Revision history for Mouse
+0.07 Sun Sep 28 00:19:07 2008
* All runtime dependencies have been removed! The only change in
functionality (hopefully) is that the Sub::Exporter features can no
longer be used (we've backed down to regular Exporter). Scalar::Util is
+=head1 NAME
+Mouse::Util - features, with or without their dependencies
+=head2 L<MRO::Compat>
+=head3 get_linear_isa
+=head2 L<Scalar::Util>
+=head3 blessed
+=head3 looks_like_number
+=head3 reftype
+=head3 openhandle
+=head3 weaken
+C<weaken> I<must> be implemented in XS. If the user tries to use C<weaken>
+without L<Scalar::Util>, an error is thrown.