return $self->_throw_error("Cannot open file: " . $self->root->{file} . ": $!");
- binmode $self->fh; # for win32
+ my $fh = $self->fh;
+ binmode $fh; # for win32
if ($self->root->{autoflush}) {
- $self->fh->autoflush();
+ my $old = select( $fh );
+ $|++;
+ select $old;
+# $self->fh->autoflush();
my $signature;
- seek($self->fh, 0, 0);
- my $bytes_read = read( $self->fh, $signature, length(SIG_FILE));
+ seek($fh, 0, 0);
+ my $bytes_read = read( $fh, $signature, length(SIG_FILE));
# File is empty -- write signature and master index
if (!$bytes_read) {
- seek($self->fh, 0, 0);
- $self->fh->print(SIG_FILE);
+ seek($fh, 0, 0);
+ $fh->print(SIG_FILE);
$self->root->{end} = length(SIG_FILE);
$self->_create_tag($self->base_offset, $self->type, chr(0) x $INDEX_SIZE);
my $plain_key = "[base]";
- $self->fh->print( pack($DATA_LENGTH_PACK, length($plain_key)) . $plain_key );
+ $fh->print( pack($DATA_LENGTH_PACK, length($plain_key)) . $plain_key );
$self->root->{end} += $DATA_LENGTH_SIZE + length($plain_key);
- $self->fh->flush();
+ $fh->flush();
return 1;
return $self->_throw_error("Signature not found -- file is not a Deep DB");
- $self->root->{end} = (stat($self->fh))[7];
+ $self->root->{end} = (stat($fh))[7];
# Get our type from master index signature
my ($self, $offset, $sig, $content) = @_;
my $size = length($content);
- seek($self->fh, $offset, 0);
- $self->fh->print( $sig . pack($DATA_LENGTH_PACK, $size) . $content );
+ my $fh = $self->fh;
+ seek($fh, $offset, 0);
+ $fh->print( $sig . pack($DATA_LENGTH_PACK, $size) . $content );
if ($offset == $self->root->{end}) {
$self->root->{end} += SIG_SIZE + $DATA_LENGTH_SIZE + $size;
my $is_dbm_deep = eval { $value->isa( 'DBM::Deep' ) };
my $internal_ref = $is_dbm_deep && ($value->root eq $self->root);
+ my $fh = $self->fh;
# Iterate through buckets, seeing if this is a new entry or a replace.
? $value->base_offset
: $self->root->{end};
- seek($self->fh, $tag->{offset} + ($i * $BUCKET_SIZE), 0);
- $self->fh->print( $md5 . pack($LONG_PACK, $location) );
+ seek($fh, $tag->{offset} + ($i * $BUCKET_SIZE), 0);
+ $fh->print( $md5 . pack($LONG_PACK, $location) );
elsif ($md5 eq $key) {
if ($internal_ref) {
$location = $value->base_offset;
- seek($self->fh, $tag->{offset} + ($i * $BUCKET_SIZE), 0);
- $self->fh->print( $md5 . pack($LONG_PACK, $location) );
+ seek($fh, $tag->{offset} + ($i * $BUCKET_SIZE), 0);
+ $fh->print( $md5 . pack($LONG_PACK, $location) );
else {
- seek($self->fh, $subloc + SIG_SIZE, 0);
+ seek($fh, $subloc + SIG_SIZE, 0);
my $size;
- read( $self->fh, $size, $DATA_LENGTH_SIZE); $size = unpack($DATA_LENGTH_PACK, $size);
+ read( $fh, $size, $DATA_LENGTH_SIZE); $size = unpack($DATA_LENGTH_PACK, $size);
# If value is a hash, array, or raw value with equal or less size, we can
else {
$location = $self->root->{end};
- seek($self->fh, $tag->{offset} + ($i * $BUCKET_SIZE) + $HASH_SIZE, 0);
- $self->fh->print( pack($LONG_PACK, $location) );
+ seek($fh, $tag->{offset} + ($i * $BUCKET_SIZE) + $HASH_SIZE, 0);
+ $fh->print( pack($LONG_PACK, $location) );
# If bucket didn't fit into list, split into a new index level
if (!$location) {
- seek($self->fh, $tag->{ref_loc}, 0);
- $self->fh->print( pack($LONG_PACK, $self->root->{end}) );
+ seek($fh, $tag->{ref_loc}, 0);
+ $fh->print( pack($LONG_PACK, $self->root->{end}) );
my $index_tag = $self->_create_tag($self->root->{end}, SIG_INDEX, chr(0) x $INDEX_SIZE);
my @offsets = ();
if ($offsets[$num]) {
my $offset = $offsets[$num] + SIG_SIZE + $DATA_LENGTH_SIZE;
- seek($self->fh, $offset, 0);
+ seek($fh, $offset, 0);
my $subkeys;
- read( $self->fh, $subkeys, $BUCKET_LIST_SIZE);
+ read( $fh, $subkeys, $BUCKET_LIST_SIZE);
for (my $k=0; $k<$MAX_BUCKETS; $k++) {
my $subloc = unpack($LONG_PACK, substr($subkeys, ($k * $BUCKET_SIZE) + $HASH_SIZE, $LONG_SIZE));
if (!$subloc) {
- seek($self->fh, $offset + ($k * $BUCKET_SIZE), 0);
- $self->fh->print( $key . pack($LONG_PACK, $old_subloc || $self->root->{end}) );
+ seek($fh, $offset + ($k * $BUCKET_SIZE), 0);
+ $fh->print( $key . pack($LONG_PACK, $old_subloc || $self->root->{end}) );
} # k loop
else {
$offsets[$num] = $self->root->{end};
- seek($self->fh, $index_tag->{offset} + ($num * $LONG_SIZE), 0);
- $self->fh->print( pack($LONG_PACK, $self->root->{end}) );
+ seek($fh, $index_tag->{offset} + ($num * $LONG_SIZE), 0);
+ $fh->print( pack($LONG_PACK, $self->root->{end}) );
my $blist_tag = $self->_create_tag($self->root->{end}, SIG_BLIST, chr(0) x $BUCKET_LIST_SIZE);
- seek($self->fh, $blist_tag->{offset}, 0);
- $self->fh->print( $key . pack($LONG_PACK, $old_subloc || $self->root->{end}) );
+ seek($fh, $blist_tag->{offset}, 0);
+ $fh->print( $key . pack($LONG_PACK, $old_subloc || $self->root->{end}) );
} # key is real
} # i loop
if ($location) {
my $content_length;
- seek($self->fh, $location, 0);
+ seek($fh, $location, 0);
# Write signature based on content type, set content length and write actual value.
my $r = Scalar::Util::reftype($value) || '';
if ($r eq 'HASH') {
- $self->fh->print( TYPE_HASH );
- $self->fh->print( pack($DATA_LENGTH_PACK, $INDEX_SIZE) . chr(0) x $INDEX_SIZE );
+ $fh->print( TYPE_HASH );
+ $fh->print( pack($DATA_LENGTH_PACK, $INDEX_SIZE) . chr(0) x $INDEX_SIZE );
$content_length = $INDEX_SIZE;
elsif ($r eq 'ARRAY') {
- $self->fh->print( TYPE_ARRAY );
- $self->fh->print( pack($DATA_LENGTH_PACK, $INDEX_SIZE) . chr(0) x $INDEX_SIZE );
+ $fh->print( TYPE_ARRAY );
+ $fh->print( pack($DATA_LENGTH_PACK, $INDEX_SIZE) . chr(0) x $INDEX_SIZE );
$content_length = $INDEX_SIZE;
elsif (!defined($value)) {
- $self->fh->print( SIG_NULL );
- $self->fh->print( pack($DATA_LENGTH_PACK, 0) );
+ $fh->print( SIG_NULL );
+ $fh->print( pack($DATA_LENGTH_PACK, 0) );
$content_length = 0;
else {
- $self->fh->print( SIG_DATA );
- $self->fh->print( pack($DATA_LENGTH_PACK, length($value)) . $value );
+ $fh->print( SIG_DATA );
+ $fh->print( pack($DATA_LENGTH_PACK, length($value)) . $value );
$content_length = length($value);
# Plain key is stored AFTER value, as keys are typically fetched less often.
- $self->fh->print( pack($DATA_LENGTH_PACK, length($plain_key)) . $plain_key );
+ $fh->print( pack($DATA_LENGTH_PACK, length($plain_key)) . $plain_key );
# If value is blessed, preserve class name
# Blessed ref -- will restore later
- $self->fh->print( chr(1) );
- $self->fh->print( pack($DATA_LENGTH_PACK, length($value_class)) . $value_class );
+ $fh->print( chr(1) );
+ $fh->print( pack($DATA_LENGTH_PACK, length($value_class)) . $value_class );
$content_length += 1;
$content_length += $DATA_LENGTH_SIZE + length($value_class);
else {
- $self->fh->print( chr(0) );
+ $fh->print( chr(0) );
$content_length += 1;
my $self = shift;
my ($tag, $md5) = @_;
my $keys = $tag->{content};
+ my $fh = $self->fh;
# Iterate through buckets, looking for a key match
# Found match -- seek to offset and read signature
my $signature;
- seek($self->fh, $subloc, 0);
- read( $self->fh, $signature, SIG_SIZE);
+ seek($fh, $subloc, 0);
+ read( $fh, $signature, SIG_SIZE);
# If value is a hash or array, return new DeepDB object with correct offset
# Skip over value and plain key to see if object needs
# to be re-blessed
- seek($self->fh, $DATA_LENGTH_SIZE + $INDEX_SIZE, 1);
+ seek($fh, $DATA_LENGTH_SIZE + $INDEX_SIZE, 1);
my $size;
- read( $self->fh, $size, $DATA_LENGTH_SIZE); $size = unpack($DATA_LENGTH_PACK, $size);
- if ($size) { seek($self->fh, $size, 1); }
+ read( $fh, $size, $DATA_LENGTH_SIZE); $size = unpack($DATA_LENGTH_PACK, $size);
+ if ($size) { seek($fh, $size, 1); }
my $bless_bit;
- read( $self->fh, $bless_bit, 1);
+ read( $fh, $bless_bit, 1);
if (ord($bless_bit)) {
# Yes, object needs to be re-blessed
my $class_name;
- read( $self->fh, $size, $DATA_LENGTH_SIZE); $size = unpack($DATA_LENGTH_PACK, $size);
- if ($size) { read( $self->fh, $class_name, $size); }
+ read( $fh, $size, $DATA_LENGTH_SIZE); $size = unpack($DATA_LENGTH_PACK, $size);
+ if ($size) { read( $fh, $class_name, $size); }
if ($class_name) { $obj = bless( $obj, $class_name ); }
elsif ($signature eq SIG_DATA) {
my $size;
my $value = '';
- read( $self->fh, $size, $DATA_LENGTH_SIZE); $size = unpack($DATA_LENGTH_PACK, $size);
- if ($size) { read( $self->fh, $value, $size); }
+ read( $fh, $size, $DATA_LENGTH_SIZE); $size = unpack($DATA_LENGTH_PACK, $size);
+ if ($size) { read( $fh, $value, $size); }
return $value;
my $self = shift;
my ($tag, $md5) = @_;
my $keys = $tag->{content};
+ my $fh = $self->fh;
# Iterate through buckets, looking for a key match
# Matched key -- delete bucket and return
- seek($self->fh, $tag->{offset} + ($i * $BUCKET_SIZE), 0);
- $self->fh->print( substr($keys, ($i+1) * $BUCKET_SIZE ) );
- $self->fh->print( chr(0) x $BUCKET_SIZE );
+ seek($fh, $tag->{offset} + ($i * $BUCKET_SIZE), 0);
+ $fh->print( substr($keys, ($i+1) * $BUCKET_SIZE ) );
+ $fh->print( chr(0) x $BUCKET_SIZE );
return 1;
} # i loop
$force_return_next = undef unless $force_return_next;
my $tag = $self->_load_tag( $offset );
+ my $fh = $self->fh;
if ($tag->{signature} ne SIG_BLIST) {
my $content = $tag->{content};
# Seek to bucket location and skip over signature
- seek($self->fh, $subloc + SIG_SIZE, 0);
+ seek($fh, $subloc + SIG_SIZE, 0);
# Skip over value to get to plain key
my $size;
- read( $self->fh, $size, $DATA_LENGTH_SIZE); $size = unpack($DATA_LENGTH_PACK, $size);
- if ($size) { seek($self->fh, $size, 1); }
+ read( $fh, $size, $DATA_LENGTH_SIZE); $size = unpack($DATA_LENGTH_PACK, $size);
+ if ($size) { seek($fh, $size, 1); }
# Read in plain key and return as scalar
my $plain_key;
- read( $self->fh, $size, $DATA_LENGTH_SIZE); $size = unpack($DATA_LENGTH_PACK, $size);
- if ($size) { read( $self->fh, $plain_key, $size); }
+ read( $fh, $size, $DATA_LENGTH_SIZE); $size = unpack($DATA_LENGTH_PACK, $size);
+ if ($size) { read( $fh, $plain_key, $size); }
return $plain_key;
if (!defined($self->fh) && !$self->_open()) {
+ my $fh = $self->fh;
# Request exclusive lock for writing
# DB instance appended to our file while we were unlocked.
if ($self->root->{locking} || $self->root->{volatile}) {
- $self->root->{end} = (stat($self->fh))[7];
+ $self->root->{end} = (stat($fh))[7];
my $new_tag = $self->_index_lookup($tag, $num);
if (!$new_tag) {
my $ref_loc = $tag->{offset} + ($num * $LONG_SIZE);
- seek($self->fh, $ref_loc, 0);
- $self->fh->print( pack($LONG_PACK, $self->root->{end}) );
+ seek($fh, $ref_loc, 0);
+ $fh->print( pack($LONG_PACK, $self->root->{end}) );
$tag = $self->_create_tag($self->root->{end}, SIG_BLIST, chr(0) x $BUCKET_LIST_SIZE);
$tag->{ref_loc} = $ref_loc;