next if $reading->name eq $reading->label;
# TODO output readings or segments, but not both
next if $reading->class eq 'node.segment';
- $dot .= sprintf( "\t\"%s\" [ label=\"%s\" ]\n", $reading->name, $reading->label );
+ $dot .= sprintf( "\t\"%s\" [ label=\"%s\" ];\n", $reading->name, $reading->label );
my @edges = $view eq 'relationship' ? $self->relationships : $self->paths;
'label' => $edge->label,
my $varopts = join( ', ', map { $_.'="'.$variables{$_}.'"' } sort keys %variables );
- $dot .= sprintf( "\t\"%s\" -> \"%s\" [ %s ]\n",
+ $dot .= sprintf( "\t\"%s\" -> \"%s\" [ %s ];\n",
$edge->from->name, $edge->to->name, $varopts );
$dot .= "}\n";
my $parser = XML::LibXML->new();
my $doc = $parser->parse_string( $xml_str );
my $tei = $doc->documentElement();
- $xpc = XML::LibXML::XPathContext->new( $tei );
+ my $xpc = XML::LibXML::XPathContext->new( $tei );
$xpc->registerNs( 'tei', '' );
# Then get the witnesses and create the witness objects.
foreach my $wit_el ( $xpc->findnodes( '//tei:listWit/tei:witness' ) ) {
my $sig = $wit_el->getAttribute( 'xml:id' );
- my $source = $wit_el->toString(); # Save all the XML info we have
+ my $source = $wit_el->toString();
$tradition->add_witness( sigil => $sig, source => $source );
# Now go through the text and make the tokens.
# Assume for now that each word is tokenized in the XML.
my $text = {};
- map { $text->{$_->sigil} = [ $tradition->start ] } @{$tradition->witnesses};
+ map { $text->{$_->sigil} = [] } @{$tradition->witnesses};
+ my $word_ctr = 0;
+ my %used_word_ids;
foreach my $word_el ( $xpc->findnodes( '//tei:w|tei:seg' ) ) {
# If it is contained within a lem or a rdg, look at those witnesses.
# Otherwise it is common to all witnesses.
# Also common if it is the only lem/rdg within its app.
# Thus we are assuming non-nested apps.
- my $node_id = $word_el->getAttribute( 'xml:id' );
my $parent_rdg = $xpc->find( 'parent::tei:lem|parent::tei:rdg', $word_el );
my @wits = get_sigla( $parent_rdg );
- @wits = map { $_->sigil } @{$tradition->witnesses} unless $wits;
- # TODO Create the node
- my $reading = $word_el->textContent();
- # TODO Figure out if it is a common node
+ @wits = map { $_->sigil } @{$tradition->witnesses} unless @wits;
+ # Create the node
+ my $reading = make_reading( $tradition->collation, $word_el );
+ # Figure out if it is a common node, that is, if it is outside an apparatus
+ # or the only rdg in an apparatus
+ my $common = 1;
+ if( $xpc->findnodes( 'ancestor::tei:app', $word_el ) ) {
+ # If we are in an app we are not a common node...
+ $common = 0;
+ if( $xpc->findnodes( 'ancestor::tei:app/tei:rdg' )->size == 1 ) {
+ # unless we are the only reading in the app.
+ $common = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ $reading->make_common if $common;
foreach my $sig ( @wits ) {
push( @{$text->{$sig}}, $reading );
+ $DB::single = 1;
# Now we have the text paths through the witnesses, so we can make
# the edges.
+ my $end = $tradition->collation->add_reading( '#END#' );
+ foreach my $sigil ( keys %$text ) {
+ my @nodes = @{$text->{$sigil}};
+ my $source = $tradition->collation->start;
+ foreach my $n ( @nodes ) {
+ # print STDERR sprintf( "Joining %s -> %s for wit %s\n", $source->text, $n->text, $sigil );
+ $tradition->collation->add_path( $source, $n, $sigil );
+ $source = $n;
+ }
+ $tradition->collation->add_path( $source, $end, $sigil );
+ }
# TODO think about relationships, transpositions, etc.
my @wits;
if( ref( $rdg ) eq 'XML::LibXML::Element' ) {
- @wits = split( /\s+/, $rdg->get_attribute( 'wit' ) );
+ @wits = split( /\s+/, $rdg->getAttribute( 'wit' ) );
map { $_ =~ s/^\#// } @wits;
return @wits;
+ my $word_ctr = 0;
+ my %used_nodeids;
+ sub make_reading {
+ my( $graph, $word_el) = @_;
+ my $xml_id = $word_el->getAttribute( 'xml:id' );
+ if( $xml_id && exists $used_nodeids{$xml_id} ) {
+ warn "Already used assigned ID $xml_id";
+ $xml_id = undef;
+ }
+ if( !$xml_id ) {
+ until( $xml_id ) {
+ my $try_id = 'w'.$word_ctr++;
+ next if exists $used_nodeids{$try_id};
+ $xml_id = $try_id;
+ }
+ }
+ my $rdg = $graph->add_reading( $xml_id );
+ $rdg->text( $word_el->textContent() );
+ $used_nodeids{$xml_id} = $rdg;
+ return $rdg;
+ }
my $self = shift;
if( $self->has_source ) {
# Read the file and initialize the text.
- open( WITNESS, $self->source ) or die "Could not open "
- . $self->file . "for reading";
- # TODO support TEI as well as plaintext, sometime
- my @words;
- while(<WITNESS>) {
- chomp;
- push( @words, split( /\s+/, $_ ) );
- }
- close WITNESS;
- $self->text( \@words );
+ my $rc;
+ eval { no warnings; $rc = open( WITNESS, $self->source ); };
+ # If we didn't open a file, assume it is a string.
+ if( $rc ) {
+ my @words;
+ while(<WITNESS>) {
+ chomp;
+ push( @words, split( /\s+/, $_ ) );
+ }
+ close WITNESS;
+ $self->text( \@words );
+ } # else the text is in the source string, probably
+ # XML, and we are doing nothing with it.