# requires some adaption on the part of
# the author, after all, nothing is free)
- my @DEMOLISH_methods = $self->associated_metaclass->find_all_methods_by_name('DEMOLISH');
- my $source;
- $source = 'sub {' . "\n";
- $source .= 'my $self = shift;' . "\n";
- $source .= 'return $self->Moose::Object::DESTROY(@_)' . "\n";
- $source .= ' if Scalar::Util::blessed($self) ne ';
- $source .= "'" . $self->associated_metaclass->name . "'";
- $source .= ';' . "\n";
- if ( @DEMOLISH_methods ) {
- $source .= 'local $?;' . "\n";
- $source .= 'my $in_global_destruction = Devel::GlobalDestruction::in_global_destruction;' . "\n";
- $source .= 'Try::Tiny::try {' . "\n";
- $source .= '$self->' . $_->{class} . '::DEMOLISH($in_global_destruction);' . "\n"
- for @DEMOLISH_methods;
- $source .= '}';
- $source .= q[ Try::Tiny::catch { no warnings 'misc'; die $_ };] . "\n";
- $source .= 'return;' . "\n";
- }
- $source .= '}';
- warn $source if $self->options->{debug};
+ my $class = $self->associated_metaclass->name;
+ my @source = (
+ 'sub {',
+ 'my $self = shift;',
+ 'return ' . $self->_generate_fallback_destructor('$self'),
+ 'if Scalar::Util::blessed($self) ne \'' . $class . '\';',
+ $self->_generate_DEMOLISHALL('$self'),
+ '}',
+ );
+ warn join("\n", @source) if $self->options->{debug};
my $code = try {
- $self->_compile_code(source => $source);
+ $self->_compile_code(source => \@source);
catch {
+ my $source = join("\n", @source);
"Could not eval the destructor :\n\n$source\n\nbecause :\n\n$_",
error => $_,
$self->{'body'} = $code;
+sub _generate_fallback_destructor {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ($inv) = @_;
+ return $inv . '->Moose::Object::DESTROY(@_)';
+sub _generate_DEMOLISHALL {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ($inv) = @_;
+ my @methods = $self->associated_metaclass->find_all_methods_by_name('DEMOLISH');
+ return unless @methods;
+ return (
+ 'local $?;',
+ 'my $igd = Devel::GlobalDestruction::in_global_destruction;',
+ 'Try::Tiny::try {',
+ (map { $inv . '->' . $_->{class} . '::DEMOLISH($igd);' } @methods),
+ '}',
+ 'Try::Tiny::catch {',
+ 'no warnings \'misc\';',
+ 'die $_;',
+ '};',
+ 'return;',
+ );