@CPAN::ISA = qw(CPAN::Debug Exporter);
@EXPORT = qw(
- autobundle bundle expand force notest get cvs_import
+ autobundle bundle expand force notest get cvs_import
install make readme recompile shell test clean
- perldoc recent
+ perldoc recent
#-> sub CPAN::AUTOLOAD ;
#-> sub CPAN::Config::load ;
sub load {
- my($self, %args) = [at]_;
+ my($self, %args) = @_;
$CPAN::Be_Silent++ if $args{be_silent};
if ($command =~ /cpan/i) {
for my $f (qw(CPAN.pm CPAN/FirstTime.pm)) {
next unless $INC{$f};
- CPAN->debug("reloading the whole '$f' from '$INC{$f}' while pwd='$p
+ my $pwd = CPAN::anycwd();
+ CPAN->debug("reloading the whole '$f' from '$INC{$f}' while pwd='$pwd'")
my $fh = FileHandle->new($INC{$f});
push @result, sprintf "%s %s\n", $module->id, $have;
} elsif ($what eq "r") {
push @result, $module->id;
- next MODULE if $seen{$file}++;
+ next MODULE if $seen{$file}++;
} elsif ($what eq "u") {
push @result, $module->id;
- next MODULE if $seen{$file}++;
- next MODULE if $file =~ /^Contact/;
+ next MODULE if $seen{$file}++;
+ next MODULE if $file =~ /^Contact/;
unless ($headerdone++){
my($meth,@some) = @_;
my @pragma;
- if ($meth =~ /^(force|notest)$/) {
+ while($meth =~ /^(force|notest)$/) {
push @pragma, $meth;
$meth = shift @some;
#-> sub CPAN::Shell::recent ;
sub recent {
- my($self) = [at]_;
+ my($self) = @_;
CPAN::Distribution::_display_url( $self, $CPAN::Defaultrecent );
@dl = $self->dir_listing([$csf[0],"CHECKSUMS"], 0, 1);
unless (grep {$_->[2] eq $csf[1]} @dl) {
- $CPAN::Frontend->myprint("Directory $csf[1]/ does not exist\n") unless
-$silent ;
+ $CPAN::Frontend->myprint("Directory $csf[1]/ does not exist\n") unless $silent ;
@dl = $self->dir_listing([@csf[0,1],"CHECKSUMS"], 0, 1);
unless (grep {$_->[2] eq $csf[2]} @dl) {
- $CPAN::Frontend->myprint("Directory $id/ does not exist\n") unless $sil
+ $CPAN::Frontend->myprint("Directory $id/ does not exist\n") unless $silent;
@dl = $self->dir_listing([@csf,"CHECKSUMS"], 1, 1);
my $lc_want =
"authors", "id", @$chksumfile);
my $fh;
# Purge and refetch old (pre-PGP) CHECKSUMS; they are a security
my $line = <$fh>; close $fh;
unlink($lc_want) unless $line =~ /PGP/;
local($") = "/";
# connect "force" argument with "index_expire".
my $force = 0;
my $self = shift;
return $self->{UPLOAD_DATE} if exists $self->{UPLOAD_DATE};
my(@local_wanted) = split(/\//,$self->id);
- my $filename = pop [at]local_wanted;
- push [at]local_wanted, "CHECKSUMS";
+ my $filename = pop @local_wanted;
+ push @local_wanted, "CHECKSUMS";
my $author = CPAN::Shell->expand("Author",$self->cpan_userid);
return unless $author;
- my [at]dl = $author->dir_listing(\@local_wanted,0,$CPAN::Config->{show_upload_date});
- return unless [at]dl;
- my($dirent) = grep { $_->[2] eq $filename } [at]dl;
+ my @dl = $author->dir_listing(\@local_wanted,0,$CPAN::Config->{show_upload_date});
+ return unless @dl;
+ my($dirent) = grep { $_->[2] eq $filename } @dl;
# warn sprintf "dirent[%s]id[%s]", $dirent, $self->id;
return unless $dirent->[1];
return $self->{UPLOAD_DATE} = $dirent->[1];
sub notest {
- my($self, $method) = [at]_;
+ my($self, $method) = @_;
# warn "XDEBUG: set notest for $self $method";
$self->{"notest"}++; # name should probably have been force_install
sub unnotest {
- my($self) = [at]_;
+ my($self) = @_;
# warn "XDEBUG: deleting notest";
delete $self->{'notest'};
#-> sub CPAN::Distribution::perldoc ;
sub perldoc {
- my($self) = [at]_;
+ my($self) = @_;
my($dist) = $self->id;
my $package = $self->called_for;
#-> sub CPAN::Distribution::_check_binary ;
sub _check_binary {
- my ($dist,$shell,$binary) = [at]_;
+ my ($dist,$shell,$binary) = @_;
my ($pid,$readme,$out);
$CPAN::Frontend->myprint(qq{ + _check_binary($binary)\n})
#-> sub CPAN::Distribution::_display_url ;
sub _display_url {
- my($self,$url) = [at]_;
+ my($self,$url) = @_;
$CPAN::Frontend->myprint(qq{ + _display_url($url)\n})
#-> sub CPAN::Distribution::_getsave_url ;
sub _getsave_url {
- my($dist, $shell, $url) = [at]_;
+ my($dist, $shell, $url) = @_;
$CPAN::Frontend->myprint(qq{ + _getsave_url($url)\n})
sub notest {
- my($self) = [at]_;
+ my($self) = @_;
# warn "XDEBUG: set notest for Module";