Message-ID: <>
p4raw-id: //depot/perl@10263
=head1 Core Enhancements
-=head1 AUTOLOAD Is Now Lvaluable
+=head2 AUTOLOAD Is Now Lvaluable
AUTOLOAD is now lvaluable, meaning that you can add the :lvalue attribute
to AUTOLOAD subroutines and you can assign to the AUTOLOAD return value.
Tells an SV that it is a string and disables all other OK bits,
and leaves the UTF8 status as it was.
void SvPOK_only_UTF8(SV* sv)
=for hackers
=for apidoc Am|void|SvPOK_only_UTF8|SV* sv
Tells an SV that it is a string and disables all other OK bits,
and leaves the UTF8 status as it was.