--- /dev/null
+#!/usr/bin/env perl
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More;
+use Test::Fatal;
+use Moo::Object;
+# See RT#84615
+ok( Moo::Object->can('meta'), 'Moo::Object can meta');
+is( exception { Moo::Object->meta->can('can') } , undef, "Moo::Object->meta->can doesn't explode" );
+ package Example;
+ use base 'Moo::Object';
+ok( Example->can('meta'), 'Example can meta');
+is( exception { Example->meta->can('can') } , undef, "Example->meta->can doesn't explode" );
+# Haarg++ noting that previously, this *also* would have died due to its absence from %Moo::Makers;
+ package Example_2;
+ use Moo;
+ has 'attr' => ( is => ro =>, );
+ $INC{'Example_2.pm'} = 1;
+ package Example_3;
+ use base "Example_2";
+ok( Example_2->can('meta'), 'Example_2 can meta') and subtest meta_checks_for_Example_2 => sub {
+ return unless ok( Example_2->meta->can('get_all_attributes'), 'Example_2 meta can get_all_attributes' );
+ my (@attributes) = Example_2->meta->get_all_attributes;
+ is( scalar @attributes, 1, 'Has one attribute' );
+ok( Example_3->can('meta'), 'Example_3 can meta') and subtest meta_checks_for_Example_3 => sub {
+ return unless is( exception { Example_3->meta->can('can') } , undef, "Example_3->meta->can doesn't explode" );
+ return unless ok( Example_3->meta->can('get_all_attributes'), 'Example_3 meta can get_all_attributes' );
+ my (@attributes) = Example_3->meta->get_all_attributes;
+ is( scalar @attributes, 1, 'Has one attribute' );