$ fatpack tree `cat packlists`
$ fatpack file myscript.pl >myscript.packed.pl
-See the documentation for the L<fatpack> script itself for more information.
+Each command is designed to be simple and self-contained so that you can modify
+the input/output of each step as needed. See the documentation for the
+L<fatpack> script itself for more information.
The programmatic API for this code is not yet fully decided, hence the 0.x
release version. Expect that to be cleaned up for 1.0.
+=head1 CAVEATS
+As dependency module code is copied into the resulting file as text, only
+pure-perl dependencies can be packed, not compiled XS code.
+The currently-installed dependencies to pack are found via F<.packlist> files,
+which are generally only included in non-core distributions that were installed
+by a CPAN installer. This is a feature; see L<fatpack/packlists-for> for
+details. (a notable exception to this is FreeBSD, which, since its packaging
+system is designed to work equivalently to a source install, does preserve
+the packlist files)
=head1 SEE ALSO
L<article for Perl Advent 2012|http://www.perladvent.org/2012/2012-12-14.html>
+L<pp> - PAR Packager, a much more complex architecture-dependent packer that
+can pack compiled code and even a Perl interpreter
=head1 SUPPORT
Bugs may be submitted through L<the RT bug tracker|https://rt.cpan.org/Public/Dist/Display.html?Name=App-FatPacker>