is( scalar $t->collation->paths, 361, "Collation has all paths" );
+# Try to re-parse it, ensure we can use the parser twice in the same Perl
+# invocation
+my $t2 = Text::Tradition->new(
+ 'name' => 'inline',
+ 'input' => 'TEI',
+ 'file' => $par_seg,
+ );
+is( ref( $t2 ), 'Text::Tradition', "Parsed parallel-segmentation TEI again" );
=end testing
# Would really like to do this with varname variables, but apparently this
# is considered a bad idea. The long way round then.
- = ( 'listWit', 'witness', 'text', 'w', 'seg', 'app', 'rdg', 'lem' );
sub _make_tagnames {
my( $ns ) = @_;
+ = ( 'listWit', 'witness', 'text', 'w', 'seg', 'app', 'rdg', 'lem' );
if( $ns ) {
is( scalar $t->collation->readings, 311, "Collation has all readings" );
is( scalar $t->collation->paths, 361, "Collation has all paths" );
+# Try to re-parse it, ensure we can use the parser twice in the same Perl
+# invocation
+my $t2 = Text::Tradition->new(
+ 'name' => 'inline',
+ 'input' => 'TEI',
+ 'file' => $par_seg,
+ );
+is( ref( $t2 ), 'Text::Tradition', "Parsed parallel-segmentation TEI again" );