKAGE__;
- sub optimized_constraints { \%TYPE }
+ sub optimized_constraints {
+ Carp::cluck('optimized_constraints() has been deprecated');
+ return \%TYPE;
+ }
my @builtins = keys %TYPE;
sub list_all_builtin_type_constraints { @builtins }
sub list_all_type_constraints { keys %TYPE }
-sub type {
+sub _create_type{
+ my $mode = shift;
my $name;
- my %conf;
+ my %args;
- if(@_ == 1 && ref $_[0]){ # type { where => ... }
- %conf = %{$_[0]};
+ if(@_ == 1 && ref $_[0]){ # @_ : { name => $name, where => ... }
+ %args = %{$_[0]};
- elsif(@_ == 2 && ref $_[1]){ # type $name => { where => ... }*
+ elsif(@_ == 2 && ref $_[1]){ # @_ : $name => { where => ... }
$name = $_[0];
- %conf = %{$_[1]};
+ %args = %{$_[1]};
- elsif(@_ % 2){ # odd number of arguments
- $name = shift;
- %conf = @_;
+ elsif(@_ % 2){ # @_ : $name => ( where => ... )
+ ($name, %args) = @_;
- else{
- %conf = @_;
+ else{ # @_ : (name => $name, where => ...)
+ %args = @_;
- $name = '__ANON__' if !defined $name;
- my $pkg = caller;
- if ($TYPE{$name} && $TYPE_SOURCE{$name} ne $pkg) {
- Carp::croak "The type constraint '$name' has already been created in $TYPE_SOURCE{$name} and cannot be created again in $pkg";
+ if(!defined $name){
+ if(!defined($name = $args{name})){
+ $name = '__ANON__';
+ }
- my $constraint = $conf{where} || do {
- my $as = delete $conf{as} || 'Any';
- ($TYPE{$as} ||= _build_type_constraint($as))->{_compiled_type_constraint};
- };
+ $args{name} = $name;
- my $tc = Mouse::Meta::TypeConstraint->new(
- name => $name,
- _compiled_type_constraint => sub {
- local $_ = $_[0];
- return &{$constraint};
- },
- );
+ my $package_defined_in = $args{package_defined_in} ||= caller(1);
- $TYPE_SOURCE{$name} = $pkg;
- $TYPE{$name} = $tc;
+ my $existing = $TYPE{$name};
+ if($existing && $existing->{package_defined_in} ne $package_defined_in){
+ confess("The type constraint '$name' has already been created in "
+ . "$existing->{package_defined_in} and cannot be created again in $package_defined_in");
+ }
- return $tc;
+ $args{constraint} = delete($args{where})
+ if exists $args{where};
+ $args{_compiled_type_constraint} = delete $args{optimized_as}
+ if exists $args{optimized_as};
-sub subtype {
- my $name;
- my %conf;
+ my $constraint;
+ if($mode eq 'subtype'){
+ my $parent = exists($args{as}) ? delete($args{as}) : delete($args{name});
- if(@_ == 1 && ref $_[0]){ # type { where => ... }
- %conf = %{$_[0]};
- }
- elsif(@_ == 2 && ref $_[1]){ # type $name => { where => ... }*
- $name = $_[0];
- %conf = %{$_[1]};
- }
- elsif(@_ % 2){ # odd number of arguments
- $name = shift;
- %conf = @_;
+ $parent = blessed($parent) ? $parent : find_or_create_isa_type_constraint($parent);
+ $constraint = $parent->create_child_type(%args);
- %conf = @_;
- }
- $name = '__ANON__' if !defined $name;
- my $pkg = caller;
- if ($TYPE{$name} && $TYPE_SOURCE{$name} ne $pkg) {
- Carp::croak "The type constraint '$name' has already been created in $TYPE_SOURCE{$name} and cannot be created again in $pkg";
+ $constraint = Mouse::Meta::TypeConstraint->new(%args);
- my $constraint = delete $conf{where};
- my $as_constraint = find_or_create_isa_type_constraint(delete $conf{as} || 'Any')
- ->{_compiled_type_constraint};
- my $tc = Mouse::Meta::TypeConstraint->new(
- name => $name,
- _compiled_type_constraint => (
- $constraint ?
- sub {
- local $_ = $_[0];
- $as_constraint->($_[0]) && $constraint->($_[0])
- } :
- sub {
- local $_ = $_[0];
- $as_constraint->($_[0]);
- }
- ),
- %conf,
- );
+ return $TYPE{$name} = $constraint;
- $TYPE_SOURCE{$name} = $pkg;
- $TYPE{$name} = $tc;
+sub type {
+ return _create_type('type', @_);
- return $tc;
+sub subtype {
+ return _create_type('subtype', @_);
sub coerce {
my $name = shift;
- Carp::croak "Cannot find type '$name', perhaps you forgot to load it."
+ $name =~ s/\s+//g;
+ confess "Cannot find type '$name', perhaps you forgot to load it."
unless $TYPE{$name};
unless ($COERCE{$name}) {
$COERCE_KEYS{$name} = [];
- while (my($type, $code) = splice @_, 0, 2) {
- Carp::croak "A coercion action already exists for '$type'"
- if $COERCE{$name}->{$type};
+ my $package_defined_in = caller;
- if (! $TYPE{$type}) {
- # looks parameterized
- if ($type =~ /^[^\[]+\[.+\]$/) {
- $TYPE{$type} = _build_type_constraint($type);
- } else {
- Carp::croak "Could not find the type constraint ($type) to coerce from"
- }
+ while (my($from, $code) = splice @_, 0, 2) {
+ $from =~ s/\s+//g;
+ confess "A coercion action already exists for '$from'"
+ if $COERCE{$name}->{$from};
+ my $type = find_or_parse_type_constraint($from, $package_defined_in);
+ if (!$type) {
+ confess "Could not find the type constraint ($from) to coerce from"
+ warn "# REGISTER COERCE $name, from $type\n" if _DEBUG;
push @{ $COERCE_KEYS{$name} }, $type;
- $COERCE{$name}->{$type} = $code;
+ $COERCE{$name}->{$from} = $code;
if ($conf && $conf->{class}) {
# No, you're using this wrong
warn "class_type() should be class_type(ClassName). Perhaps you're looking for subtype $name => as '$conf->{class}'?";
- subtype $name => (as => $conf->{class});
+ _create_type 'type', $name => (
+ as => $conf->{class},
+ type => 'Class',
+ );
else {
- subtype $name => (
- where => sub { blessed($_) && $_->isa($name) },
+ _create_type 'type', $name => (
+ optimized_as => sub { blessed($_[0]) && $_[0]->isa($name) },
+ type => 'Class',
sub role_type {
my($name, $conf) = @_;
- my $role = $conf->{role};
- subtype $name => (
- where => sub { does_role($_, $role) },
+ my $role = ($conf && $conf->{role}) ? $conf->{role} : $name;
+ _create_type 'type', $name => (
+ optimized_as => sub { blessed($_[0]) && does_role($_[0], $role) },
+ type => 'Role',
Carp::croak("wrong arguments count") unless @_ == 4;
local $_;
- for my $type ( split /\|/, $types ) {
- next unless $COERCE{$type};
+ for my $type ($types, ($types->{type_constraints} ? @{$types->{type_constraints}} : ()) ) {
for my $coerce_type (@{ $COERCE_KEYS{$type}}) {
+ if(_DEBUG){
+ warn sprintf "# COERCE: from %s to %s for %s (%s)\n",
+ $coerce_type, $type, defined($value) ? $value : 'undef',
+ $coerce_type->check($value) ? "try" : "skip";
+ }
+ next if !$coerce_type->check($value);
+ # try to coerce
$_ = $value;
- next unless $TYPE{$coerce_type}->check($value);
- $_ = $value;
- $_ = $COERCE{$type}->{$coerce_type}->($value);
- return $_ if $types->check($_);
+ $_ = $COERCE{$type}->{$coerce_type}->($_); # coerce
+ if(_DEBUG){
+ warn sprintf "# COERCE: got %s, which is%s %s\n",
+ defined($_) ? $_ : 'undef', $types->check($_) ? '' : ' not', $types;
+ }
+ return $_ if $types->check($_); # check for $types, not $constraint
return $value;
-my $serial_enum = 0;
sub enum {
+ my($name, %valid);
# enum ['small', 'medium', 'large']
if (ref($_[0]) eq 'ARRAY') {
- my @elements = @{ shift @_ };
+ %valid = map{ $_ => undef } @{ $_[0] };
+ $name = sprintf '(%s)', join '|', sort @{$_[0]};
+ }
+ # enum size => 'small', 'medium', 'large'
+ else{
+ $name = shift;
+ %valid = map{ $_ => undef } @_;
+ }
+ return _create_type 'type', $name => (
+ optimized_as => sub{ defined($_[0]) && !ref($_[0]) && exists $valid{$_[0]} },
+ type => 'Enum',
+ );
- my $name = 'Mouse::Util::TypeConstaints::Enum::Serial::'
- . ++$serial_enum;
- enum($name, @elements);
- return $name;
+sub _find_or_create_regular_type{
+ my($spec) = @_;
+ return $TYPE{$spec} if exists $TYPE{$spec};
+ my $meta = Mouse::Meta::Module::class_of($spec);
+ if(!$meta){
+ return;
- # enum size => 'small', 'medium', 'large'
- my $name = shift;
- my %is_valid = map { $_ => 1 } @_;
+ my $check;
+ my $type;
+ if($meta && $meta->isa('Mouse::Meta::Role')){
+ $check = sub{
+ return blessed($_[0]) && $_[0]->does($spec);
+ };
+ $type = 'Role';
+ }
+ else{
+ $check = sub{
+ return blessed($_[0]) && $_[0]->isa($spec);
+ };
+ $type = 'Class';
+ }
+ warn "#CREATE a $type type for $spec\n" if _DEBUG;
- subtype(
- $name => where => sub { $is_valid{$_} }
+ return $TYPE{$spec} = Mouse::Meta::TypeConstraint->new(
+ name => $spec,
+ _compiled_type_constraint => $check,
+ type => $type,
-sub _build_type_constraint {
- my($spec) = @_;
+$TYPE{ArrayRef}{constraint_generator} = sub {
+ my($type_parameter) = @_;
+ my $check = $type_parameter->{_compiled_type_constraint};
- my $code;
- $spec =~ s/\s+//g;
+ return sub{
+ foreach my $value (@{$_}) {
+ return undef unless $check->($value);
+ }
+ return 1;
+ }
+$TYPE{HashRef}{constraint_generator} = sub {
+ my($type_parameter) = @_;
+ my $check = $type_parameter->{_compiled_type_constraint};
+ return sub{
+ foreach my $value(values %{$_}){
+ return undef unless $check->($value);
+ }
+ return 1;
+ };
+# 'Maybe' type accepts 'Any', so it requires parameters
+$TYPE{Maybe}{constraint_generator} = sub {
+ my($type_parameter) = @_;
+ my $check = $type_parameter->{_compiled_type_constraint};
- if ($spec =~ /\A (\w+) \[ (.+) \] \z/xms) {
- # parameterized
- my $constraint = $1;
- my $param = $2;
- my $parent;
+ return sub{
+ return !defined($_) || $check->($_);
+ };
+sub _find_or_create_parameterized_type{
+ my($base, $param) = @_;
+ my $name = sprintf '%s[%s]', $base->name, $param->name;
+ $TYPE{$name} ||= do{
+ warn "#CREATE a Parameterized type for $name\n" if _DEBUG;
- if ($constraint eq 'Maybe') {
- $parent = _build_type_constraint('Undef');
+ my $generator = $base->{constraint_generator};
+ if(!$generator){
+ confess("The $name constraint cannot be used, because $param doesn't subtype from a parameterizable type");
- else {
- $parent = _build_type_constraint($constraint);
+ Mouse::Meta::TypeConstraint->new(
+ name => $name,
+ parent => $base,
+ constraint => $generator->($param),
+ type => 'Parameterized',
+ );
+ }
+sub _find_or_create_union_type{
+ my @types = map{ $_->{type_constraints} ? @{$_->{type_constraints}} : $_ } @_;
+ my $name = join '|', map{ $_->name } @types;
+ $TYPE{$name} ||= do{
+ warn "# CREATE a Union type for ", Mouse::Util::english_list(@types),"\n" if _DEBUG;
+ my $check = sub{
+ foreach my $type(@types){
+ return 1 if $type->check($_[0]);
+ }
+ return 0;
+ };
+ return Mouse::Meta::TypeConstraint->new(
+ name => $name,
+ _compiled_type_constraint => $check,
+ type_constraints => \@types,
+ type => 'Union',
+ );
+ };
+# The type parser
+sub _parse_type{
+ my($spec, $start) = @_;
+ my @list;
+ my $subtype;
+ my $len = length $spec;
+ my $i;
+ for($i = $start; $i < $len; $i++){
+ my $char = substr($spec, $i, 1);
+ if($char eq '['){
+ my $base = _find_or_create_regular_type( substr($spec, $start, $i - $start))
+ or return;
+ ($i, $subtype) = _parse_type($spec, $i+1)
+ or return;
+ $start = $i+1; # reset
+ push @list, _find_or_create_parameterized_type($base => $subtype);
- my $child = _build_type_constraint($param);
- if ($constraint eq 'ArrayRef') {
- my $code_str =
- "#line " . __LINE__ . ' "' . __FILE__ . "\"\n" .
- "sub {\n" .
- " if (\$parent->check(\$_[0])) {\n" .
- " foreach my \$e (\@{\$_[0]}) {\n" .
- " return () unless \$child->check(\$e);\n" .
- " }\n" .
- " return 1;\n" .
- " }\n" .
- " return ();\n" .
- "};\n"
- ;
- $code = eval $code_str or Carp::confess("Failed to generate inline type constraint: $@");
- } elsif ($constraint eq 'HashRef') {
- my $code_str =
- "#line " . __LINE__ . ' "' . __FILE__ . "\"\n" .
- "sub {\n" .
- " if (\$parent->check(\$_[0])) {\n" .
- " foreach my \$e (values \%{\$_[0]}) {\n" .
- " return () unless \$child->check(\$e);\n" .
- " }\n" .
- " return 1;\n" .
- " }\n" .
- " return ();\n" .
- "};\n"
- ;
- $code = eval $code_str or Carp::confess($@);
- } elsif ($constraint eq 'Maybe') {
- my $code_str =
- "#line " . __LINE__ . ' "' . __FILE__ . "\"\n" .
- "sub {\n" .
- " return \$child->check(\$_[0]) || \$parent->check(\$_[0]);\n" .
- "};\n"
- ;
- $code = eval $code_str or Carp::confess($@);
- } else {
- Carp::confess("Support for parameterized types other than Maybe, ArrayRef or HashRef is not implemented yet");
+ elsif($char eq ']'){
+ $len = $i+1;
+ last;
- $TYPE{$spec} = Mouse::Meta::TypeConstraint->new( _compiled_type_constraint => $code, name => $spec );
- } else {
- $code = $TYPE{ $spec };
- if (! $code) {
- # is $spec a known role? If so, constrain with 'does' instead of 'isa'
- require Mouse::Meta::Role;
- my $check = Mouse::Meta::Role->_metaclass_cache($spec)?
- 'does' : 'isa';
- my $code_str =
- "#line " . __LINE__ . ' "' . __FILE__ . "\"\n" .
- "sub {\n" .
- " Scalar::Util::blessed(\$_[0]) && \$_[0]->$check('$spec');\n" .
- "}"
- ;
- $code = eval $code_str or Carp::confess($@);
- $TYPE{$spec} = Mouse::Meta::TypeConstraint->new( _compiled_type_constraint => $code, name => $spec );
+ elsif($char eq '|'){
+ my $type = _find_or_create_regular_type( substr($spec, $start, $i - $start))
+ or return;
+ push @list, $type;
+ ($i, $subtype) = _parse_type($spec, $i+1)
+ or return;
+ $start = $i+1; # reset
+ push @list, $subtype;
- return Mouse::Meta::TypeConstraint->new( _compiled_type_constraint => $code, name => $spec );
+ if($i - $start){
+ push @list, _find_or_create_regular_type(substr $spec, $start, $i - $start);
+ }
-sub find_type_constraint {
- my($type) = @_;
- if(blessed($type) && $type->isa('Mouse::Meta::TypeConstraint')){
- return $type;
+ if(@list == 0){
+ return;
+ }
+ elsif(@list == 1){
+ return ($len, $list[0]);
- return $TYPE{$type};
+ return ($len, _find_or_create_union_type(@list));
-sub find_or_create_does_type_constraint{
- not_supported;
+sub find_type_constraint {
+ my($spec) = @_;
+ return $spec if blessed($spec);
+ $spec =~ s/\s+//g;
+ return $TYPE{$spec};
-sub find_or_create_isa_type_constraint {
- my $type_constraint = shift;
+sub find_or_parse_type_constraint {
+ my($spec) = @_;
- Carp::confess("Got isa => type_constraints, but Mouse does not yet support parameterized types for containers other than ArrayRef and HashRef and Maybe ( #39795)")
- if $type_constraint =~ /\A ( [^\[]+ ) \[\.+\] \z/xms &&
- $1 ne 'ArrayRef' &&
- $1 ne 'HashRef' &&
- $1 ne 'Maybe'
- ;
+ return $spec if blessed($spec);
+ $spec =~ s/\s+//g;
+ return $TYPE{$spec} || do{
+ my($pos, $type) = _parse_type($spec, 0);
+ $type;
+ };
- $type_constraint =~ s/\s+//g;
+sub find_or_create_does_type_constraint{
+ my $type = find_or_parse_type_constriant(@_) || role_type(@_);
- my $tc = find_type_constraint($type_constraint);
- if (!$tc) {
- my @type_constraints = split /\|/, $type_constraint;
- if (@type_constraints == 1) {
- $tc = $TYPE{$type_constraints[0]} ||
- _build_type_constraint($type_constraints[0]);
- }
- else {
- my @code_list = map {
- $TYPE{$_} || _build_type_constraint($_)
- } @type_constraints;
- $tc = Mouse::Meta::TypeConstraint->new(
- name => $type_constraint,
- _compiled_type_constraint => sub {
- foreach my $code (@code_list) {
- return 1 if $code->check($_[0]);
- }
- return 0;
- },
- );
- }
+ if($type->{type} && $type->{type} ne 'Role'){
+ Carp::cluck("$type is not a role type");
- return $tc;
+ return $type;
+sub find_or_create_isa_type_constraint {
+ return find_or_parse_type_constraint(@_) || class_type(@_);