package Foo;
- use metaclass 'MooseX::MetaDescription::Meta::Class';
use Moose;
- __PACKAGE__->meta->description->{'Hello'} = 'World';
has 'bar' => (
metaclass => 'MooseX::MetaDescription::Meta::Attribute',
is => 'ro',
isa => 'Str',
- default => sub { 'Foo::bar' },
+ default => sub { Bar->new() },
description => {
- baz => 'Foo::bar::baz',
+ node_type => 'element',
-MooseX::MetaDescription allows you to add arbitrary out of band metadata to your Moose classes and attributes.
+MooseX::MetaDescription allows you to add arbitrary out of band metadata to your Moose classes and attributes. This will allow you to
+track out of band data along with attributes, which is very useful for say serializing Moose classes in HTML or XML.
=head1 METHODS