sub compress_readings {
my $self = shift;
+ # Sanity check: first save the original text of each witness.
+ my %origtext;
+ foreach my $wit ( $self->tradition->witnesses ) {
+ $origtext{$wit->sigil} = $self->path_text( $wit->sigil );
+ if( $wit->is_layered ) {
+ my $acsig = $wit->sigil . $self->ac_label;
+ $origtext{$acsig} = $self->path_text( $acsig );
+ }
+ }
+ # Now do the deed.
# Anywhere in the graph that there is a reading that joins only to a single
# successor, and neither of these have any relationships, just join the two
# readings.
$self->merge_readings( $rdg, $next, 1 );
- # Make sure we haven't screwed anything up
+ # Finally, make sure we haven't screwed anything up.
foreach my $wit ( $self->tradition->witnesses ) {
my $pathtext = $self->path_text( $wit->sigil );
- my $origtext = join( ' ', @{$wit->text} );
throw( "Text differs for witness " . $wit->sigil )
- unless $pathtext eq $origtext;
+ unless $pathtext eq $origtext{$wit->sigil};
if( $wit->is_layered ) {
- $pathtext = $self->path_text( $wit->sigil.$self->ac_label );
- $origtext = join( ' ', @{$wit->layertext} );
- throw( "Ante-corr text differs for witness " . $wit->sigil )
- unless $pathtext eq $origtext;
+ my $acsig = $wit->sigil . $self->ac_label;
+ $pathtext = $self->path_text( $acsig );
+ throw( "Layered text differs for witness " . $wit->sigil )
+ unless $pathtext eq $origtext{$acsig};